Fichier dialogue de Marcus

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Fichier dialogue
Fichier dialogue de Marcus


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Tableau de dialogue

Fichier dialogue
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic003 Je cherche le Dr Henry. Le doc est dans le Lodge. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00148A3D_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic030 Qu'est-ce qui cloche chez les Nocturnes ? Les Nocturnes souffrent de schizophrénie à cause des Stealth Boys. L'une des raisons pour lesquelles j'ai fondé Jacobstown, c'est pour les guérir. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_001466C4_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic030 Qu'est-ce qui cloche chez les Nocturnes ? Lorsqu'ils sont en ville, les Nocturnes n'ont pas le droit d'employer de Stealth Boys afin que leur état ne s'aggrave pas. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_001466C4_2
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic030 Qu'est-ce qui cloche chez les Nocturnes ? Le problème, c'est que les Nocturnes n'aiment pas qu'on les voie. Ils préfèrent ne pas s'exposer. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_001466C4_3
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic000 Neil m'a parlé de cette ville. Beaucoup des mutants qui sont ici ont appris l'existence de Jacobstown grâce à Neil. Notre isolement joue parfois contre nous. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_0015C894_1 Splits emotion in these lines.
Conversation GOODBYE Au revoir. À une autre fois. vDialogueJ_GOODBYE_0014841E_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic035 <Mensonge> Je vais avoir besoin de 3000 capsules pour payer les mercenaires. Bon sang, ça va vider les caisses de la ville... Mais si c'est nécessaire... vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00148A24_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic038 Ces mercenaires ne causeront plus d'ennuis. Bien. Je suis content que vous ne les ayez pas tués. Leur départ prouve que nous ne sommes pas des mutants assoiffés de sang. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00148A1F_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic038 Ces mercenaires ne causeront plus d'ennuis. Si la RNC ou quiconque cherche un prétexte pour attaquer Jacobstown, ce n'est pas nous qui allons le leur fournir. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00148A1F_2
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic016 Pourquoi Keene veut-il partir ? À cause d'une promesse que je n'ai pas pu tenir. Les Nocturnes sont tous schizophrènes à cause des Stealth Boys qu'ils emploient, ou employaient. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_001403F7_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic016 Pourquoi Keene veut-il partir ? Les Nocturnes n'aiment pas qu'on les voie. Ils ont du mal à le supporter. Certains sont déjà partis à la recherche de Stealth Boys. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_001403F7_2
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic016 Pourquoi Keene veut-il partir ? C'est un vrai dilemme : soit ils restent ici et souffrent, soit ils trouvent des Stealth Boys et sombrent dans la folie. Vous parlez d'un choix... vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_001403F7_3
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic029 I'll see what I can do. Thanks. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00148A0D_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic026 Do you have any dealings with New Vegas? Not really. Heard it's paradise in the wasteland. Never been in there myself, doubt they'd let a mutant in. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00144C4B_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic026 Do you have any dealings with New Vegas? {To himself, slight humor at human nature}Amazes me people would come from all over the wastes to throw away everything they've got in that town. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00144C4B_2
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic031 Are there any town rules I need to know about? Same as any civilized town - don't start any fights or steal anything, we'll treat you fair. Not a lot to ask. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_001466C9_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic001 How have they been harassing the town? Killing our Bighorners, shooting at the lodge, that sort of thing. It's getting hard to keep people from retaliating. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00148A22_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic025 Anything else can you tell me about the NCR? Seen them grow from a single town - Shady Sands - into the republic. They've done good for the most part. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00144C4A_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic020 What's the story with Keene? {Keene alive}Smart, charismatic. Hell of a mean streak. Doesn't care for humans. Prefers fighting them to talking. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00145D8F_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic020 What's the story with Keene? He's got a lot of pull with Nightkin, though. He talks, they listen. Was hoping he could draw other Nightkin to Jacobstown. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00145D8F_2
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic020 What's the story with Keene? Keene is saner than most, but I know he's thinking of going his own way again. He's aggressive, impatient. Can't stand sitting around. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00145D8F_3
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic014 Why can't you just take them out? Not looking to fight. That'll give NCR an excuse to come up here and wipe us out. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00148A14_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic033 I'd rather not get involved. All right. Can't say I blame you. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00148A20_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic019 You're a mutant, too. Wouldn't the Nightkin listen to you? {Chuckles, player's being naive}That's like saying Caesar and Kimball would listen to each other. {Beat, explaining}Nightkin don't have a lot of trust for others, mutants included. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_0014391D_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic028 What do you want me to do? You're human - they {emph}might be willing to be listen to what you have to say. Maybe. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00148A21_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic028 What do you want me to do? I'm {emph}not asking you to kill them. Just talk them into leaving. Hell, pay them off if you have to. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00148A21_2
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic023 What do you know about the Legion? {contempt}{KAI-zar}Caesar thinks he can change human nature. Most of the Legion is following {KAI-zar}Caesar, not {KAI-zar}Caesar's ideals. When he's gone, it'll crumble. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00144C49_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic023 What do you know about the Legion? Might not happen overnight. Might take a few decades. But it'll happen. Basic human nature - greed, ambition, jealousy - will see to it. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00144C49_2
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic017 What happens if Keene leaves? That happens, there's a good chance other Nightkin will follow. It'll make it hard to get a cure to them. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_001403F6_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic017 What happens if Keene leaves? {Wary}Worse, if Keene and the Nightkin tear up the Mojave hunting for Stealth Boys, people are going get killed. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_001403F6_2
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic017 What happens if Keene leaves? Most humans can't tell the difference between mutants. Might come here looking for payback. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_001403F6_3 Should end with the tone of "Can't let that come to pass."
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic032 Doctor Henry wants Lily to continue wearing the prototype. What do you think? {Skeptical, but...}Up to Lily. Not my call. {Emph}Might lead to a faster cure. Might not. Don't want any harm coming to her. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00148419_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic034 Goodbye. See you. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_0014841A_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic024 What makes the NCR too ambitious? They expand, fast. If you've got land they want, they'll take it, eventually. Did it out West, they'll do it here. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00144C4C_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic024 What makes the NCR too ambitious? {Warning tone to govt}They keep rolling over people, they'll regret it. That's how revolutions start. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00144C4C_2
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic021 I had some questions about Jacobstown. Such as? vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00145D91_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic002 You're sure these mercenaries work for the NCR? {frowns, didn't consider this}Guess I can't say for sure if they're NCR. {Beat, shrugs}Whoever they are, they want us dead or gone. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00148A1E_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic037 I'll need 2000 caps to pay off the mercenaries. That's not too bad. If that's what it takes to be rid of them... vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00148A17_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic018 I changed my mind - I'll help you with your mercenary problem. Thanks. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_0015EECE_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic036 I'll need 2500 caps to pay the mercenaries. That puts a dent in the town treasury. {"Still..."}If that's what it takes to be rid of them... vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00148A15_1
Topic VEndingJacobstown VEndingJacobstown {narrating}With Jacobstown's leadership destroyed, the remaining Super Mutants and Nightkin of the west scattered across the wasteland. VEnding_VEndingJacobstown_0015E45C_1
Topic VEndingJacobstown VEndingJacobstown {narrating}Jacobstown withered away, its death going unnoticed by the rest of the Mojave. VEnding_VEndingJacobstown_0015E45C_2
Topic VEndingJacobstown VEndingJacobstown {narrating}Thanks to the Courier and Lily, a cure for the Nightkin schizophrenia was found shortly after Doctor Henry's experiment concluded. VEnding_VEndingJacobstown_0015E45D_1
Topic VEndingJacobstown VEndingJacobstown {narrating}Nightkin and other Super Mutants in the wasteland flocked to Jacobstown, and the town became known as a haven where a mutant could find peace. VEnding_VEndingJacobstown_0015E45D_2
Topic VEndingJacobstown VEndingJacobstown {narrating}Though a cure for the Nightkin schizophrenia was eventually found, it became a case of too little, too late for Jacobstown. VEnding_VEndingJacobstown_0015E45E_1
Topic VEndingJacobstown VEndingJacobstown {narrating}Disgruntled by the death of their leader, Keene, most of the Nightkin scattered into the wasteland, their insanity worsening with each day. VEnding_VEndingJacobstown_0015E45E_2
Topic VEndingJacobstown VEndingJacobstown {narrating}Jacobstown, constantly on guard for anti-mutant reprisals, never truly prospered. VEnding_VEndingJacobstown_0015E45E_3
Topic VEndingJacobstown VEndingJacobstown {narrating}Though a cure for the Nightkin schizophrenia was eventually found, it became a case of too little, too late for Jacobstown. VEnding_VEndingJacobstown_0015E45F_1 VEnding_VEndingJacobstown_0015E45E_1
Topic VEndingJacobstown VEndingJacobstown {narrating}Most Nightkin at Jacobstown followed their leader Keene out into the wasteland, terrorizing the Mojave for years to come. VEnding_VEndingJacobstown_0015E45F_2
Topic VEndingJacobstown VEndingJacobstown {narrating}Jacobstown, constantly on guard for anti-mutant reprisals, never truly prospered. VEnding_VEndingJacobstown_0015E45F_3 VEnding_VEndingJacobstown_0015E45E_3
Topic VEndingJacobstown VEndingJacobstown {narrating}It took more time than anticipated for a cure for the Nightkin schizophrenia to be found, but in the end it was beneficial to Jacobstown. VEnding_VEndingJacobstown_0015E460_1
Topic VEndingJacobstown VEndingJacobstown {narrating}The presence of the Nightkin leader, Keene, persuaded Nightkin from across the wasteland to make the journey to the town. VEnding_VEndingJacobstown_0015E460_2
Topic VEndingJacobstown VEndingJacobstown {narrating}Jacobstown prospered, becoming known as a fair - if somewhat intimidating - place for a trader to do business. VEnding_VEndingJacobstown_0015E460_3
Topic VEndingJacobstown VEndingJacobstown {narrating}With no cure for the Nightkin schizophrenia in sight, the disgruntled Nightkin left Jacobstown. Without a treatment, their insanity grew. VEnding_VEndingJacobstown_0015E461_1
Topic VEndingJacobstown VEndingJacobstown {narrating}The crazed Nightkin terrorized the wasteland, and Jacobstown suffered repeated reprisals from mutant-hating humans. VEnding_VEndingJacobstown_0015E461_2
Topic VEndingJacobstown VEndingJacobstown {narrating}In the end, the surviving mutants abandoned Jacobstown entirely, its existence quickly forgotten by the rest of the wasteland. VEnding_VEndingJacobstown_0015E461_3
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic022 Why do some of the Super Mutants here dislike the NCR? Lot of bad blood between Super Mutants and humans. Goes back years. Some here still got the scars and memories. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00144C4D_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic022 Why do some of the Super Mutants here dislike the NCR? Me, I don't really have a problem with the NCR. Set their sights a little too high sometimes, but they try. {Beat, gets serious}Legion, that's another story. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_00144C4D_2
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic005 What's the history of Jacobstown? Was a resort Pre-War. I renamed it to Jacobstown after an old friend. Died a long time ago. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_0013DE85_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic005 What's the history of Jacobstown? I figured us mutants needed a place to call our own. Town's far enough away from humans so they don't bother us much. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_0013DE85_2
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic005 What's the history of Jacobstown? One of these days I'm hoping we can trade with the rest of the wasteland. No more fighting, just... get along. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_0013DE85_3
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic006 I'd like to know about you. Was part of Super Mutant army, ran a town, walked the wasteland with a tribal. Now I'm here. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_0013DE80_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic007 Super Mutant army? Long story, so here's the short version. The Master created the Super Mutants and Nightkin. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_0013DE81_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic007 Super Mutant army? The Master thought he could unify everyone. No more differences, no more war. {Beat, raises an eyebrow}Didn't end well. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_0013DE81_2
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic008 You were a mayor? {Nods}Town was Broken Hills. Bunch of Super Mutants, humans, and Ghouls all living together peacefully. {Beat}Well, most of the time. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_0013DE84_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic009 Tell me more about the tribal. We were looking for a {GECK}GECK to save the village of {uh-ROY-yo}Arroyo. Eventually, we did. Nuked an oil rig in the process. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_0013DE83_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic009 Tell me more about the tribal. We went separate ways after that. I went east into the Rockies, looking for other mutants like myself. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_0013DE83_2
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic009 Tell me more about the tribal. Don't know what happened to my friend. {Beat, slight smile}I've got a feeling it turned out all right in the end. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_0013DE83_3
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic010 Let's talk about something else. All right. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_0013DE86_1
Topic vDialogueJacobstownJacobstownMarcusTopic012 How does the town support itself? Bighorners. Good eating. And we can trade the hides. Got a lot of wild ones around here, so it's easy to restock the herd. vDialogueJ_vDialogueJacobs_0013F052_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Welcome to Jacobstown, human. You're free to walk around, just don't stare at the Nightkin. They don't like people looking at them. vDialogueJ_GREETING_0013D7F9_1 Welcome. Don't bother the patients.
Topic GREETING GREETING {A little quieter, more confidentially}And if you're NCR, keep it to yourself. They're not popular around here. vDialogueJ_GREETING_0013D7F9_2
Topic GREETING GREETING Got a problem, could use your help. Been having trouble with NCR mercs harassing the town, and they just showed up again. vDialogueJ_GREETING_00148A19_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Just had to go and start a fight with the mercs, didn't you. Guess we'd better finish things. vDialogueJ_GREETING_00148A3E_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Not the outcome I was hoping for with the mercs. At least it buys us time to build up our defenses. vDialogueJ_GREETING_00148A1A_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Had hoped to start reaching out to NCR, start talking trade and borders. It'll be more difficult now. vDialogueJ_GREETING_00148A1A_2
Topic GREETING GREETING {Regretful}So, Keene's dead. Knew it might come to that some day. {Beat, slight weariness}Makes things difficult for the town. vDialogueJ_GREETING_001403F9_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Without Keene, it'll be hard to convince other Nightkin in the wasteland to come here. And harder to get the ones here to stay. vDialogueJ_GREETING_001403F9_2
Topic GREETING GREETING {sighing}Was hard enough to convince Keene to come up here in the first place, and you gave him an excuse to leave. Better than killing him, I guess. vDialogueJ_GREETING_001403FA_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Always a chance I could get him to come back. Not counting on it. {glum}Hope the town doesn't take the blame for whatever trouble he gets into. vDialogueJ_GREETING_001403FA_2
Topic GREETING GREETING {Nods, respectful}I like how you handled Keene. Without the Nightkin around, Jacobstown would be much weaker than it is. vDialogueJ_GREETING_00147D22_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Something on your mind? vDialogueJ_GREETING_0013E50F_1