Brasserie Beantown

Révision datée du 28 août 2016 à 17:25 par L'Abri>Chubakca

Modèle:Infobox incomplete

Brasserie Beantown
Autres acteurs
Ref ID
0003a318 (interior)


La Brasserie Beantown est un lieu dans le nord ouest Commonwealth dans Fallout 4. La brasserie est infecté par les pillards qui (selon les logs de de l'ordinateur de Tom Tour) ont kidnappé et tué accidentellement Lily Tourette suite à la demande de rançon contre de la nourriture. La brasserie dispose aussi d'un atelier de chimie et d'un établi d'arme.


La brasserie dispose de deux entrées : La première doit être crocheté (Niveau avancé) alors que la seconde n'est pas fermé. Both open to anterooms before the main factory floor. The unlocked door enters onto the guest entrance where a greeter's desk sits. On that terminal is instructions on giving factory tours. Behind the greeter's desk is a gift shop, where a cymbal monkey will activate if detected. There may also be a raider in this room.

Les deux ouvertures menent à des antichambres avant l'étage principal de l'usine. La porte ouverte entre sur l'entrée de l'hôtel où le bureau d'un greeter est assis. Sur ce terminal est des instructions sur donnant des visites d'usine. Derrière le bureau de l'écran d'accueil est une boutique de cadeaux, où un singe cymbale activera si elle est détectée. Il peut aussi être un raider dans cette salle.

Catwalks line the main factory room allowing for easy traversal around the room, making the factory floor effectively a "kill zone". Using the catwalk and going to the Northernmost side, the player character will enter Tower Tom's office, which has some interesting loot as well as a weapons workbench. There is also an elevator to the factory floor. Tower Tom may hide in this elevator if injured, forcing the player character to open the elevator to get him out. The computer in Tower Tom's office adapts to your actions in the world. If other notable raiders are dead (i.e Red, or Jared) then the computer will update accordingly about the Sole Survivor's actions. There are two sets of traps: a tripwire between the elevator and the factory floor (bottom floor), and strings of cans around a chemistry station on the factory floor.

There is also a puzzling room to the south. While hugging the south wall catwalk, there is a downward metal staircase, but also an upward concrete staircase. Going up, there is a room with a few raiders and an Easy locked door. Opening it, the player character finds a room lined with desks with computers. All computers are dead except one. This appears to have quarterly reports, all of which are corrupted except the Q4 Projections. But the computer appears to remember the order in which the Sole Survivor viewed the reports. For example, if Sole Survivor clicked Q1 Data, they are returned to the previous menu, but the Exit button is replaced with a Back button. Every time the Survivor clicks a report except for Q4 Projections, the stack gets one deeper, indicating that there may be a code in the order that the quarterly reports are accessed.

Butin notable

Related quests


  • This is a possible location for the recurring quest, Quartermastery, given by the Brotherhood of Steel.
  • It seems this place has been invaded by naughty teddy bears, paying fan service to instances of it in Fallout 3.
    • Near the aforementioned lunchbox is a teddy bear with a trilby hat, Luxobrew coffee pot, holding a Boston Bugle and a coffee cup, sitting on a hot plate in front of a sweet roll
    • There are two more teddy bear toys underneath the counter in the entrance hall playing chess, one holding a Gwinnett stout and the other smoking a cigar and sitting on a cigar box.
    • On one of the conveyor belts in between two machines, are two stuffed bears positioned to appear to be having sex. This is a continuance of a theme throughout the game where either bears, pre-War skeletons, or mannequins are positioned in sexually suggestive situations.


La Brasserie Beantown apparaît uniquement dans Fallout 4.

Behind the scenes

The Beantown Brewery is likely a reference to the Boston Brewing Company, which produces the Samuel Adams brand of beers. The actual location provides tours of their facility and sample tastings similar to the one described on the reception terminal entry.

The geographical location is almost 1 to 1 with the former location of the Watch City Brewing Company in Waltham. Watch City Brewing was a craft beer manufacturer and restaurant that was founded in 1996 and went out of business in 2014. It derives its name from Waltham's nickname as "The Watch City," as the town was home to the world-renowned Waltham Watch Company until 1957.


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