Pour la république, 2e partie

Pour la république, 2e partie est une quête principale dans Fallout: New Vegas.

Pour la république, 2e partie
Résoudre les problèmes de la RNC
Donnée par
RNC - Notoriété
Form ID
Quêtes associées
Oh, papa
Le peu que nous sachions
Dans les ténèbres
Pour la république, 2e partie
Illustration du succès sur Steam.

Terminer Pour la république, 2e partie
Type de trophée

« J'ai reçu un message du colonel Moore, au barrage Hoover. Elle a suivi vos exploits et a demandé à vous rencontrer. Vous n'êtes pas officiellement au service de la RNC et je ne peux donc vous y contraindre, mais je vous invite à aller la voir rapidement. »

— Dennis Crocker


Même si le Courrier a traité des problèmes que la République de Nouvelle Californie avait dans Freeside, le Mojave est bien plus grand que cela. Le Colonel Cassandra Moore a besoin de l'aide du Courrier pour parcourir la région et prendre en charge certains des problèmes de la RNC.


Après avoir complété les deux premières quêtes de la RNC, Des trucs qui explosent et Gambit du roi, Dennis Crocker invite le Courrier à se rendre au barrage Hoover pour y rencontrer le Colonel Moore.

Les Grands Khans

Les Grands Khans sont un groupe de pillards violents et coriaces qui en veulent à la RNC. Le Courrier peut les amener à coopérer en leur proposant simplement une trêve.

Le Colonel Moore demandera au Courrier de détruire les Grands Khans. Il est possible d'accepter la tâche, ou la rejeter et adopter une approche plus diplomatique.

Après cette conversation, rendez-vous à la base des Grands Khans dans le Red Rock Canyon, puis entrez dans la maison longue du Grand Khan, qui se trouve au sommet d'une falaise, sur la droite en entrant dans le camp, et le seul bâtiment sans tente.

Une fois à l'intérieur, il est possible d'attaquer Papa Khan. Les autres Khans présents deviendront hostiles. Le Courrier devra alors éliminer au moins 15 autres Grands Khans pour terminer la quête.

Alternativement, il est possible de compléter Oh, papa (cette option n'est pas disponible si l'on a terminé cette quête avant de commencer Pour la République, partie 2; voir les notes). Parlez à Papa Khan dans la maison longue, puis parlez à Regis, qui est assis à côté de lui. Après lui avoir parlé à l'intérieur du bâtiment, sortez et il abordera le personnage du joueur, lui disant que s'il parvient à convaincre les membres influents des Grands Khans de rompre l'alliance avec César, ils pourraient convaincre, à leur tour, Papa Khan de le faire. Accepter son offre commence la quête. Une autre résolution de Oh, papa consiste à assassiner Papa Khan. Le personnage du joueur devra d'abord parler au colonel Moore avant d'effectuer l'assassinat.

Après avoir tué tous les Khans ou terminé Oh, papa, retournez voir le Colonel Moore et informez-la que les Khans sont soit détruits, quittant le Mojave, planifiant une mission suicide lors de la bataille finale, ou prêts à s'allier avec la RNC.

Si les Grands Khans acceptent d'aider la RNC et que l'on n'en a pas parlé au Colonel Moore, alors les Khans et la RNC peuvent s'affronter.

Terminer cette partie de la quête fera gagner au Courrier de l'infâmie auprès de la Légion, mais peut-être pas assez pour être rétrogradé au statut de "rejeté". Cela lancera également la quête Gare à la colère de Caesar !.


Après s'être occupé des Grands Khans, le Colonel Moore fait état des relations de la RNC avec l'Omerta pour entamer la quête Le peu que nous sachions, et demander au Courrier d'enquêter sur le silence prolongé des familles du Strip (si le personnage du joueur voyage avec un compagnon et qu'il l'amène au Gomorrah ou le laisse dehors, il perdra les armes qu'il portait après sa sortie).


La secrétaire Liza O'Malley, de l'ambassade de la RNC, demandera au personnage du joueur de rencontrer la réceptionniste du Gomorrah. Cette dernière dit qu'il faut s'adresser à Cachino. Après avoir parlé avec lui, le Courrier doit trouver des informations à utiliser contre lui.

Le journal de Cachino peut lui être volé à la tire, avec une compétence de furtivité suffisamment élevée (ou en utilisant un Stealth Boy). Le journal peut également être récupéré sur le bureau de Cachino, dans sa chambre des suites du Gomorrah. En parlant à la réceptionniste, il est possible d'obtenir une clé de la chambre de Cachino pour un montant de 300 caps, gratuite avec un contrôle de Force de 8, ou 200 capsules avec un contrôle de troc de 55.

Il faut ensuite confronter Cachino à propos du contenu du journal. Il donnera au Courrier des informations sur les Omertas et lui recommandera de parler à Troike ou à Clanden. En réussissant un contrôle de troc de 60, on peut convaincre Cachino de payer 200 caps (le personnage du joueur peut ensuite convaincre Cachino de payer 100 caps en plus).

Si la première étape de la quête est contournée (en parlant à la secrétaire Liza O'Malley) et en parlant directement à la réceptionniste, un bug peut être introduit rendant impossible la réalisation de cette quête. Cependant, cela peut être contré en tuant Clanden ou en parlant au colonel Moore qui s'enquiert des progrès du Courrier avec les Omertas. Découvrir la spécialité de Clanden est un objectif non facultatif après avoir parlé à Cachino, le tuer faisant échouer la quête Le peu que nous sachions mais permet à cette quête de progresser.


Parler à Troike et mentionner Cachino. Il faut ensuite convaincre Troike d'aider à éliminer les Omertas. Si le personnage réussit le contrôle de discours de 80, il peut mentir à Troike pour le convaincre (cela entraînera une perte de Karma). Troike dira au joueur qu'il ne peut pas l'aider tant que sa dette auprès de Big Sal n'est pas réglée. En réussissant un contrôle de troc de 45, ou un contrôle de discours de 53, Big Sal peut être convaincu de régler la dette. Une autre option consiste à se rendre au Bureau de Big Sal, dans le club Zoara, et à pirater le terminal ou à crocheter la serrure du coffre-fort. Le mot de passe du terminal de Big Sal peut lui être volé.

Finalement, Troike suggérera d'utiliser la thermite pour détruire la cache d'armes des Omertas. En réussissant un contrôle de Discours de 70, le Courrier peut convaincre Troike de planter lui-même la thermite. Il réussira, mais sera pris sur le fait par les Omertas et tué. Si le Courrier accepte la tâche, Troike lui donnera la thermite pour la placer. La thermite est allumée à l'aide du détonateur situé sur le mur, près de la porte de la cache d'armes.

Une fois cela fait, retourner voir Cachino pour l'informer de la destruction des armes.

Les boss

Le Courrier va désormais être informé qu'il va falloir « composer avec » les patrons de Gomorrah. En réussissant un contrôle de Discours de 80, il peut convaincre Cachino de s'occuper lui-même des boss. Dans le cas contraire, il recevra un fusil à canon scié pour aider Cachino dans sa bataille contre les boss.

Alternativement, en réussissant un contrôle de Discours, puis en mentant, le personnage du joueur peut convaincre les boss de s'attaquer les uns les autres. Une fois les patrons éliminés, retournez voir Moore.


  • Compléter cette partie de la série de quêtes provoquera l'échec des quêtes Gare à la colère de Caesar !, Rendre à Caesar, Je vous entends frapper, Outil de Caesar et Faveur de Caesar.
  • Si les chefs de l'Omerta ont été tués durant Le peu que nous sachions, cette partie de la quête peut être évitée.
  • Si les Omerta ont déjà été aidés dans leur plan, il y a un contrôle de Discours pour mentir à Moore et lui dire que les Omerta prévoient d'attaquer New Reno.
  • Si l'on ne veut pas faire cette quête, il faut simplement éliminer Big Sal et/ou Nero. Cela complètera cette partie de Pour la République et octroiera 275 XP. Retournez voir le colonel Moore et mentez sur les plans de l'Omerta (Discours 70). Soyez averti que tous les hommes de main de l'Omerta deviendront hostiles et attaqueront le personnage du joueur. Les barmans et les joueurs deviendront également hostiles, mais ils n'attaqueront que s'ils sont touchés, courant simplement partout en essayant de se cacher. Tuer les hommes de main de l'Omerta attribuera un bon Karma au Courrier tandis que tuer les joueurs, les barmans ou les prostituées attribuera un mauvais Karma et augmentera également l'infâmie auprès du Strip.

Mr. House

Colonel Moore will advise the Courier that she wants Mr. House out of the picture.

Return to the Lucky 38 and take the elevator to the penthouse level, then use a terminal to the left of Mr. House to open the antechamber. To do this the player character will need 75 Science, the Lucky 38 VIP keycard (which can be found on Chief Hanlon's desk in Camp Golf or in H&H Tools factory), or the platinum chip. Doing so will result in all the Securitrons in Mr. House's suite becoming hostile. Upon completing this task will cause the quest The House Always Wins to fail. However, if The House Always Wins II or beyond has been completed, then one elects to kill Mr. House for the sake of the For the Republic questline, Do not interact with Jane or Mr. House himself at any point before opening the antechamber door. Otherwise, NCR Infamy will be awarded. This can potentially cause For the Republic and Don't Tread on the Bear to fail. If the player character is fast enough they won't need to deal with the Securitrons

Enter the antechamber, and activate the terminal near the elevator to unlock the elevator to the control room. Activate the terminal in the control room, and choose to "Unseal LS chamber" to expose Mr. House's body. Go behind the terminal and speak with Mr. House

Return to the control room terminal and select an option. Doing so will result in failing The House Has Gone Bust!, and all options result in Negative Karma:

  • Disable Cerebral Interface: Disconnects Mr. House, but keep him alive and practically brain dead.
  • Kill Mr. House (note that if the player has the Gun Runners' Arsenal add-on installed, doing this with a 9 iron or Nephi's golf driver will award 500 additional XP.)
  • Sterilize the LS Chamber: Will yield the same result as the above option however will lead to a possibly more gruesome and violent death, with Mr. House being overloaded with electricity and most of his body exploding.

Take the elevator back to Mr. House's suite and return to Moore at the Hoover Dam. The Courier will receive 200 XP and gain NCR fame (The Securitrons will no longer attack upon returning to the penthouse).

Immediately after House has been dealt with, all Securitrons in the Lucky 38 will become passive, this also means that Jane will no longer be able to be interacted with and any Snow globes currently in the player's inventory will be nonredeemable.

Brotherhood of Steel

Travel to the Hidden Valley bunker at Hidden Valley. From here there are two routes, depending on the player character's reputation with the Brotherhood of Steel.

Positive reputation with the Brotherhood

If Still in the Dark has been completed, and McNamara remains Elder, a truce can be signed between the Brotherhood and the NCR. Go to McNamara and tell him the NCR wants them destroyed, he will then offer a truce. Return to Colonel Moore and speak to her about the offered truce. Doing so will complete the quest and begin You'll Know It When It Happens, but will earn the player minor infamy with the NCR. This method should work if the player character has completed all main BoS quests as well. Note: If one chooses to help usurp McNamara, they will be unable to broker a treaty.

It is possible that the player character will not be able to initiate dialogue with Elder McNamara if one is in between Still in the Dark and Eyesight to the Blind. If this is the case one may need to exit the bunker and wait for 2–3 days in order to be able to get any other dialogue than McNamara being "too busy to talk".

No previous reputation with the Brotherhood

If the Courier has not interacted with the Brotherhood of Steel, they must go through an orientation by convincing Dobson, a ranger in an adjacent bunker to leave, or enter the bunker with Veronica in their party. Alternatively, if one wishes to avoid going through the orientation to convince Dobson to leave, walk into the Brotherhood of Steel bunker, the doors will open. At this point, back up. As the Brotherhood of Steel member slowly walks toward the player character, it is possible to walk around the very large crates in the room and avoid talking to him. Then, walk straight down to the bunker. The Courier will still be confronted by the next knight, however, but they will have all their gear and companions. Choosing to fight him will be easy if one has two companions. Here it is possible to hack the terminal, making the turrets attack the BoS. Proceed to finish the rest of the BoS and take the keycards from 3 members (Elder, Head Scribe, Head Paladin.) This will allow the player character to set the bunker to explode (the knights who were supposed to be confronted but avoided by going around the crates will no longer be outside when escaping). Killing the first knight along with others is also an option, albeit more challenging.

Waiting until late at night will cause several Brotherhood paladins to spawn at which point a player character with even a moderately high Sneak skill can pick one of the paladins' pockets to acquire a keycard to the bunker (no Karma loss will be suffered). Putting on a Stealth Boy before talking to the paladin at the entrance will mean he initiates a dialogue with the character anyway. However, refusing to hand over one's weapons will turn the Brotherhood hostile but the paladins will not see the player character upon closing dialogue so long as they are sneaking. Quickly heading down to the second level of the bunker and killing one of the Brotherhood scribes quietly will allow the Courier to use the scribe's robes as a disguise which automatically resets Brotherhood reputation to neutral. Depending on one's Sneak skill they can go on to either pickpocket or kill all non-player characters necessary for acquiring all the cards for the self-destruct sequence. this tactic becomes viable due to the fact that while the self-destruct sequence is active the Brotherhood will not fire upon the player character since they are still disguised as a scribe. Also, note that certain higher up Brotherhood members (i.e. elder) will see through the disguise regardless.

  • If Veronica is in the Courier's party, the Brotherhood will not be hostile even if the player character is dressed as an NCR member.
  • If the Ranger is warned in any way about the Brotherhood, the Brotherhood will become hostile and enter the bunker to kill the player character.
  • If reputation with the NCR is too low, Dobson will not talk to the Courier and one will either have to take all the supplies and smash the radio in the bunker that Dobson is staying in or kill him. His radio can also be rigged to explode.
  • One does not need to blow up the Brotherhood Of Steel bunker; killing all the members will work but the self destruct is arguably easier as it eliminates everyone in the bunker without question.
Find the keycards

After the Courier has gained the Brotherhood's trust, they can enter their bunker. Once they have access to the bunker, they will need to steal 3 keycards from 3 main personnel (elder, head scribe, and head paladin) in order to get the password for the self-destruct sequence or have a Science skill of 100, at the same time they can look for a bunker key for their escape later on. It is suggested that one saves before stealing from each character in order to avoid killing for the keycard if they catch the Courier stealing. One needs to go level L2 of the bunker, where they can find Elder McNamara, Head Paladin Hardin (Or Head Paladin Ramos based on certain choices) and Head Scribe Taggart. Head right, where one can find McNamara, who is the easiest to steal from. His keycard can be stolen when he is sitting in his chair. Hardin can be found to the left of this room in one of the three bedrooms. He will be in the room sleeping, standing, or working on his computer. Crouch, wait until one is hidden and then steal his keycard. Go back towards the door to L1 and go all the way up the left hallway this time. At the end is the self-destruction room, where one will also find Taggart. For Taggart, one may need a Stealth Boy as the only time one can steal his card is when the Melissa Watkins' view is blocked by the tower in the middle of the room. If Cassidy is a follower then she will talk to the Watkins in the room, when she is distracted the player character can swipe his card. However, if all cards aren't collected, access will be denied.

If one is unable or does not want to waste time pickpocketing the cards and their Science skill is very high, one can simply hack the Very Hard terminal to start the self-destruct sequence.

Activate the self-destruct sequence

Once the Courier has all keycards, return to the room where Lars Taggart is and obtain the password from the Override Code Generator terminal (green) next to the actual self-destruct terminal (blue). Now use the code on the self-destruct terminal to destroy the bunker. After activating the self-destruct sequence with the password, the Courier will instantly gain a Vilified reputation with the Brotherhood. Before beginning the sequence, be sure to pickpocket the guards protecting the Elder on the other side of L2 and steal a key to be able to leave the bunker. If one does not steal the key, they must pick the lock on the final door, which requires a Lockpick skill of 100. Now begin the sequence and go to L1.

After leaving the bunker, the bunker will explode and there is a chance that there will be five paladins waiting to kill the player character before they can return to Colonel Moore.


Alternatively, the Courier can kill everyone inside the bunker, after which they will get the message that the quest is complete. An easy way to clear level one is to go to the office on the left and kill Paladin Ramos. Then with a Science skill of 75 or more, hack the computer on the wall and set the turrets to attack registered Brotherhood personnel. This will take care of almost everyone on level one. Continue to level two and finish off the rest.

It is possible to only kill the named characters in the bunker to complete this quest.

Modèle:See also

Protecting President Kimball

Moore wants the Courier to talk to Ranger Grant about protecting President Kimball during his visit to Hoover Dam. One must now complete You'll Know It When It Happens, and return to Moore accepting to fight for the NCR. A marker will say to go directly to the stage after talking to Moore. If the Courier stays on the stage or goes near the Veteran Rangers, NCR will shoot at them (even with "full access"). the options are as follows:

  1. Stay near the back until a suspicious character dressed as an NCR engineer enters the area, then crouch behind him. Pickpocketing him reveals that he has a failsafe explosive device. The player character has the option to then take the device back to Grant. Once this is done Grant will tell them that his rangers will deal with him, however, when the rangers approach the man, he pulls out a combat knife and immediately kills one of the rangers, causing panic (if one asks Grant additional questions, prior to going outside and waiting for the president, they can have Grant give them full access which allows the player character to go to the vertibird pad and use weapons. The Courier only needs to be "Liked" or better by the NCR prior for this to work). If one leaves this man alone during the speech, Legion snipers will kill the ranger stationed in the first tower (the one behind the president), and attempt to assassinate the president. Kill them and use the radio to inform Grant about the attempt, he will then call off the speech. As the president is being evacuated, he will be attacked by a Legion member disguised as an NCR engineer. He must be killed before he reaches the president, as he can kill Kimball in a single hit.
  2. As the president arrives, one can persuade the guard (Speech 50) to go onto to the vertibird pad. If one has previously been granted full access to all areas by Ranger Grant a Speech check isn't necessary. Once the Vertibird arrives, one can search it. Doing so will uncover a bomb which can be defused (Repair or Explosives skill 50). After telling Ranger Grant of this, he calls off the speech, shoots the engineer responsible for planting the bomb, and gets the president back on the vertibird. This completes the quest.
  3. Talk to the suspicious engineer who will stand to the left of the crowd near the sandbags. He will turn hostile and start running. By then he can be shot at.
  4. If Rex is a companion, then after talking to Ranger Grant, go the roof to await the president's arrival. After the president lands and leaves the roof the engineer will approach the vertibird and Rex may or may not growl. Talk to the engineer before he gets to the vertibird and choose the dialogue options “My dog here doesn't like you” and “Maybe I should tell the MP's”, which turns the engineer hostile, forcing an immediate evacuation of the president and completing the mission. Alternatively, if one has at least the first rank of the Animal Friend perk they can "borrow" the NCR guard dog on the nearby street.
  5. Kill the suspicious engineer after the vertibird lands and jump down to the next level of the visitor center. The President will then fly away in the vertibird safely, leaving only the guards above hostile and everyone else remains friendly.

Quest stages

Modèle:Quest stage table


  • The Courier may not be able to save Kimball, if they decide to go the Wild Card route, but do not have a good reputation with the NCR. As they are about to complete the game as a Wild Card, they may speak to Yes Man and he will inform them that the president may be assassinated. Two options to choose from will appear in a message box, one stating that the player character has no good relations with NCR and the other, that they do not care what happens to Kimball. There is no third option to back out and try to save him later. This will automatically fail the "You'll Know It When It Happens" quest. When one reaches the point in For the Republic to save the president, both the colonel and Grant will act as if he's alive, even when the NCR troops around state that he is already assassinated. One may then meet Grant outside, when the president is about to arrive and nothing will happen. One must then leave the Dam, and the quest will update to report back to the colonel and tell her that Kimball is dead. This will unlock the achievement for completing the quest, even though Kimball has been dead before starting the quest.
  • One cannot work for both Yes Man and Colonel Moore for this quest. Getting "You'll Know When It Happens" from Yes Man BEFORE getting it from Colonel Moore, will force one to play the rest of the game as a Wild Card rather than working for the NCR. In this case, Colonel Moore will ask the player character to protect President Kimball, but Ranger Grant will not respond to any attempts to talk, therefore the quest cannot be completed. An easy way to avoid this is to ignore Yes Man completely, therefore preventing him from triggering the quest before it is desired by the Courier.
    • There is a way around this on the pc. While looking at Grant, press the ~ (tilde) key to enter the console, then click on Grant and type disable, then enable and exit the console by pressing tilde again, and Grant should start talking.
  • If the player character already received the quest Beware the Wrath of Caesar! prior due to completing Wild Card: Change in Management for Yes Man's quest line, Beware the Wrath of Caesar! may fail upon speaking to Colonel Moore about the Omertas after completing Oh My Papa. Even if one has a positive reputation with Caesar's Legion, one's reputation will decrease significantly and Caesar's Legion will still become hostile regardless of the resulting reputation.
  • Sometimes one can walk around the counter to Grant and he will initiate a conversation about protecting the president, even if the quest was received from Yes Man before talking to the Colonel.
  • Completion of The House Always Wins IV (or higher) will result in this mission being failed. Note that if one has already completed "How Little We Know" when completing "The House Always Wins III", then part IV will automatically be completed and this mission will be failed.
  • Upon destroying the Hidden Valley bunker, the dust storm generator is disabled and smoke will start rising from the air vents around the bunker area.
  • By passing a Speech check (75), one can reveal Karl's real thoughts of the Khans in front of Papa Khan, which leads to Karl's death. However, the Oh My Papa quest line still requires talking with all the above non-player characters to be completed.
  • If one has already completed Oh My Papa and convinced the Great Khans to leave the Mojave, one will immediately be given a dialogue option; "The Khans won't be troubling anyone anymore.", as soon as the quest starts.
  • Managing to ally the Brotherhood of Steel with the NCR will give result in some infamy towards the NCR, but it will not be enough to lower one's actual reputation level with NCR, assuming one has not gained other instances of NCR infamy beforehand.
  • When speaking to a member of the NCR, they will mention Colonel Moore has accepted the Brotherhood of Steel's offer to aid them in battle, even if the player character has not yet spoken to her about it.


Modèle:Notable content

Modèle:Palette Barrage Hoover FNV