Expéditions : The Pitt

Expéditions : The Pitt est la onzième mise à jour majeure de Fallout 76.

Expéditions : The Pitt
Dates de sortie
Xbox One
Thème musical de Expéditions : The Pitt
Les informations suivantes se basent sur le prochain contenu de Fallout 76 et peuvent être inexactes ou contenir des spoilers.

« L'humanité lutte pour sa survie dans des Terres désolées post-apocalyptiques qui vont bien au-delà des frontières des Appalaches. »

Expéditions : The Pitt est la prochaine mise à jour majeure de Fallout 76. Elle est prévue courant 2022.


  • Expéditions - Cette mise à jour proposera de se rendre sur les terres de The Pitt, ville issue du contenu téléchargeable éponyme de Fallout 3.


Les informations suivantes n'ont pas encore de version française.
  • Plan: T-51 Power Armor Brotherhood Paladin Paint
  • Plan: T-51 Power Armor Brotherhood Knight Paint
  • Plan: T-51 Power Armor Brotherhood Paladin Paint
  • Plan: T-51 Power Armor Brotherhood Knight Paint
  • Plan: Union 42 Banners
  • Plan: Gulper Head


Les informations suivantes n'ont pas encore de version française.
  • Wall Instructions

Listen here you feckless swine, I'll spell it out one last time.


I find any more of these and you'll be joining the wall.

Don't ask why, just do.

  • Sealed Away

How long have we been down here? Weeks? Months? At this point I can't really tell who's worse, those fanatics or the beasts.
At least it's not personal with the beasts. You don't see them sealing each other up in walls.

  • Nighttime

At night the fanatics retreat to the cathedral, that's when the beasts come out.

I think the beasts have started to learn they can't get into our cells and have mostly given up trying.

Or maybe they feel bad for us. It's almost peaceful now.

  • Ness Myers

We tried! We did everything we could to get her out but we just couldn't move any more of the blocks. All I could do is hold her hand until the end.

Her name was Ness Myers.

If anyone finds this, get out while you can before you become one of us.

  • No Escape

Lost Matt last night... I told him not to go, he insisted he'd be fine since the beasts have begun to leave us alone.

He didn't make it far before we heard a bear trap catch his leg. His screams brought every one of the beasts down onto him. At least it was over quick.

Is this why the guards stopped locking our cells?

  • Memo to Team


As you may know, donations have been down across the board. We're going to try something different this month by instituting quotas.

Each of you will now be responsible for soliciting at least $155,000 for the month of October.

In the event you are unable to meet your quota for the month you will be asked to volunteer elsewhere.

Thank you for your understanding, and remember, top contributor will receive a $300 gift card to Slocum's Joe!


  • Top Donors

Top Donors for September

Anonymous $820,000
Finnegan Family $680,000
A. Aaron $249,000
John Smith $249,000
J. Doe $249,000
Patricia Joy $132,972
A&N Construction $118,000
Tom & Mary Webley $ 85,001
R & J Roberts $ 85,000
Soup & Suds Bar $ 75,000

  • Few More Days

Just a few more days. At least that's what I keep telling myself. These guys may be crazy but what other options do I have?

All I gotta do is keep my head down and do what they say. The sooner the others realize that the sooner they'll be up here too.

I'm worried about my cell mates. They seem excited about joining. Who would actually want to treat other living beings like this?

Just a few more days, then maybe I'll be able to help the others.

  • Dominance

Remember, assert your dominance. They scream at you, you scream back, louder.

If that doesn't work give 'em a solid crack to the skull. That'll send 'em crawling back into their holes.

Works every time on the little bastards. It's the big bastards you need to watch out for.

You see one of those and you'd better find a turret to hide behind real quick.

  • Goodbye Cliffy

Tonight we're gathered here to say goodbye to ol' Cliffy.
You tried to get away and that just broke our hearts.
(Sad Face)
Nearly got away too, didn't you?
(Emphasis on Nearly)
That's ok, you're back with us now!
(Happy Face)
I'd ask if you have any last words but I doubt you can speak with your jaw looking like that.
(Pause for reaction.)
Anyway, goodbye Cliffy.
(Remember to flip switch.)

  • Test Results

Fridge - 2 hours. Guess these are more air tight than I thought.

Coffin - 6 hours. One pipe, insufficient? Maybe another hole on the bottom to promote air flow?

Bathtub - 8 days. Think we got a winner here.

The smell of damp laborer may be a bit much at times but it gives them ample time to reconsider our offer.

  • Tonight's Entertainment

Tonight's Entertainment!

Puppet Show
ft. Jessie and the Rotten Head

Romeo & Juliet
A One Man Re-Imagining
ft. Rosco

Surprise Spelling Bee
ft. Bees
Remember folks, please tip your entertainers!

Lord knows they need it.

  • Priest's Letter

Brother Sherman,

I hope this letter finds you well. However I am in dire need of your help. I should have known better than to do business with those goons.

The church needed money and they offered a way out. Said they'd leave us more than enough to keep the doors open. But now they're leaving us with nothing.

I pleaded with their boss but he laughed and said I should start offering tours of those "spooky catacombs" of ours. Have they no respect for the dead?

Please I need your advice. I didn't join the priesthood for money, I just wanted to spread the good word.

Brother Michael

  • Hearing Things

Think I'm losing it down here.

Maybe it's just my imagination but I could have sworn I heard one of those little bastards say my name.

That can't be, they're just god damn monsters.

Now that I think about it, it did kind of look like my old bunkmate. Fucked up face and everything.


Texte ?


Texte ?


Texte ?


Texte ?


  • Le panneau visible dans la bande-annonce est le même que celui du contenu téléchargeable de Fallout 3.


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