

Détective en Péril est une quête principale de l'histoire ainsi qu'un succès/trophée dans Fallout 4.

Procédure détaillée

Après avoir parlé à Ellie Perkins, il est révélé que Nick Valentine est retenu captif dans la Station Park Street. Des Triggermen grouillent dans la station, mais à l'intérieur de celle-ci se trouve également l'entrée de l'Abri 114.

The vault is guarded by Triggermen armed with submachine guns, 10mm pistols, and at higher levels, .44 pistols. The Sole Survivor needs to fight their way through the vault until they come to a large open atrium. Guarding the overseer's office, where Nick is being held, is a Triggerman named Dino. Sneaking close allows the player character to listen to the conversation between the two of them where Valentine convinces Dino that a crime boss is upset at him about his cheating habit during gambling. Dino then runs out of the room to square things off with said crime boss, leaving the coast clear to free Valentine. Alternatively, Dino may be killed without waiting for him to leave. The control panel next to the office door can then be used to free Valentine.

Speaking with Nick reveals why he is there and that they should leave as soon as possible. On the desk behind him is the speech bobblehead. After talking with Nick, he will take the lead out of the vault where Skinny Malone and Darla will be waiting to stop the escape. With a few speech checks it is possible to turn them against each other or leave the vault without fighting at all. If a certain stage of the unmarked quest, The Sight has been completed before coming to the vault, there will be an additional speech option that allows escape without any violence and Darla will depart also, as Skinny Malone will advise they have 10 seconds to leave. Otherwise, the Sole Survivor and Valentine will need to kill Skinny Malone and his companions in order to leave.

After exiting the vault there is a short conversation with Valentine where he directs the Sole Survivor to meet him back at his office in Diamond City. Upon arrival, speaking with Ellie will end the quest.

Companion reactions

Modèle:Affinity Modèle:Affinity Modèle:Affinity Modèle:Affinity Modèle:Affinity Modèle:Affinity Modèle:Affinity Modèle:Affinity Modèle:Affinity

Étapes de quête

Modèle:Suivi de Quête


  • Even if one hides from or otherwise avoided Dino so he leaves the room alive, Nick will still say it won't be long till the others realize "muscle for brains" (Dino) isn't returning. Furthermore, he will simply wait in a side room off the hallway, where he will likely detect the player character and turn hostile.
  • Even if one is not detected at all and doesn't kill any of the Triggermen in the dining area where Nick asks how the player character wants to "play this" he will still comment on the "loud and hard" methods upon leaving the area.
  • In the same room as Nick, the player character can find the Speech bobblehead sitting on the overseer's table.
  • While escorting Nick, Astoundingly Awesome Tales #8 can be found on a pile of boxes blockading a hallway, before going through a bedroom.
  • If the player character ends the conflict with Skinny Malone peacefully, attacking him, Darla or the remaining Triggermen while they are not hostile does not count as murder in the Pip-Boy's crime statistics.
  • Frequently, after convincing Skinny Malone of letting the player character go peacefully, a companion will just walk instead of run to the exit. They end up still near the thugs when the countdown ends and get involved in a firefight. Unless one is playing in Survival and doesn't want to spoil their previous diplomatic success, it is best to simply leave, as the companion will teleport to their side.
  • If the Sole Survivor frees Nick without meeting Ellie Perkins first, the quest Jewel of the Commonwealth will be auto-completed (or skipped entirely if one didn't pick up the specific quest from Mama Murphy or meeting Piper) and they will gain a unique speech option.
  • This is the farthest point in the main quest that the player can skip around to after exiting Vault 111 without console commands or mods.


  • When confronted by Skinny Malone and Darla, the accompanying Triggermen will become hostile if a targeting helmet is worn. Removing it will suffice. The highlight ability from Berry Mentats seems to make them hostile as well.
  • Nick will turn hostile and shoot Skinny Malone and Darla but will not shoot the Triggermen.

Modèle:Navbox quêtes FO4

de:Sei mein Valentine es:Un Valentín muy poco santo pl:Detektyw o stalowym sercu pt:Não é Bem São Valentim ru:Валентайнов день uk:Валентайнів день zh:怪客瓦倫坦