Journal de prisonnier

De Les Archives de Vault-Tec
Journal de prisonnier
Editor ID
Expédition intendance Anchorage

Les journaux de prisonnier sont une série holodisques de Mothership Zeta, le contenu téléchargeable de Fallout 3.


Il y a un total de 25 enregistrements. Bien qu'il ne s'agisse généralement pas d'objets physiques, les enregistrements apparaissent comme des holodisque lorsqu'ils sont générés par des commandes de la console et sont stockés dans la section Notes du Pip-Boy. En les collectant tous, vous obtiendrez le trophée d'Archiviste extraterrestre.

Vous devrez collecter tous les enregistrements en suivant le scénario du contenu téléchargeable. Les étapes 3, 4 et 5 (voir l'explication détaillée) ne sont pas disponibles après la marche spatiale jusqu'à la Passerelle. Après avoir terminé le contenu téléchargeable, vous ne pouvez accéder qu'à la passerelle, à la Salle des machines, à la Chaufferie et aux cellules de détention - toutes les autres zones seront inaccessibles.


Le tableau des journeaux est classé par numéro.

Enregistrement Étape de rencontre Zone Avant la sortie dans l'espace ? Emplacement Form ID
#01 1 Cellules Oui To the right of the recorded log 3 in another "Control" panel. xx009a0c
#02 4 Laboratoire cryogénique Oui In the southernmost corner in a "Control" panel. xx009a0d
#03 1 Cellules Oui To the right of your holding cell, in a room, you will pass under a "healing archway". It is immediately to the left as you go through the doorway, in another "Control" panel. xx009a0e
#04 4 Laboratoire cryogénique Oui Enter the lab, take a left, activate the "Release Mechanism" and then go down stairs into the room you just opened and it will be on a wall in a "Control" panel behind a Healing Archway. xx009a0f
#05 2 Salle des machines Oui In the southern part, to the right of the far southern doorway. xx00a88d
#06 2 Salle des machines Oui In the same room as 5, 7 and 8 logs. xx00a88e
#07 2 Salle des machines Oui In the same room as 5, 6 and 8 logs. xx00a88f
#08 2 Salle des machines Oui In the same room as 5, 6 and 7 logs. xx00a890
#09 7 Labo d'expérimentation Non Near the tables with the abominations being operated on. xx00ab74
#10 7 Labo d'expérimentation Non In the room of the experimentation lab with the core and the core coolant switches, look on the right wall of the room for the log. xx00ab75
#11 4 Laboratoire cryogénique Oui In the northernmost part of the lab before you go into cryo storage. There is a "Control" panel to the right of a door when you go into the room where you can freeze everybody by pressing a switch. xx00ab76
#12 1 Cellules Oui To the right of the recorded log 1 in another "Control" panel. It is to the right of the door. xx00ab77
#13 5 Labo recherche Oui Near Colonel Hartigan's space capsule. xx00ab78
#14 1 Cellules Oui In the same room as 15 and 22 on the opposite wall. xx00ab79
#15 1 Cellules Oui To the left of your holding cell, down the hall in what looks like a control room, you must then activate a "Control" on the wall. xx00ab7a
#16 4 Stockage cryogénique Oui In the westernmost most part of the cryo storage room, and in the southern part of the room to the west. xx00ab7b
#17 4 Laboratoire cryogénique Oui In the northernmost part of the lab before you go into cryo storage, there is a "Control" panel to the left of a door when you go into the room where you can freeze everybody by pressing a switch. xx00ab7d
#18 8 Laboratoire biologique Non As far north as you can go, in what looks to be a small control center. xx00ab7e
#19 3 Waste disposal. Can only be accessed once so make sure you get it while you are there. Oui In the room where you get "ambushed". As soon as you enter the room where the ambush occurs, turn directly to your right; there should be a "Control" panel there. This is the large room right before you meet back up with Sally. WARNING: Do not miss this one before you get out of the waste disposal site as the teleporter shuts down. Also, the teleporter to waste disposal site is only open during the quest Among the Stars. As such, this is the only time to get the recording. xx00ab7f
#20 7 Labo d'expérimentation Non As soon as you go into the lab, take a right and keep heading right until you see the weird experimentation chairs, it is on the wall in front of those chairs. xx00ab80
#21 5 Labo recherche Oui In the center of the middle room by two horses on the tables. xx00abc5
#22 1 Cellules Oui In the same room as the 15th one on a "Control" panel. xx00abc6
#23 9 Quartiers Non When you enter, continue down the hall way. You will enter a large room, continue heading south until you come to a hallway, at this hallway turn right and keep going until you see a room with tables and chairs, it looks like an alien dining room/cafeteria, as soon as you enter this room it will be on your right. xx00ac04
#24 6 Labo d'armement Non In the room where all the guns and ammunition and grenades/mines are located, in what seems to be a control room. xx00ac05
#25 4 Stockage cryogénique Oui As soon as you enter to the left in a "Control" panel. xx00ac06


Voici l'enregistrement diffusé lors de la bande-annonce officielle de Mothership Zeta :


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Journal de prisonnier 1


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Journal de prisonnier 2


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Journal de prisonnier 3


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Journal de prisonnier 4


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Journal de prisonnier 5


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Journal de prisonnier 6


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Journal de prisonnier 7


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Journal de prisonnier 8


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Journal de prisonnier 9


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Journal de prisonnier 10


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Journal de prisonnier 11


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Journal de prisonnier 12


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Journal de prisonnier 13


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Journal de prisonnier 14


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Journal de prisonnier 15


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Journal de prisonnier 16


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Journal de prisonnier 17


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Journal de prisonnier 18


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Journal de prisonnier 19


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Journal de prisonnier 20


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Journal de prisonnier 21


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Journal de prisonnier 22


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Journal de prisonnier 23


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Journal de prisonnier 24


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Journal de prisonnier 25


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