La Cabane de Gorski est un lieu dans le Commonwealth en 2287.

Cabane de Gorski
Autres acteurs
Ref ID
0002cfa5 (Cave)
0000de42 (campsite east)


Cette cabane était occupée par Wayne Gorski avant la Grande Guerre. Ayant pris la construction d'une tour électrique près de sa résidence comme une attaque personnelle[1], il décida de construire une mini-bombe nucléaire afin de raser cette nouvelle structure indésirable.


La Cabane de Gorski est une unique maison isolée is a single isolated house with a large patio. Its exterior is populated by 3-5 feral ghouls. The main cabin contains a chemistry station. There is a root cellar accessible via this main room.

Établi d'armes dans la cave The root cellar is an unfinished room that's stocked with some supplies and a weapons workbench. Following a short tunnel towards the back, there is a finished room that's highly irradiated containing the ghoul, Wayne Gorski and several barrels of nuclear waste. There is also a Novice difficulty terminal in the same room, with a bottlecap mine next to it. The workbench behind Gorski has a number of mini nuke pieces which can be broken down into five units of nuclear material.

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  • If Codsworth is with you as a companion when in Wayne Gorski's root cellar workshop he will quip, "That's one do-it-yourself project I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole."
  • If Piper is with you as a companion when you enter the workshop, she will exclaim "Please tell me that's not what I think it is" - most likely commenting on the small nuclear bomb on the desk, but also possibly to the collection of nuclear waste - or all of the above.
  • If Nick Valentine is with you as a companion when entering the workshop, he will start to say Modèle:Inline quote
  • If you are traveling with Preston, he will remark, "What the hell were they thinking, playing around with that thing?"
  • Si vous voyagez avec Cait comme compagnon en entrant dans la cave, elle remarquera avec humour : "On dirait qu'ils ont tout redécoré au bulldozer ici." et après avoir pénétré dans l'atelier : "Qui est assez con pour essayer de fabriquer une bombe atomique ?"
  • If X6-88 is your active companion when you enter the workshop, he will say "We should make sure nobody ever finishes building this."
  • If MacCready is with you as a companion when in Wayne Gorski's root cellar workshop, he will comment "Welp... that's the last thing I expected to find down here. Maybe we shouldn't touch anything."
  • If you are traveling with Deacon as a companion when you enter the workshop, he will start to say "Jesus. They were playing with that? All right, officially a fan of the way you do exploration. If that thing went off...?"
  • If Hancock is your companion when you enter the workshop, he will say "That what I think it is? I guess our days of losing arguments are over."
  • If you are traveling with Danse as your companion when you enter the root cellar workshop, he will angrily remark "Unbelievable. Hasn't man done enough damage with these nukes already?"
  • If Curie is with you as a companion when you enter the workshop, she will exclaim "Oh no. That... That is a nuclear bomb!"


La Cabane de Gorski apparaît uniquement dans Fallout 4.


es:Cabaña de Gorski ru:Хижина Горски uk:Хатина Горскі