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« Confrérie de l'Acier (Fallout 3) » : différence entre les versions

Révocation des modifications de Shaboom (discussion) vers la dernière version de DarKSerious6666
Shaboom (discussion | contributions)
Balises : Modification par mobile Modification par le web mobile Éditeur visuel
Kims (discussion | contributions)
m Révocation des modifications de Shaboom (discussion) vers la dernière version de DarKSerious6666
Balise : Révocation
Ligne 1 : Ligne 1 :
{{Informations à traduire}}
{{Infobox faction
{{Infobox faction
|jeux        =FO3, FO3BS
|jeux        =FO3, FO3BS
Ligne 26 : Ligne 21 :
{{Citation|Nos ordres étaient, et sont, d'acquérir n'importe quelle technologie avancée. Et nous l'avons fait, au mieux de nos capacités. Malheureusement, mes supérieurs de l'Ouest ne sont pas d'accord avec mon évaluation de la situation. Ils ont le sentiment que je suis devenu trop "attaché" à la population locale..|[[Owyn Lyons]]}}
{{Citation|Nos ordres étaient, et sont, d'acquérir n'importe quelle technologie avancée. Et nous l'avons fait, au mieux de nos capacités. Malheureusement, mes supérieurs de l'Ouest ne sont pas d'accord avec mon évaluation de la situation. Ils ont le sentiment que je suis devenu trop "attaché" à la population locale..|[[Owyn Lyons]]}}

La '''Confrérie de l'Acier de Lyons'''<ref>Le [[Vagabond Solitaire]]: ''"Qui êtes-vous ??"''<br />[[Anne Marie Morgan]]: ''"Nous nous appelons les dissidents, et nous recueillons la technologie pour la préserver des tribus et des idiots locaux. Et avant que vous ne demandiez, nous avons été chassés de cette compagnie de zéros qui s'appellent la Confrérie de l'Acier de Lyons. Si les traîtres pensent que nous sommes trop durs en suivant les ordres, nous faisons probablement quelque chose de bien.."''<br />([[Dialogue de Anne Marie Morgan]])</ref> était un chapitre dissident de la [[Confrérie de l'Acier]] opérant dans la [[Terres désolées de la capitale]] à partir de la [[Citadelle]], construit à l'intérieur et sous les ruines du Pentagone sur le bord de ce qui était autrefois [[Terres désolées de la capitale|Washington, D.C.]]. Pendant la plus grande partie de son histoire, il a été dirigé par l'aîné [[Owyn Lyons]], conformément à sa propre doctrine de Lyons.<ref>"Aider les gens du désert est de la plus haute importance pour la doctrine de Lyons.</ref>
La '''Confrérie de l'Acier de Lyons'''<ref>Le [[Vagabond Solitaire]]: ''"Qui êtes-vous ??"''<br/>[[Anne Marie Morgan]]: ''"Nous nous appelons les dissidents, et nous recueillons la technologie pour la préserver des tribus et des idiots locaux. Et avant que vous ne demandiez, nous avons été chassés de cette compagnie de zéros qui s'appellent la Confrérie de l'Acier de Lyons. Si les traîtres pensent que nous sommes trop durs en suivant les ordres, nous faisons probablement quelque chose de bien.."''<br/>([[Dialogue de Anne Marie Morgan]])</ref> était un chapitre dissident de la [[Confrérie de l'Acier]] opérant dans la [[Terres désolées de la capitale]] à partir de la [[Citadelle]], construit à l'intérieur et sous les ruines du Pentagone sur le bord de ce qui était autrefois [[Terres désolées de la capitale|Washington, D.C.]]. Pendant la plus grande partie de son histoire, il a été dirigé par l'aîné [[Owyn Lyons]], conformément à sa propre doctrine de Lyons.<ref>"Aider les gens du désert est de la plus haute importance pour la doctrine de Lyons.</ref>

Ligne 32 : Ligne 27 :
{{Main|Expédition de la Confrérie de l'Acier à D.C.}}
{{Main|Expédition de la Confrérie de l'Acier à D.C.}}
<section begin="L'Expédition" />
<section begin="L'Expédition" />
En 2254 <ref>Le [[Vagabond Solitaire]] : '''Pourquoi est-ce qu'un sujet douloureux?''<br />[[Reginald Rothchild]] : '''''<nowiki/>''Il s'est passé beaucoup de choses au cours des 23 années qui se sont écoulées depuis que nous avons quitté la côte ouest.. Notre mission a changé au cours de cette période. Les changements n'ont pas tous été agréables et ont eu des répercussions importantes "''<br />([[Dialogue de Reginald Rothchild]])</ref> le conseil de direction de la Confrérie, basé dans le bunker [[Lost Hills]] en Californie du Sud, a décidé d'envoyer un contingent sur la côte Est, avec un objectif principal : récupérer toutes les technologies avancées des villes et bases de la côte Est.<ref>Le [[Vagabond Solitaire]] : ''Quel est votre plan à long terme pour faire face à la Confrérie?''<br />[[Henry Casdin]]:''La Confrérie est venue ici pour récupérer la technologie des villes et des bases de l'Est. Si Lyons ne le fera pas, nous le ferons. Et quand nous reprendrons contact avec les anciens de l'Ouest, Lyons sera mis à sa place. Même si cet endroit est devant un peloton d'exécution très sombre et de mauvais augure cela arrivera.<br />([[Dialogue d'Henry Casdin]]])ref>Le [[Vagabond Solitaire]] : ''Pourquoi êtes-vous ici, dans les terres désolées de la capitale?''<br />[[Owyn Lyons]]:''Nos ordres étaient, et sont, d'acquérir toute technologie avancée. Et nous l'avons fait, au mieux de nos capacités. Mais quand j'ai réalisé l'étendue de la menace du Super Mutant, j'ai senti qu'il était de ma responsabilité d'aider les gens dans leur lutte contre eux. Malheureusement, mes supérieurs de l'Ouest ne sont pas d'accord avec mon évaluation de la situation. Ils ont l'impression que je suis devenu trop "attaché" à la population locale. Et ils ont raison." Quoi qu'il en soit, l'arrivée de l'Enclave change tout..."''<br />([[Dialogue d'Owyn Lyons]])''</ref> Le contingent était placé sous le commandement du paladin [[Owyn Lyons]], accompagné du conseiller technologique Scribe [[Reginald Rothchild]], qui était l'ami privé d'Owyn, ainsi que plusieurs membres vétérans de la Confrérie, y compris Paladins [[Henry Casdin]], [[Ishmael Ashur]] et [[Tristan]]<section end="L'Expédition" />.
En 2254 <ref>Le [[Vagabond Solitaire]] : '''Pourquoi est-ce qu'un sujet douloureux?''<br/>[[Reginald Rothchild]] : '''Il s'est passé beaucoup de choses au cours des 23 années qui se sont écoulées depuis que nous avons quitté la côte ouest.. Notre mission a changé au cours de cette période. Les changements n'ont pas tous été agréables et ont eu des répercussions importantes "''<br/>([[Dialogue de Reginald Rothchild]])</ref> le conseil de direction de la Confrérie, basé dans le bunker [[Lost Hills]] en Californie du Sud, a décidé d'envoyer un contingent sur la côte Est, avec un objectif principal : récupérer toutes les technologies avancées des villes et bases de la côte Est.<ref>Le [[Vagabond Solitaire]] : ''Quel est votre plan à long terme pour faire face à la Confrérie?''<br/>[[Henry Casdin]]:''La Confrérie est venue ici pour récupérer la technologie des villes et des bases de l'Est. Si Lyons ne le fera pas, nous le ferons. Et quand nous reprendrons contact avec les anciens de l'Ouest, Lyons sera mis à sa place. Même si cet endroit est devant un peloton d'exécution très sombre et de mauvais augure cela arrivera.<br/>([[Dialogue d'Henry Casdin]]])ref>Le [[Vagabond Solitaire]] : ''Pourquoi êtes-vous ici, dans les terres désolées de la capitale?''<br/>[[Owyn Lyons]]:''Nos ordres étaient, et sont, d'acquérir toute technologie avancée. Et nous l'avons fait, au mieux de nos capacités. Mais quand j'ai réalisé l'étendue de la menace du Super Mutant, j'ai senti qu'il était de ma responsabilité d'aider les gens dans leur lutte contre eux. Malheureusement, mes supérieurs de l'Ouest ne sont pas d'accord avec mon évaluation de la situation. Ils ont l'impression que je suis devenu trop "attaché" à la population locale. Et ils ont raison." Quoi qu'il en soit, l'arrivée de l'Enclave change tout..."''<br/>([[Dialogue d'Owyn Lyons]])</ref> Le contingent était placé sous le commandement du paladin [[Owyn Lyons]], accompagné du conseiller technologique Scribe [[Reginald Rothchild]], qui était l'ami privé d'Owyn, ainsi que plusieurs membres vétérans de la Confrérie, y compris Paladins [[Henry Casdin]], [[Ishmael Ashur]] et [[Tristan]]<section end="L'Expédition" />.

===Le Fléau===
===Le Fléau===
{{main|Le Fléau}}
{{main|Le Fléau}}
Sur le chemin des [[Terres désolées de la capitale]], le corps expéditionnaire de la Confrérie est tombé sur les ruines de [[The Pitt (ville)|Pittsburgh en Pennsylvanie]]. En une seule nuit, la Confrérie a balayé la ville à partir de leur zone au [[Mont Wash]], et éliminé tout résident qui s'est battu. L'intention du Fléau reste floue, mais beaucoup dans la Confrérie notent qu'il s'agit d'un changement marqué dans le fonctionnement de la Confrérie. De plus, on sait que quelque chose a été récupéré du Pitt pendant le Fléau, bien qu'à ce jour, il semblerait que seul l'[[Owyn Lyons|Aîné Lyons]] sait ce que c'était.<ref name="pittfactions">[[Guide officiel du jeu Fallout 3]] Édition jeu de l'année p.43-44:<br />''"'''Pillards de Pitt'''<br />'''Esclaves de Pitt'''<br />'''Trogs'''<br />'''Wildmen'''''<br />''Après la Grande Guerre, les survivants ont établi une colonie sur les vestiges d'une ville au confluent des rivières. Les rivières semblent fournir une ressource claire, et suffisamment de la ville a été nettoyée par les bombes pour qu'une nouvelle colonie puisse être établie. Cependant, des matières radioactives et des mutagènes non identifiés se sont mélangés à l'eau souterraine, la rendant légèrement mutagène et hautement cancérigène. En conséquence, les habitants de la nouvelle colonie ont commencé à changer légèrement.''<br />''Les changements étaient subtils, pas à la mesure des Super Mutants ou des diverses créatures du désert, mais au cours des 140 années suivantes, il est devenu indéniable que quelque chose affecterait les gens de The Pitt. Dès les premières années, les enfants sont souvent nés avec des excroissances étranges ou des membres extra vestigiaux. Les mutations ne sont jamais allées bien au-delà du bossu ou de la fente palatine occasionnelle, mais il n'a pas fallu longtemps avant que la grande majorité des résidents de The Pitt développent une sorte de déformation physique au cours de leur vie. Bien que de nombreux enfants soient nés "propres", plus ils vieillissent, plus il y a de chances qu'un problème se développe.''<br />''Le changement le plus troublant que l'environnement a causé n'était pas aussi perceptible que les difformités physiques. L'eau infectée et le ciel empoisonné ont commencé à causer des dommages neurologiques aux personnes exposées. Les gens devenaient plus hostiles, plus violents et plus coléreux ; ils devenaient connus sous le nom de "Wildmen". Leurs émotions sont devenues incontrôlables, et leurs actions vacillaient souvent sur primal. Dans les cas graves, des humains mutants se sont transformés en bêtes sauvages et voûtées, surnommées "Trogs". Au cours des 50 premières années, The Pitt a rapidement dégénéré en un dangereux repaire de meurtriers et de violeurs ; même le cannibalisme n'était pas rare. La seule loyauté était dans la force, et la seule organisation était entre ceux qui étaient assez forts pour contrôler les autres et ceux qui étaient contrôlés..''<br />''Les rumeurs des horreurs du Pitt se répandirent dans tout le désert, et tous les voyageurs savaient qu'il fallait l'éviter à tout prix. Cependant, The Pitt est devenue l'une des communautés les plus autosuffisantes des terres désolées. Certes, leur autosuffisance reposait sur le fait que les citoyens se nourrissaient occasionnellement les uns les autres, mais ils fonctionnaient sans commerce ni exportation.''<br />''En 2042{{sic}}, Star Paladin Lyons de la Confrérie de l'acier a mené le Fléau, une action militaire à grande échelle qui a anéantit presque toute la population de The Pitt. En une seule nuit, la Confrérie a balayé la ville, éliminant tous les résidents qui se sont battus. Bien que l'intention du Fléau reste floue, plusieurs enfants non mutés ont été retirés du Pitt par la Confrérie et placés en formation initiale. Les motivations du Fléau ne sont pas claires à ce jour, mais beaucoup dans la Confrérie notent qu'il s'agit d'un changement marqué dans le fonctionnement de la Confrérie. De plus, on sait que quelque chose a été récupéré du Pitt pendant le Fléau, bien qu'à ce jour, il semblerait que seul l'aîné Lyons sait ce que c'était.''<br />''On dit qu'un Paladin de la Confrérie est resté dans le Pitt, cherchant à apporter la loi et l'ordre aux masses non lavées et à créer une classe inférieure d'esclaves Pitt dans le processus, gardée par les Pitt Raiders sous son commandement personnel. Cependant, dans les décennies qui ont suivi les événements du Fléau, personne n'a entendu parler de The Pitt. Les voyageurs qui sont allés enquêter ne sont pas revenus et aucun survivant n'est apparu.."''<br />([[Fallout 3 Profils des factions du Guide officiel du jeu]])</ref> Le contingent de Lyons quitte la ville avec une vingtaine d'enfants, qui seront plus tard initiés à la Confrérie..<ref>Le [[Vagabond Solitaire]]: ''"Comment vous êtes-vous échappé?"''<br />[[Kodiak]]:''"Au fur et à mesure qu'ils avançaient, la Confrérie a surveillé chaque enfant non mutilé qu'ils ont pu trouver. Il s'avère qu'il n'y en avait pas tant que ça. Moi et peut-être vingt autres. Plus nous étions jeunes, moins nous avions de chance d'être mutés. C'était un travail moche, sans aucun doute, mais il fallait le faire. Je n'oublierai jamais la vue de la Confrérie de l'Acier brisant la poitrine de la montagne à l'aube"''<br />([[Dialogue de Kodiak]])</ref> La plupart ont été recrutés dans la Confrérie. Par 2277, il n'en reste qu'un seul stationné à la Citadelle.:<ref>Le [[Vagabond Solitaire]]: ''"Qu'est-il arrivé aux autres enfants de Pitt ??"''<br />Kodiak: ''"Tous sont devenus des initiés. La plupart d'entre eux sont devenus des Frères. Beaucoup de choses sont tombées en action. Je suis le seul survivant du Fléau du Pitt encore stationné à la Citadelle.."''<br />([[Dialogue de Kodiak]])</ref> [Kodiak|Greg Bear]], nom de code Kodiak, est stationné avec la [[Troupe de Lyons]].  
Sur le chemin des [[Terres désolées de la capitale]], le corps expéditionnaire de la Confrérie est tombé sur les ruines de [[The Pitt (ville)|Pittsburgh en Pennsylvanie]]. En une seule nuit, la Confrérie a balayé la ville à partir de leur zone au [[Mont Wash]], et éliminé tout résident qui s'est battu. L'intention du Fléau reste floue, mais beaucoup dans la Confrérie notent qu'il s'agit d'un changement marqué dans le fonctionnement de la Confrérie. De plus, on sait que quelque chose a été récupéré du Pitt pendant le Fléau, bien qu'à ce jour, il semblerait que seul l'[[Owyn Lyons|Aîné Lyons]] sait ce que c'était.<ref name="pittfactions">[[Guide officiel du jeu Fallout 3]] Édition jeu de l'année p.43-44:<br/>''"'''Pillards de Pitt'''<br/>'''Esclaves de Pitt'''<br/>'''Trogs'''<br/>'''Wildmen'''''<br/>''Après la Grande Guerre, les survivants ont établi une colonie sur les vestiges d'une ville au confluent des rivières. Les rivières semblent fournir une ressource claire, et suffisamment de la ville a été nettoyée par les bombes pour qu'une nouvelle colonie puisse être établie. Cependant, des matières radioactives et des mutagènes non identifiés se sont mélangés à l'eau souterraine, la rendant légèrement mutagène et hautement cancérigène. En conséquence, les habitants de la nouvelle colonie ont commencé à changer légèrement.''<br/>''Les changements étaient subtils, pas à la mesure des Super Mutants ou des diverses créatures du désert, mais au cours des 140 années suivantes, il est devenu indéniable que quelque chose affecterait les gens de The Pitt. Dès les premières années, les enfants sont souvent nés avec des excroissances étranges ou des membres extra vestigiaux. Les mutations ne sont jamais allées bien au-delà du bossu ou de la fente palatine occasionnelle, mais il n'a pas fallu longtemps avant que la grande majorité des résidents de The Pitt développent une sorte de déformation physique au cours de leur vie. Bien que de nombreux enfants soient nés "propres", plus ils vieillissent, plus il y a de chances qu'un problème se développe.''<br/>''Le changement le plus troublant que l'environnement a causé n'était pas aussi perceptible que les difformités physiques. L'eau infectée et le ciel empoisonné ont commencé à causer des dommages neurologiques aux personnes exposées. Les gens devenaient plus hostiles, plus violents et plus coléreux ; ils devenaient connus sous le nom de "Wildmen". Leurs émotions sont devenues incontrôlables, et leurs actions vacillaient souvent sur primal. Dans les cas graves, des humains mutants se sont transformés en bêtes sauvages et voûtées, surnommées "Trogs". Au cours des 50 premières années, The Pitt a rapidement dégénéré en un dangereux repaire de meurtriers et de violeurs ; même le cannibalisme n'était pas rare. La seule loyauté était dans la force, et la seule organisation était entre ceux qui étaient assez forts pour contrôler les autres et ceux qui étaient contrôlés..''<br/>''Les rumeurs des horreurs du Pitt se répandirent dans tout le désert, et tous les voyageurs savaient qu'il fallait l'éviter à tout prix. Cependant, The Pitt est devenue l'une des communautés les plus autosuffisantes des terres désolées. Certes, leur autosuffisance reposait sur le fait que les citoyens se nourrissaient occasionnellement les uns les autres, mais ils fonctionnaient sans commerce ni exportation.''<br/>''En 2042{{sic}}, Star Paladin Lyons de la Confrérie de l'acier a mené le Fléau, une action militaire à grande échelle qui a anéantit presque toute la population de The Pitt. En une seule nuit, la Confrérie a balayé la ville, éliminant tous les résidents qui se sont battus. Bien que l'intention du Fléau reste floue, plusieurs enfants non mutés ont été retirés du Pitt par la Confrérie et placés en formation initiale. Les motivations du Fléau ne sont pas claires à ce jour, mais beaucoup dans la Confrérie notent qu'il s'agit d'un changement marqué dans le fonctionnement de la Confrérie. De plus, on sait que quelque chose a été récupéré du Pitt pendant le Fléau, bien qu'à ce jour, il semblerait que seul l'aîné Lyons sait ce que c'était.''<br/>''On dit qu'un Paladin de la Confrérie est resté dans le Pitt, cherchant à apporter la loi et l'ordre aux masses non lavées et à créer une classe inférieure d'esclaves Pitt dans le processus, gardée par les Pitt Raiders sous son commandement personnel. Cependant, dans les décennies qui ont suivi les événements du Fléau, personne n'a entendu parler de The Pitt. Les voyageurs qui sont allés enquêter ne sont pas revenus et aucun survivant n'est apparu.."''<br/>([[Fallout 3 Profils des factions du Guide officiel du jeu]])</ref> Le contingent de Lyons quitte la ville avec une vingtaine d'enfants, qui seront plus tard initiés à la Confrérie..<ref>Le [[Vagabond Solitaire]]: ''"Comment vous êtes-vous échappé?"''<br/>[[Kodiak]]:''"Au fur et à mesure qu'ils avançaient, la Confrérie a surveillé chaque enfant non mutilé qu'ils ont pu trouver. Il s'avère qu'il n'y en avait pas tant que ça. Moi et peut-être vingt autres. Plus nous étions jeunes, moins nous avions de chance d'être mutés. C'était un travail moche, sans aucun doute, mais il fallait le faire. Je n'oublierai jamais la vue de la Confrérie de l'Acier brisant la poitrine de la montagne à l'aube"''<br/>([[Dialogue de Kodiak]])</ref> La plupart ont été recrutés dans la Confrérie. Par 2277, il n'en reste qu'un seul stationné à la Citadelle.:<ref>Le [[Vagabond Solitaire]]: ''"Qu'est-il arrivé aux autres enfants de Pitt ??"''<br/>Kodiak: ''"Tous sont devenus des initiés. La plupart d'entre eux sont devenus des Frères. Beaucoup de choses sont tombées en action. Je suis le seul survivant du Fléau du Pitt encore stationné à la Citadelle.."''<br/>([[Dialogue de Kodiak]])</ref> [Kodiak|Greg Bear]], nom de code Kodiak, est stationné avec la [[Troupe de Lyons]].  

Au cours du Fléau, les forces de lyons n'ont subi qu'une seule victime : Paladin [[Ishmael Ashur]], qui a été enterré sous les décombres pendant les combats et présumé mort. Cependant, Ashur a survécu et a établi un contrôle du Pitt, la transformant en une centrale industrielle, soutenue par le savoir-faire technologique de la Confrérie. En même temps, il a abandonné la Confrérie et ses enseignements, reconnaissant l'échec inhérent à la nature insoutenable et charognard des voies de la Confrérie.<ref name="pittfactions" />
Au cours du Fléau, les forces de lyons n'ont subi qu'une seule victime : Paladin [[Ishmael Ashur]], qui a été enterré sous les décombres pendant les combats et présumé mort. Cependant, Ashur a survécu et a établi un contrôle du Pitt, la transformant en une centrale industrielle, soutenue par le savoir-faire technologique de la Confrérie. En même temps, il a abandonné la Confrérie et ses enseignements, reconnaissant l'échec inhérent à la nature insoutenable et charognard des voies de la Confrérie.<ref name="pittfactions" />
Ligne 43 : Ligne 39 :
<section begin="Arrival" />
<section begin="Arrival" />
Le groupe de Lyons est finalement arrivé dans les Terres désolées de la capitale en 2255, établissant une base d'opérations au sein du [[Pentagone]] au cours des premiers mois.<ref name="RothHowLong">Le [[Vagabond Solitaire]]: ''"Depuis combien de temps êtes-vous ici ?"'' <br />[[Reginald Rothchild]]: ''"Nous sommes arrivés ici en 55. Nous nous sommes établis dans la Citadelle dans les premiers mois. L'Aîné nous a tenus occupés depuis ."''<br />([[Dialogue de Reginald Rothchild]])</ref> Bien que le Pentagone ait été en grande partie détruit, ses sous-niveaux sont restés, pour la plupart, intacts et ses stocks survivants contenaient une technologie et une armement d'avant-guerre non perturbés pour soutenir leurs opérations. Mais le joyau de la couronne était [[Liberty Prime]],<ref name="RothchildWhatkindofchanges">Le [[Vagabond Solitaire]]: ''"Quel genre de changements ?"''<br />[[Reginald Rothchild]]: ''"Nous avons été dépêchés avec une mission spécifique. Nous avons été envoyés pour localiser et sécuriser toute technologie d'avant la guerre. Comme notre monstruosité robotique. C'était notre plus belle découverte. Ce truc ne marche toujours pas, mais au moins, c'est le nôtre. Mais ces maudits Super Mutants..... Ils ont changé les choses. Lyons a changé. Il a décidé qu'ils étaient une menace. Pas seulement pour nous, mais pour tout le monde. Il a donc modifié la mission. Trouver la source des mutants et les arrêter était son but. Notre mission d'origine est devenue une pensée après coup. Nous avons échoué les deux à la fois."''<br />([[Dialogue de Reginald Rothchild]])</ref> une merveille technologique qui, si elle était restaurée, pourrait aider la Confrérie de l'acier à rebâtir une force et une réputation qui n'a cessé de décliner depuis des années.
Le groupe de Lyons est finalement arrivé dans les Terres désolées de la capitale en 2255, établissant une base d'opérations au sein du [[Pentagone]] au cours des premiers mois.<ref name="RothHowLong">Le [[Vagabond Solitaire]]: ''"Depuis combien de temps êtes-vous ici ?"'' <br/>[[Reginald Rothchild]]: ''"Nous sommes arrivés ici en 55. Nous nous sommes établis dans la Citadelle dans les premiers mois. L'Aîné nous a tenus occupés depuis ."''<br/>([[Dialogue de Reginald Rothchild]])</ref> Bien que le Pentagone ait été en grande partie détruit, ses sous-niveaux sont restés, pour la plupart, intacts et ses stocks survivants contenaient une technologie et une armement d'avant-guerre non perturbés pour soutenir leurs opérations. Mais le joyau de la couronne était [[Liberty Prime]],<ref name="RothchildWhatkindofchanges">Le [[Vagabond Solitaire]]: ''"Quel genre de changements ?"''<br/>[[Reginald Rothchild]]: ''"Nous avons été dépêchés avec une mission spécifique. Nous avons été envoyés pour localiser et sécuriser toute technologie d'avant la guerre. Comme notre monstruosité robotique. C'était notre plus belle découverte. Ce truc ne marche toujours pas, mais au moins, c'est le nôtre. Mais ces maudits Super Mutants..... Ils ont changé les choses. Lyons a changé. Il a décidé qu'ils étaient une menace. Pas seulement pour nous, mais pour tout le monde. Il a donc modifié la mission. Trouver la source des mutants et les arrêter était son but. Notre mission d'origine est devenue une pensée après coup. Nous avons échoué les deux à la fois."''<br/>([[Dialogue de Reginald Rothchild]])</ref> une merveille technologique qui, si elle était restaurée, pourrait aider la Confrérie de l'acier à rebâtir une force et une réputation qui n'a cessé de décliner depuis des années.

La découverte de Liberty Prime a valu à Paladin Lyons une promotion sur le champ de bataille à aîné, et une nouvelle directive de ses supérieurs dans le sud de la Californie - pour établir une nouvelle base permanente de la confrérie dans les Terres désolées de la capitale, et continuer la recherche de toute autre technologie avancée cachée dans les ruines de D.C.
La découverte de Liberty Prime a valu à Paladin Lyons une promotion sur le champ de bataille à aîné, et une nouvelle directive de ses supérieurs dans le sud de la Californie - pour établir une nouvelle base permanente de la confrérie dans les Terres désolées de la capitale, et continuer la recherche de toute autre technologie avancée cachée dans les ruines de D.C.
<section end="Arrival" />
<section end="Arrival" />
[[File:Concept09B.jpg|thumb|The Citadel]]
[[File:Concept09B.jpg|thumb|The Citadel]]
Peu après leur arrivée, les éclaireurs lyonnais ont identifié une nouvelle menace dans la région : une race particulière de [[Super mutant de l'abri 87|super mutants]], infestant les ruines désertes du centre-ville de D.C. Préoccupés par leur présence et convaincus qu'ils sont la principale menace pour le désert, Lyons a lancé une longue campagne d'agression pour les éradiquer.<ref>< Le [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"How long have you been here?"''<br />[[Owyn Lyons]]: ''"It's been over twenty years since we arrived. And we've been struggling to contain and eradicate the Super Mutants for nearly as long. With the arrival of the Enclave, I have a terrible feeling the Super Mutants are the least of our worries."''<br />([[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref> Dans le même temps, ils ont prêté assistance à [[James (Fallout 3)|James]] et [[Catherine (Fallout 3)|Catherine]], une paire de scientifiques qui tentent de construire un purificateur à grande échelle, dans l'intention de fournir aux terres désolées une source pratiquement inépuisable d'eau douce purifiée, réduisant ainsi leur dépendance vis-à-vis des méthodes de purification locales. En fin de compte, le [[Projet Pureté]] n'a pas réussi à décoller, malgré l'implication de la confrérie. Frustré, Lyons a retiré ses forces, laissant le Projet se débrouiller tout seul. Le Projet Pureté meurt peu après, en même temps que Catherine, la femme de James.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"What about the Brotherhood's history in this area?"''<br />[[Elizabeth Jameson]]: ''"We first arrived in the Capital Wasteland in 2255. In those first couple of years, we discovered the Citadel, Super Mutants, and Project Purity! Ah, the purifier. What an undertaking. The work your father and his team did was... amazing. The Brotherhood helped protect them, you know. At least for a little while. But we were stretched thin as it was, even back then. We had to pull our forces out. When we did, the place was overrun. I imagine that's when your father left. I... I'm sorry, I wish things had turned out differently."''<br />([[Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue]])</ref> Une relation plus bénéfique a été établie des années plus tard, en 2272, avec [[Three Dog]] qui, en échange d'une protection et d'un soutien technique, a donné à la confrérie l'accès à la [[Galaxy News Radio]] plaza et a parlé en bien de la Confrérie. Dès lors, elle devint un bastion de la Confrérie dans la mer de ruines de Washington, et servit également de station de radio de propagande pour Lyons.<ref name="ThreeDogsDeal" />
Peu après leur arrivée, les éclaireurs lyonnais ont identifié une nouvelle menace dans la région : une race particulière de [[Super mutant de l'abri 87|super mutants]], infestant les ruines désertes du centre-ville de D.C. Préoccupés par leur présence et convaincus qu'ils sont la principale menace pour le désert, Lyons a lancé une longue campagne d'agression pour les éradiquer.<ref>< Le [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"How long have you been here?"''<br/>[[Owyn Lyons]]: ''"It's been over twenty years since we arrived. And we've been struggling to contain and eradicate the Super Mutants for nearly as long. With the arrival of the Enclave, I have a terrible feeling the Super Mutants are the least of our worries."''<br/>([[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref> Dans le même temps, ils ont prêté assistance à [[James (Fallout 3)|James]] et [[Catherine (Fallout 3)|Catherine]], une paire de scientifiques qui tentent de construire un purificateur à grande échelle, dans l'intention de fournir aux terres désolées une source pratiquement inépuisable d'eau douce purifiée, réduisant ainsi leur dépendance vis-à-vis des méthodes de purification locales. En fin de compte, le [[Projet Pureté]] n'a pas réussi à décoller, malgré l'implication de la confrérie. Frustré, Lyons a retiré ses forces, laissant le Projet se débrouiller tout seul. Le Projet Pureté meurt peu après, en même temps que Catherine, la femme de James.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"What about the Brotherhood's history in this area?"''<br/>[[Elizabeth Jameson]]: ''"We first arrived in the Capital Wasteland in 2255. In those first couple of years, we discovered the Citadel, Super Mutants, and Project Purity! Ah, the purifier. What an undertaking. The work your father and his team did was... amazing. The Brotherhood helped protect them, you know. At least for a little while. But we were stretched thin as it was, even back then. We had to pull our forces out. When we did, the place was overrun. I imagine that's when your father left. I... I'm sorry, I wish things had turned out differently."''<br/>([[Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue]])</ref> Une relation plus bénéfique a été établie des années plus tard, en 2272, avec [[Three Dog]] qui, en échange d'une protection et d'un soutien technique, a donné à la confrérie l'accès à la [[Galaxy News Radio]] plaza et a parlé en bien de la Confrérie. Dès lors, elle devint un bastion de la Confrérie dans la mer de ruines de Washington, et servit également de station de radio de propagande pour Lyons.<ref name="ThreeDogsDeal"/>

Mais pour l'instant, trop de questions demeurent : comment ces super mutants locaux ont-ils été créés ? Étaient-ils liés aux super mutants de [[Nouvelle Californie]] à l'ouest ? Pourquoi ont-ils capturé les habitants des terres désolées de la capitale ? Où les emmenaient-ils ?
Mais pour l'instant, trop de questions demeurent : comment ces super mutants locaux ont-ils été créés ? Étaient-ils liés aux super mutants de [[Nouvelle Californie]] à l'ouest ? Pourquoi ont-ils capturé les habitants des terres désolées de la capitale ? Où les emmenaient-ils ?
Ligne 55 : Ligne 51 :
Trouver ces réponses allait finalement devenir l'obsession d'Owyn Lyons. Le nouvel aîné décida, malgré les preuves du contraire, que les super mutants constituaient une menace non seulement pour la Confrérie et ses éclaireurs à Washington, mais aussi pour tous les habitants de la Capitale.<ref name="RothchildWhatkindofchanges" /> Ainsi, il a commencé à consacrer des ressources à la lutte contre les mutants, réduisant progressivement l'importance de remplir l'objectif principal de la mission : récupérer la technologie.<ref name="RothchildWhatkindofchanges" />
Trouver ces réponses allait finalement devenir l'obsession d'Owyn Lyons. Le nouvel aîné décida, malgré les preuves du contraire, que les super mutants constituaient une menace non seulement pour la Confrérie et ses éclaireurs à Washington, mais aussi pour tous les habitants de la Capitale.<ref name="RothchildWhatkindofchanges" /> Ainsi, il a commencé à consacrer des ressources à la lutte contre les mutants, réduisant progressivement l'importance de remplir l'objectif principal de la mission : récupérer la technologie.<ref name="RothchildWhatkindofchanges" />

Le conflit mettant à rude épreuve ses ressources, Lyons a tenté pendant plusieurs années de persuader la côte ouest d'envoyer des renforts et du ravitaillement, prétendant suivre les objectifs de la mission, mais en secret, il a continué à ordonner à ses subordonnés de sauver les gens en tuant des super mutants. Cependant, aucun mensonge ne peut être soutenu indéfiniment. Les choses ont atteint leur point culminant lorsque Lyon a carrément refusé de suivre un ordre direct des aînés. En réponse, la côte ouest l'a rapidement détaché, coupant les communications et refusant tout renfort. En 2277, les communications entre le chapitre de Lyons et Lost Hills ont complètement cessés.<ref name="RothRefusal">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"You make saving people sound like a bad thing."''<br />[[Reginald Rothchild]]: ''"It wasn't why we were sent here. Good or bad has nothing to do with it. Lyons knew that, but ignored it. He decided it was more important to save the people here than to obey orders from his superiors. For years he'd try and persuade them to send reinforcements and supplies, all the while stringing them along, saying he was sticking to the mission. Finally, things came to a head. Lyons directly refused orders, and so the West Coast cut us off. No communications, no reinforcements."''<br />The Vagbond Solitaire: ''"Why, what happened?"''<br />Reginald Rothchild: ''"Lines of communication were severed years ago. The Western Elders have washed their hands of us."''<br />([[Reginald Rothchild's dialogue]])</ref>
Le conflit mettant à rude épreuve ses ressources, Lyons a tenté pendant plusieurs années de persuader la côte ouest d'envoyer des renforts et du ravitaillement, prétendant suivre les objectifs de la mission, mais en secret, il a continué à ordonner à ses subordonnés de sauver les gens en tuant des super mutants. Cependant, aucun mensonge ne peut être soutenu indéfiniment. Les choses ont atteint leur point culminant lorsque Lyon a carrément refusé de suivre un ordre direct des aînés. En réponse, la côte ouest l'a rapidement détaché, coupant les communications et refusant tout renfort. En 2277, les communications entre le chapitre de Lyons et Lost Hills ont complètement cessés.<ref name="RothRefusal">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"You make saving people sound like a bad thing."''<br/>[[Reginald Rothchild]]: ''"It wasn't why we were sent here. Good or bad has nothing to do with it. Lyons knew that, but ignored it. He decided it was more important to save the people here than to obey orders from his superiors. For years he'd try and persuade them to send reinforcements and supplies, all the while stringing them along, saying he was sticking to the mission. Finally, things came to a head. Lyons directly refused orders, and so the West Coast cut us off. No communications, no reinforcements."''<br/>The Vagbond Solitaire: ''"Why, what happened?"''<br/>Reginald Rothchild: ''"Lines of communication were severed years ago. The Western Elders have washed their hands of us."''<br/>([[Reginald Rothchild's dialogue]])</ref>

Le conflit avec les super-mutants a duré des années, mettant à rude épreuve les ressources et la main-d'œuvre jusqu'au point de rupture. Sans le soutien de la Confrérie, la situation s'est progressivement détériorée. Cependant, les hommes de Lyons continuèrent à le soutenir et à suivre ses ordres, principalement par la doctrine de la loyauté que la Confrérie leur enseigna dès leur naissance.<ref>Le [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"What do you mean by "repercussions"?"''<br />[[Reginald Rothchild]]: ''"Some did not approve of the Elder's decisions. Initially, they followed because we are all taught to follow the Elders."''<br />([[Reginald Rothchild's dialogue]])</ref> Cet état de fait ne durera pas, culminant dans ce qui est devenu le coup le plus dévastateur de la courte histoire de la capacité du chapitre de Lyon à faire la guerre.
Le conflit avec les super-mutants a duré des années, mettant à rude épreuve les ressources et la main-d'œuvre jusqu'au point de rupture. Sans le soutien de la Confrérie, la situation s'est progressivement détériorée. Cependant, les hommes de Lyons continuèrent à le soutenir et à suivre ses ordres, principalement par la doctrine de la loyauté que la Confrérie leur enseigna dès leur naissance.<ref>Le [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"What do you mean by "repercussions"?"''<br/>[[Reginald Rothchild]]: ''"Some did not approve of the Elder's decisions. Initially, they followed because we are all taught to follow the Elders."''<br/>([[Reginald Rothchild's dialogue]])</ref> Cet état de fait ne durera pas, culminant dans ce qui est devenu le coup le plus dévastateur de la courte histoire de la capacité du chapitre de Lyon à faire la guerre.

===Le Schisme===
===Le Schisme===
:''Main articles: [[Dissidents de la Confrérie]], [[Schisme]]''
:''Main articles: [[Dissidents de la Confrérie]], [[Schisme]]''
Sous le commandement de Lyon, des segments de chevaliers et de paladins sont devenus insatisfaits de l'accent mis par Lyons sur la protection de la capitale et de ses habitants contre les supermutants, considérant que c'était un gaspillage inefficace d'hommes et de ressources qui allait finalement détruire la Confrérie. La situation s'est progressivement détériorée, pour finalement basculer en 2276.<ref name="BowditchLastYear">Le [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Tell me more about the Outcasts."''<br/>[[Bowditch]]: ''"It's a rather sad story, I'm afraid. Last year, some of our soldiers had grave disagreements with the decisions of Elder Lyons. Disagreements spiraled out of control, and there was a schism in the ranks. The loyal soldiers practically threw out the dissenters. Now they call themselves the Outcasts."''<br/>([[Bowditch's dialogue]])</ref> Lorsque l'aîné Lyons a ignoré leurs demandes répétées pour récupérer la technologie de [[Fort Independence]], une base militaire scientifique d'avant-guerre.<ref name="OutcastsOriginBowditch">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"What sort of disagreements did they have?"''<br/>[[Bowditch]]: ''"Where Elder Lyons has fought to protect the people of the Capital Wasteland, the Outcasts demanded we move on and leave them to their fates. They insisted there was more important technology to be recovered in a scientific base in the ruins of Fort Independence, to the West. As callous as their decision may be, it's more in line with our original mission. Elder Lyons is an inspiration to us, but to them he's a traitor."''<br/>([[Bowditch's dialogue]])</ref> Se Ralliant derrière Paladin [[Henry Casdin]],<ref name="BowditchImpact">Le [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Who were the exiles?"''<br/>[[Bowditch]]: ''"The soldiers rallied behind Paladin Casdin, who was one of Elder Lyons' original squad. They served together for over twenty years. Casdin was well-respected, and every bit as loyal to the Brotherhood as Elder Lyons. He just disagreed with the interpretations of our oaths. But when disagreements turned into fistfights, he left with the Outcasts. We lost more allies that day than we ever have to any battle."''<br/>([[Bowditch's dialogue]])</ref> les dissidents ont abandonné le commandement de Lyons et ont quitté la [[Citadelle]], emportant avec eux une grande partie de ses stocks d'armes et de matériel. Lyons a perdu plus de soldats en ce seul moment qu'il n'en a perdu en 23 ans de combat contre les mutants.<ref name="BowditchLyonsConvo1">[[Peabody]]: ''"Good morning, Elder. I'm sorry to report that things are not as they should be. Ever since Casdin was outcast..."''<br/>[[Owyn Lyons]]: ''"That name is not to be spoken within this Citadel. Do you understand? I wish it were not so, truly I do, but he is Outcast. He has been judged."''<br/>Peabody: ''"I know the protocols, sir. But the equipment that they stole was very valuable. Our weapons are beginning to deteriorate without the spare parts."''<br/>Owyn Lyons: ''"I understand, Peabody. But you'll need to make do the best you can. If our weapons can't penetrate that Enclave armor, we stand no chance."''<br/>Peabody: ''"Yes, Elder. I understand. I'm sure... we've got the parts around here somewhere..."''<br/>([[Peabody's dialogue|Peabody's]] and [[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref><ref>[[Peabody]]: ''"Greetings, Elder. I wish I could say that things were well. Unfortunately, I am still having supply problems. When Casdin..."''<br/>[[Owyn Lyons]]: ''"Scribe. You are not to speak the name of an Outcast in the walls of the Citadel. Is that understood?"''<br/>Peabody: ''"I... I understand, sir. But the Outcasts have stolen a great deal of our uncatalogued equipment. I am beginning to run short of supplies for repairs."''<br/>Owyn Lyons: ''"Then make do with what you have. We may lack the Enclave's resources, but I'm counting on your ingenuity to make up for that!"''<br/>Peabody: ''"Yes, Elder. I understand. Forgive me for speaking out of turn. My... frustration got the better of me."''<br/>([[Peabody's dialogue|Peabody's]] and [[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref> La perte d'hommes et de matériel a eu un impact négatif important sur les performances de combat du chapitre de lyons, réduisant considérablement sa capacité à projeter sa puissance dans toute les terres désolées de la capitale.<ref name="BowditchImpact"/>

Sous le commandement de Lyon, des segments de chevaliers et de paladins sont devenus insatisfaits de l'accent mis par Lyons sur la protection de la capitale et de ses habitants contre les supermutants, considérant que c'était un gaspillage inefficace d'hommes et de ressources qui allait finalement détruire la Confrérie. La situation s'est progressivement détériorée, pour finalement basculer en 2276.<ref name="BowditchLastYear">Le [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Tell me more about the Outcasts."''<br />[[Bowditch]]: ''"It's a rather sad story, I'm afraid. Last year, some of our soldiers had grave disagreements with the decisions of Elder Lyons. Disagreements spiraled out of control, and there was a schism in the ranks. The loyal soldiers practically threw out the dissenters. Now they call themselves the Outcasts."''<br />([[Bowditch's dialogue]])</ref> Lorsque l'aîné Lyons a ignoré leurs demandes répétées pour récupérer la technologie de [[Fort Independence]], une base militaire scientifique d'avant-guerre.<ref name="OutcastsOriginBowditch">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"What sort of disagreements did they have?"''<br />[[Bowditch]]: ''"Where Elder Lyons has fought to protect the people of the Capital Wasteland, the Outcasts demanded we move on and leave them to their fates. They insisted there was more important technology to be recovered in a scientific base in the ruins of Fort Independence, to the West. As callous as their decision may be, it's more in line with our original mission. Elder Lyons is an inspiration to us, but to them he's a traitor."''<br />([[Bowditch's dialogue]])</ref> Se Ralliant derrière Paladin [[Henry Casdin]],<ref name="BowditchImpact">Le [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Who were the exiles?"''<br />[[Bowditch]]: ''"The soldiers rallied behind Paladin Casdin, who was one of Elder Lyons' original squad. They served together for over twenty years. Casdin was well-respected, and every bit as loyal to the Brotherhood as Elder Lyons. He just disagreed with the interpretations of our oaths. But when disagreements turned into fistfights, he left with the Outcasts. We lost more allies that day than we ever have to any battle."''<br />([[Bowditch's dialogue]])</ref> les dissidents ont abandonné le commandement de Lyons et ont quitté la [[Citadelle]], emportant avec eux une grande partie de ses stocks d'armes et de matériel. Lyons a perdu plus de soldats en ce seul moment qu'il n'en a perdu en 23 ans de combat contre les mutants.<ref name="BowditchLyonsConvo1">[[Peabody]]: ''"Good morning, Elder. I'm sorry to report that things are not as they should be. Ever since Casdin was outcast..."''<br />[[Owyn Lyons]]: ''"That name is not to be spoken within this Citadel. Do you understand? I wish it were not so, truly I do, but he is Outcast. He has been judged."''<br />Peabody: ''"I know the protocols, sir. But the equipment that they stole was very valuable. Our weapons are beginning to deteriorate without the spare parts."''<br />Owyn Lyons: ''"I understand, Peabody. But you'll need to make do the best you can. If our weapons can't penetrate that Enclave armor, we stand no chance."''<br />Peabody: ''"Yes, Elder. I understand. I'm sure... we've got the parts around here somewhere..."''<br />([[Peabody's dialogue|Peabody's]] and [[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref><ref>[[Peabody]]: ''"Greetings, Elder. I wish I could say that things were well. Unfortunately, I am still having supply problems. When Casdin..."''<br />[[Owyn Lyons]]: ''"Scribe. You are not to speak the name of an Outcast in the walls of the Citadel. Is that understood?"''<br />Peabody: ''"I... I understand, sir. But the Outcasts have stolen a great deal of our uncatalogued equipment. I am beginning to run short of supplies for repairs."''<br />Owyn Lyons: ''"Then make do with what you have. We may lack the Enclave's resources, but I'm counting on your ingenuity to make up for that!"''<br />Peabody: ''"Yes, Elder. I understand. Forgive me for speaking out of turn. My... frustration got the better of me."''<br />([[Peabody's dialogue|Peabody's]] and [[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref> La perte d'hommes et de matériel a eu un impact négatif important sur les performances de combat du chapitre de lyons, réduisant considérablement sa capacité à projeter sa puissance dans toute les terres désolées de la capitale.<ref name="BowditchImpact" />
Under Casdin's command, the rogue scribes, knights and paladins seized Fort Independence, where they pushed back the indigenous raider groups and adapted the former military base for use as their main headquarters. Termed "Outcasts" by their angered former brothers and sisters, the renegade soldiers adopted the name as a badge of honor,<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"So, you just figure you'll strike out on your own as Outcasts?"''<br/>[[Anne Marie Morgan]]:''"Not hardly. We've got our mission, we'll stick with it, and to hell with Lyons and his soldier sycophants. If they call us Outcasts for our dedication to duty, then we'll wear the title with pride! And you just wait for when we get back in contact with the real Brotherhood out West. Lyons will have hell to pay."''<br/>([[Anne Marie Morgan's dialogue]])</ref> and painted their armor red and black to distinguish themselves from the organization in which they no longer believe. A year after the split, the Outcasts organized a system of regular patrols, scouring the wasteland for technology, and began to excavate several locations, including the [[VSS Facility|Virtual Strategic Simulations facility]], in order to complete the original mission objectives. Ultimately, they plan to regroup with loyalist chapters in the West, though presently, they are stuck protecting Fort Independence and their considerable stockpile of powerful technology.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Tell me about the Outcasts."''<br/>Anne Marie Morgan: ''"We collect technology, and most people want what we've collected. Right now, we're pretty much stuck defending this Fort, but that won't be forever. Once we regroup, we'll continue our work and keep moving back west."''<br/>([[Anne Marie Morgan's dialogue]])</ref>
Under Casdin's command, the rogue scribes, knights and paladins seized Fort Independence, where they pushed back the indigenous raider groups and adapted the former military base for use as their main headquarters. Termed "Outcasts" by their angered former brothers and sisters, the renegade soldiers adopted the name as a badge of honor,<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"So, you just figure you'll strike out on your own as Outcasts?"''<br />[[Anne Marie Morgan]]:''"Not hardly. We've got our mission, we'll stick with it, and to hell with Lyons and his soldier sycophants. If they call us Outcasts for our dedication to duty, then we'll wear the title with pride! And you just wait for when we get back in contact with the real Brotherhood out West. Lyons will have hell to pay."''<br />([[Anne Marie Morgan's dialogue]])</ref> and painted their armor red and black to distinguish themselves from the organization in which they no longer believe. A year after the split, the Outcasts organized a system of regular patrols, scouring the wasteland for technology, and began to excavate several locations, including the [[VSS Facility|Virtual Strategic Simulations facility]], in order to complete the original mission objectives. Ultimately, they plan to regroup with loyalist chapters in the West, though presently, they are stuck protecting Fort Independence and their considerable stockpile of powerful technology.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Tell me about the Outcasts."''<br />Anne Marie Morgan: ''"We collect technology, and most people want what we've collected. Right now, we're pretty much stuck defending this Fort, but that won't be forever. Once we regroup, we'll continue our work and keep moving back west."''<br />([[Anne Marie Morgan's dialogue]])</ref>

===The Year of Great Events===
===The Year of Great Events===
[[File:BOS Graffiti.jpg|thumb|Graffiti marking, used to denote outposts or waypoints|lien=Special:FilePath/BOS_Graffiti.jpg]]
[[File:BOS Graffiti.jpg|thumb|Graffiti marking, used to denote outposts or waypoints]]
Lyons' Brotherhood began [[Fallout timeline#2277|2277]] as a diminished, weakened force, suffering from a shortage of qualified combat personnel and severely depleted stocks of weapons and equipment. As a result, the Brotherhood has limited presence outside the [[Citadel]], with only a handful of reinforced outposts scattered across the District of Columbia metropolitan area.<ref name="LyonsState">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Anything you can tell me about the Super Mutants?"''<br />[[Owyn Lyons]]: ''"Would you believe... "no"? It's pathetic, really, considering we've been fighting those abominations for nearly twenty years. In all that time, all we've managed to do is contain the threat. Hold them back, so they don't overrun every blasted settlement out here. But we don't really "know" anything. Where they're from, why they've infested the D.C. ruins. And now here we are, holed up in our Citadel. Low on resources, low on troops. It's enough to make an old man so very... tired."''<br />([[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref><ref name="RothHopeless">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Those sound like pretty good changes to me."''<br />[[Reginald Rothchild]]: ''"You're an outsider. I don't expect you to understand. We live and die by our dedication to the Brotherhood. To go against orders... It's not something that's done. I appreciate that Lyons believes he is doing what is right, but he should never have disobeyed orders. And now look where it's gotten us. Forces dwindled, Super Mutants on one side, Enclave on the other. We can barely take care of ourselves."''<br />([[Reginald Rothchild's dialogue]])</ref><ref name="JamesonBoSbeliefs">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"What does the Brotherhood believe?"''<br />[[Elizabeth Jameson]]: ''"We believe in technology, in the triumph of the creations of the ancients over the horrors and evils of the Wasteland. We believe in trust. Trust in technology. Trust in our fellow Brothers. Trust in our Elders. Ah, and we believe in victory. Our forces have dwindled, but still we fight on. Super Mutant, Enclave, it matters not. Surrender is not an option."''<br />([[Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue]])</ref><ref name="ArtemisGoingOn">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"You must see a lot of things. What's been going on?"''<br />[[Artemis (personne)|Artemis]]: ''"What's been going on? Well, let's see. For years, we've been draining our resources defending the ungrateful residents of this no man's land. Most of my best friends have either been ripped apart by Super Mutants or left to join the Outcasts. And now an enemy we faced more than thirty years ago has resurfaced, and their tech is still better than ours. What's been going on with you?"''<br />([[Artemis' dialogue]])</ref><ref>[[Elder Owyn Lyons -- Personal Log 2]]: "''Here I sit, in the safety of the Citadel, while the people of the Wasteland thirst, and suffer, and die. Here I sit, a failed, feeble old man. What have I really accomplished? How many have I truly helped? The Super Mutants still roam rampant. The people still die of thirst and radiation. The Western Elders cease to acknowledge my existence. Some of my own people have even gone Outcast. And now... the Enclave. Technologically superior. Infinitely resourceful. The time has come to pass the mantle to more able hands. But is she ready?''"</ref>
Lyons' Brotherhood began [[Fallout timeline#2277|2277]] as a diminished, weakened force, suffering from a shortage of qualified combat personnel and severely depleted stocks of weapons and equipment. As a result, the Brotherhood has limited presence outside the [[Citadel]], with only a handful of reinforced outposts scattered across the District of Columbia metropolitan area.<ref name="LyonsState">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Anything you can tell me about the Super Mutants?"''<br/>[[Owyn Lyons]]: ''"Would you believe... "no"? It's pathetic, really, considering we've been fighting those abominations for nearly twenty years. In all that time, all we've managed to do is contain the threat. Hold them back, so they don't overrun every blasted settlement out here. But we don't really "know" anything. Where they're from, why they've infested the D.C. ruins. And now here we are, holed up in our Citadel. Low on resources, low on troops. It's enough to make an old man so very... tired."''<br/>([[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref><ref name="RothHopeless">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Those sound like pretty good changes to me."''<br/>[[Reginald Rothchild]]: ''"You're an outsider. I don't expect you to understand. We live and die by our dedication to the Brotherhood. To go against orders... It's not something that's done. I appreciate that Lyons believes he is doing what is right, but he should never have disobeyed orders. And now look where it's gotten us. Forces dwindled, Super Mutants on one side, Enclave on the other. We can barely take care of ourselves."''<br/>([[Reginald Rothchild's dialogue]])</ref><ref name="JamesonBoSbeliefs">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"What does the Brotherhood believe?"''<br/>[[Elizabeth Jameson]]: ''"We believe in technology, in the triumph of the creations of the ancients over the horrors and evils of the Wasteland. We believe in trust. Trust in technology. Trust in our fellow Brothers. Trust in our Elders. Ah, and we believe in victory. Our forces have dwindled, but still we fight on. Super Mutant, Enclave, it matters not. Surrender is not an option."''<br/>([[Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue]])</ref><ref name="ArtemisGoingOn">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"You must see a lot of things. What's been going on?"''<br/>[[Artemis (personne)|Artemis]]: ''"What's been going on? Well, let's see. For years, we've been draining our resources defending the ungrateful residents of this no man's land. Most of my best friends have either been ripped apart by Super Mutants or left to join the Outcasts. And now an enemy we faced more than thirty years ago has resurfaced, and their tech is still better than ours. What's been going on with you?"''<br/>([[Artemis' dialogue]])</ref><ref>[[Elder Owyn Lyons -- Personal Log 2]]: "''Here I sit, in the safety of the Citadel, while the people of the Wasteland thirst, and suffer, and die. Here I sit, a failed, feeble old man. What have I really accomplished? How many have I truly helped? The Super Mutants still roam rampant. The people still die of thirst and radiation. The Western Elders cease to acknowledge my existence. Some of my own people have even gone Outcast. And now... the Enclave. Technologically superior. Infinitely resourceful. The time has come to pass the mantle to more able hands. But is she ready?''"</ref>

Elder Lyons' charisma keeps his people devoted to goals outlined by him, as does his daughter's personal combat unit, the [[Lyons' Pride]]. Sarah Lyons holds the rank of Sentinel and is considered a skilled combatant, leading the best warriors Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel has to offer. The same was not true for other members of the organization: after losing a great number of his men due to the Schism, Lyons was forced to recruit new members from the local population and the results proved disappointing. The attrition rate was tremendous, primarily due to deploying freshly trained initiates into combat. Without proper training, many died rapidly, despite being issued military grade weapons and armor, up to and including [[Power armor (Fallout 3)|T-45d powered armor]].<ref>{{Color|Gray|Initiate attrition rate is referred to several times, and further supported by presence of Initiate corpses in power armor scattered in D.C. and elsewhere.}}</ref>
Elder Lyons' charisma keeps his people devoted to goals outlined by him, as does his daughter's personal combat unit, the [[Lyons' Pride]]. Sarah Lyons holds the rank of Sentinel and is considered a skilled combatant, leading the best warriors Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel has to offer. The same was not true for other members of the organization: after losing a great number of his men due to the Schism, Lyons was forced to recruit new members from the local population and the results proved disappointing. The attrition rate was tremendous, primarily due to deploying freshly trained initiates into combat. Without proper training, many died rapidly, despite being issued military grade weapons and armor, up to and including [[Power armor (Fallout 3)|T-45d powered armor]].<ref>{{Color|Gray|Initiate attrition rate is referred to several times, and further supported by presence of Initiate corpses in power armor scattered in D.C. and elsewhere.}}</ref>

It is in this weakened state that the Brotherhood was forced to face the Enclave. The purifier they once abandoned has been reactivated by its former head researcher, [[James (Fallout 3)|James]], with assistance from his child, known now only as the [[Vagbond Solitaire]]. The seizure of the purifier by the [[Enclave]] and arrival of Dr. [[Madison Li]] at the Citadel with information that the Purifier can be made functional, despite previous data to the contrary, forced Elder Lyons to make a decision. The Elder decided that having Enclave extremists in control of the wasteland could not be allowed.<ref>[[Owyn Lyons]]: ''"{{Tooltip|Madison, I'm surprised to see you here. What can I do for you?|pleasant, slightly smug}}"''<br />[[Madison Li]]: ''"{{Tooltip|Don't talk down to me, Lyons. I had nowhere else to turn. You must help us. Project Purity has been overrun.|agitated, annoyed}}"''<br />Owyn Lyons: ''"{{Tooltip|Yes, I'd heard reports of an incident there. What details can you give us?|calm, collected}}"''<br />Madison Li: ''"{{Tooltip|The Enclave. They've attacked Project Purity. James is dead... there may be more. I don't know. You have to do something!|agitated, slightly hysterical}}"''<br />Owyn Lyons: ''"{{Tooltip|Then it's as we feared. Madison, I'm sorry this happened. I wish we could have done something...|regretful, consoling}}"''<br />Madison Li: ''"Then do something now! They've taken over the purifier. Lyons, they cannot be permitted to have control over it. It's not right!"''<br />Owyn Lyons: ''"Now now, calm down. You know as well as I do that the purifier doesn't work. It's useless to them. Perhaps it's time to walk away."''<br />Madison Li: ''"That's not true. James... He found what's been missing. We know how to get it running."''<br />Owyn Lyons: ''"Is that so? Does the Enclave know this?"''<br />Madison Li: ''"No, I don't think... I don't know. I just don't know what's happening anymore."''<br />Owyn Lyons: ''"All right, Madison. It'll be okay. Now, this is James' {{Tooltip|son|Male}}/{{Tooltip|daughter|Female}}, I presume? I can see the resemblance."''<br />Madison Li: ''"Yes. {{Tooltip|He|Male}}/{{Tooltip|She|Female}} knows what we need. Vault-Tec computer, something to locate equipment. Please help {{Tooltip|him|Male}}/{{Tooltip|her|Female}}."''<br />Owyn Lyons: ''"Very well. We'll sort this all out."''.<br />([[Madison Li's dialogue|Madison Li's]] and [[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref><ref>[[Elder Owyn Lyons -- personal log#Elder Owyn Lyons -- personal log 3|Elder Owyn Lyons -- personal log]]: "If they controlled that much clean water... they would control the entire Capital Wasteland. I simply cannot allow that to happen."</ref> To this end, he began to muster what little forces he had and gear them up for a campaign against the Enclave, while assigning the Vagbond Solitaire to retrieve the key to Project Purity: the [[Garden of Eden Creation Kit]] from [[Vault 87]]. Meanwhile, Madison Li and Scribe Rothchild set out to devise a way to make Liberty Prime operational.<ref name="FindingGECK">[[Finding the Garden of Eden]]</ref>  
It is in this weakened state that the Brotherhood was forced to face the Enclave. The purifier they once abandoned has been reactivated by its former head researcher, [[James (Fallout 3)|James]], with assistance from his child, known now only as the [[Vagbond Solitaire]]. The seizure of the purifier by the [[Enclave]] and arrival of Dr. [[Madison Li]] at the Citadel with information that the Purifier can be made functional, despite previous data to the contrary, forced Elder Lyons to make a decision. The Elder decided that having Enclave extremists in control of the wasteland could not be allowed.<ref>[[Owyn Lyons]]: ''"{{Tooltip|Madison, I'm surprised to see you here. What can I do for you?|pleasant, slightly smug}}"''<br/>[[Madison Li]]: ''"{{Tooltip|Don't talk down to me, Lyons. I had nowhere else to turn. You must help us. Project Purity has been overrun.|agitated, annoyed}}"''<br/>Owyn Lyons: ''"{{Tooltip|Yes, I'd heard reports of an incident there. What details can you give us?|calm, collected}}"''<br/>Madison Li: ''"{{Tooltip|The Enclave. They've attacked Project Purity. James is dead... there may be more. I don't know. You have to do something!|agitated, slightly hysterical}}"''<br/>Owyn Lyons: ''"{{Tooltip|Then it's as we feared. Madison, I'm sorry this happened. I wish we could have done something...|regretful, consoling}}"''<br/>Madison Li: ''"Then do something now! They've taken over the purifier. Lyons, they cannot be permitted to have control over it. It's not right!"''<br/>Owyn Lyons: ''"Now now, calm down. You know as well as I do that the purifier doesn't work. It's useless to them. Perhaps it's time to walk away."''<br/>Madison Li: ''"That's not true. James... He found what's been missing. We know how to get it running."''<br/>Owyn Lyons: ''"Is that so? Does the Enclave know this?"''<br/>Madison Li: ''"No, I don't think... I don't know. I just don't know what's happening anymore."''<br/>Owyn Lyons: ''"All right, Madison. It'll be okay. Now, this is James' {{Tooltip|son|Male}}/{{Tooltip|daughter|Female}}, I presume? I can see the resemblance."''<br/>Madison Li: ''"Yes. {{Tooltip|He|Male}}/{{Tooltip|She|Female}} knows what we need. Vault-Tec computer, something to locate equipment. Please help {{Tooltip|him|Male}}/{{Tooltip|her|Female}}."''<br/>Owyn Lyons: ''"Very well. We'll sort this all out."''.<br/>([[Madison Li's dialogue|Madison Li's]] and [[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref><ref>[[Elder Owyn Lyons -- personal log#Elder Owyn Lyons -- personal log 3|Elder Owyn Lyons -- personal log]]: "If they controlled that much clean water... they would control the entire Capital Wasteland. I simply cannot allow that to happen."</ref> To this end, he began to muster what little forces he had and gear them up for a campaign against the Enclave, while assigning the Vagbond Solitaire to retrieve the key to Project Purity: the [[Garden of Eden Creation Kit]] from [[Vault 87]]. Meanwhile, Madison Li and Scribe Rothchild set out to devise a way to make Liberty Prime operational.<ref name="FindingGECK">[[Finding the Garden of Eden]]</ref>  

The Vagbond Solitaire's mission did not go as planned. The Enclave managed to infiltrate [[Vault 87]] some time prior and captured the Vagbond Solitaire and the G.E.C.K.<ref name="FindingGECK" /> However, due to President [[John Henry Eden|Eden]] and Colonel [[Augustus Autumn|Autumn]]'s disagreements, the Vagbond Solitaire escaped [[Raven Rock]] and regrouped with Lyons' forces at the Citadel. Despite having barely enough men to keep the Citadel defended,<ref>[[Sarah Lyons]]: ''"I don't like it."''<br />[[Owyn Lyons]]: You don't have to like it, Sarah. You just have to follow orders.<br />Sarah Lyons: ''"So we just wait until they decide we're next on the list? If the Pride goes in now, we might have a chance."''<br />Owyn Lyons: ''"And if you fail, then what? The risk is not worth the reward."''<br />Sarah Lyons: ''"All I'm saying is, the longer we sit here, the more time they have to shore up their defenses. We should hit them sooner rather than later."''<br />Owyn Lyons: ''"We barely have the manpower to keep the Citadel fortified. We've been over this before, Sarah..."''<br />([[Sarah Lyons' dialogue|Sarah]] and [[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref> Elder Lyons ordered the freshly activated, jury rigged<ref>[[Owyn Lyons]]: ''"Then it's decided. Sarah, you take the Pride and use the robot as support. Take our friend here and secure that purifier."''<br />[[Reginald Rothchild]]: ''"It's not ready for field tests, let alone live fire situations. The weapons haven't been calibrated, the navigation detection system is offline..."''<br />Owyn Lyons: ''"Rothchild, enough. Can you make it work?"''<br />''"What? No! I mean, Li and I have solved the power problems, but we've only barely finished diagnostic tests."''<br />Owyn Lyons: ''"So?"''<br />([[Reginald Rothchild's dialogue|Reginald Rothchild's]] and [[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref> Liberty Prime to be deployed, covered by [[Lyons' Pride]], in order to prevent the Enclave from activating the purifier.<ref name="Take It Back">[[Take It Back!]]</ref>
The Vagbond Solitaire's mission did not go as planned. The Enclave managed to infiltrate [[Vault 87]] some time prior and captured the Vagbond Solitaire and the G.E.C.K.<ref name="FindingGECK" /> However, due to President [[John Henry Eden|Eden]] and Colonel [[Augustus Autumn|Autumn]]'s disagreements, the Vagbond Solitaire escaped [[Raven Rock]] and regrouped with Lyons' forces at the Citadel. Despite having barely enough men to keep the Citadel defended,<ref>[[Sarah Lyons]]: ''"I don't like it."''<br/>[[Owyn Lyons]]: You don't have to like it, Sarah. You just have to follow orders.<br/>Sarah Lyons: ''"So we just wait until they decide we're next on the list? If the Pride goes in now, we might have a chance."''<br/>Owyn Lyons: ''"And if you fail, then what? The risk is not worth the reward."''<br/>Sarah Lyons: ''"All I'm saying is, the longer we sit here, the more time they have to shore up their defenses. We should hit them sooner rather than later."''<br/>Owyn Lyons: ''"We barely have the manpower to keep the Citadel fortified. We've been over this before, Sarah..."''<br/>([[Sarah Lyons' dialogue|Sarah]] and [[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref> Elder Lyons ordered the freshly activated, jury rigged<ref>[[Owyn Lyons]]: ''"Then it's decided. Sarah, you take the Pride and use the robot as support. Take our friend here and secure that purifier."''<br/>[[Reginald Rothchild]]: ''"It's not ready for field tests, let alone live fire situations. The weapons haven't been calibrated, the navigation detection system is offline..."''<br/>Owyn Lyons: ''"Rothchild, enough. Can you make it work?"''<br/>''"What? No! I mean, Li and I have solved the power problems, but we've only barely finished diagnostic tests."''<br/>Owyn Lyons: ''"So?"''<br/>([[Reginald Rothchild's dialogue|Reginald Rothchild's]] and [[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref> Liberty Prime to be deployed, covered by [[Lyons' Pride]], in order to prevent the Enclave from activating the purifier.<ref name="Take It Back" >[[Take It Back!]]</ref>

{{Main|Battle of Project Purity|Battle of Rockland|Assault on Adams Air Force Base}}
{{Main|Battle of Project Purity|Battle of Rockland|Assault on Adams Air Force Base}}
Unprepared for such an attack, the [[Enclave]] could not defeat [[Liberty Prime]], especially as the Pride and the Vagbond Solitaire moved in behind him to mop up any survivors.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"What happened back at the purifier?"''<br />[[Tristan]]: ''"Well, you saw most of the fighting outside. The robot paved the way for us, we just mopped up the opposition while you and Sarah headed inside. After that... Hell if I know. Once we'd locked down the perimeter, and gotten word that the purifier was running, we headed in to look for you. Found you and Sarah both unconscious, and got you back to the Citadel fast as we could."''<br />([[Tristan's dialogue]])</ref> The spearhead carved a path through the perimeter around the purifier, including [[Repulsion device|photonic resonance barriers]], and finally, Sarah Lyons and the Vagbond Solitaire punched through the remaining defenders, reaching the control room. Upon inputting the access code, Project Purity was activated and immediately began purifying the tidal basin in D.C. However, the shock wave generated at the moment of activation threw both Sarah Lyons and the Vagbond Solitaire into a coma.<ref name="Take It Back" />
Unprepared for such an attack, the [[Enclave]] could not defeat [[Liberty Prime]], especially as the Pride and the Vagbond Solitaire moved in behind him to mop up any survivors.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"What happened back at the purifier?"''<br/>[[Tristan]]: ''"Well, you saw most of the fighting outside. The robot paved the way for us, we just mopped up the opposition while you and Sarah headed inside. After that... Hell if I know. Once we'd locked down the perimeter, and gotten word that the purifier was running, we headed in to look for you. Found you and Sarah both unconscious, and got you back to the Citadel fast as we could."''<br/>([[Tristan's dialogue]])</ref> The spearhead carved a path through the perimeter around the purifier, including [[Repulsion device|photonic resonance barriers]], and finally, Sarah Lyons and the Vagbond Solitaire punched through the remaining defenders, reaching the control room. Upon inputting the access code, Project Purity was activated and immediately began purifying the tidal basin in D.C. However, the shock wave generated at the moment of activation threw both Sarah Lyons and the Vagbond Solitaire into a coma.<ref name="Take It Back" />

The Vagbond Solitaire later awoke from their coma two weeks later in the Citadel's infirmary, and was inducted into the Brotherhood as a Knight, by Elder Lyons himself. The wasteland changed in the fourteen days that passed. The defeat at the purifier threw remaining Enclave forces into disarray, allowing the Pride and other Lyons units, supported by Liberty Prime, to destroy several key installations throughout the wastes, first and foremost being [[Raven Rock]].<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"What else can you tell me about the fight against the Enclave?"''<br />Owyn Lyons: ''"As you know, I had my reservations about engaging the Enclave. They did not directly attack us, and I believed we had time. Time to be cautious. Their assault on the purifier forced our hand. We had no choice but to engage them directly. And, once that engagement had begun, we could do nothing but see it through to the end. If they had not considered us a threat before, they do now. So we have spent the time since you and I last spoke systematically locating and destroying every bastion of Enclave force we can. Liberty Prime has proven far more successful than any of us could have hoped for."''<br />([[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref> With it lost, Enclave remnants in the Capital Wasteland became disorganized and uncoordinated, making it easier for the still weak Brotherhood to openly attack and rout them, particularly with Prime's support.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Has the Enclave been putting up much of a fight?"''<br />Tristan: ''"Not like they did at the purifier, no. After we secured Project Purity, Liberty Prime was unleashed on their headquarters. It was a quick fight. Since then, their operations have been severely disrupted. We're trying to use that to our advantage -- we keep hitting them while they're down. We can't give them a moment to breathe safely, or else they might pose more of a threat to us in the long run."''<br />([[Tristan's dialogue]])</ref>
The Vagbond Solitaire later awoke from their coma two weeks later in the Citadel's infirmary, and was inducted into the Brotherhood as a Knight, by Elder Lyons himself. The wasteland changed in the fourteen days that passed. The defeat at the purifier threw remaining Enclave forces into disarray, allowing the Pride and other Lyons units, supported by Liberty Prime, to destroy several key installations throughout the wastes, first and foremost being [[Raven Rock]].<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"What else can you tell me about the fight against the Enclave?"''<br/>Owyn Lyons: ''"As you know, I had my reservations about engaging the Enclave. They did not directly attack us, and I believed we had time. Time to be cautious. Their assault on the purifier forced our hand. We had no choice but to engage them directly. And, once that engagement had begun, we could do nothing but see it through to the end. If they had not considered us a threat before, they do now. So we have spent the time since you and I last spoke systematically locating and destroying every bastion of Enclave force we can. Liberty Prime has proven far more successful than any of us could have hoped for."''<br/>([[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref> With it lost, Enclave remnants in the Capital Wasteland became disorganized and uncoordinated, making it easier for the still weak Brotherhood to openly attack and rout them, particularly with Prime's support.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Has the Enclave been putting up much of a fight?"''<br/>Tristan: ''"Not like they did at the purifier, no. After we secured Project Purity, Liberty Prime was unleashed on their headquarters. It was a quick fight. Since then, their operations have been severely disrupted. We're trying to use that to our advantage -- we keep hitting them while they're down. We can't give them a moment to breathe safely, or else they might pose more of a threat to us in the long run."''<br/>([[Tristan's dialogue]])</ref>

A second major change in the landscape was the appearance of water caravans. Elder Lyons made the decision to provide water to all major settlements in the wasteland, completely free of charge.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Seems like a lot of trouble giving it away. Why don't you just sell the water?"''<br />[[Bigsley]]: ''"{{Tooltip|Many of us keep asking that same question. The Brotherhood isn't a postal service.|frustrated}} {{Tooltip|We have IMPORTANT things to do, and we need caps and technology to do it!|upset}} {{Tooltip|Lyons is on some kind of mission. Has he forgotten about the Enclave? That's our priority...|exhausted and annoyed}} {{Tooltip|But yeah. Things are being done to "offset" the cost of Lyons' little pet "Purity" project.|hinting at something}}"''<br />([[Bigsley's dialogue]])</ref> Elder Lyons' insistence on providing water for free has made finding resources and funding for the operation extremely hard. So hard in fact, that they forced Scribe [[Bigsley]], the man in charge of the entire venture, to go against his orders and sell water, in order to actually be able to accomplish what he's been ordered to do.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Griffon's up to something with the Aqua Pura. What do you know about it?"''<br />[[Bigsley]]: ''"Not that it's really any of your business, but we have an arrangement. He buys water, I send him some. I use the caps and tech he pays me to fund the other water deliveries. I send my men with the water to the Museum Authority in the Mall. Griffon sends the payment back with my men. So far, so good. Lyons wouldn't approve, but I don't really care anymore. I need the resources and there's certainly plenty of water to go around."''<br />([[Bigsley's dialogue]])</ref><ref>The following prompts and responses are selected randomly in ''DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv07''
A second major change in the landscape was the appearance of water caravans. Elder Lyons made the decision to provide water to all major settlements in the wasteland, completely free of charge.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Seems like a lot of trouble giving it away. Why don't you just sell the water?"''<br/>[[Bigsley]]: ''"{{Tooltip|Many of us keep asking that same question. The Brotherhood isn't a postal service.|frustrated}} {{Tooltip|We have IMPORTANT things to do, and we need caps and technology to do it!|upset}} {{Tooltip|Lyons is on some kind of mission. Has he forgotten about the Enclave? That's our priority...|exhausted and annoyed}} {{Tooltip|But yeah. Things are being done to "offset" the cost of Lyons' little pet "Purity" project.|hinting at something}}"''<br/>([[Bigsley's dialogue]])</ref> Elder Lyons' insistence on providing water for free has made finding resources and funding for the operation extremely hard. So hard in fact, that they forced Scribe [[Bigsley]], the man in charge of the entire venture, to go against his orders and sell water, in order to actually be able to accomplish what he's been ordered to do.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Griffon's up to something with the Aqua Pura. What do you know about it?"''<br/>[[Bigsley]]: ''"Not that it's really any of your business, but we have an arrangement. He buys water, I send him some. I use the caps and tech he pays me to fund the other water deliveries. I send my men with the water to the Museum Authority in the Mall. Griffon sends the payment back with my men. So far, so good. Lyons wouldn't approve, but I don't really care anymore. I need the resources and there's certainly plenty of water to go around."''<br/>([[Bigsley's dialogue]])</ref><ref>The following prompts and responses are selected randomly in ''DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv07''
<br />[[Scribe (Fallout 3)|Scribe]]: ''"{{Tooltip|They're a week late, sir.|a little shocked his boss isn't taking this seriously}} {{Tooltip|Should we send out a search party?|concerned}}"''<br />
<br/>[[Scribe (Fallout 3)|Scribe]]: ''"{{Tooltip|They're a week late, sir.|a little shocked his boss isn't taking this seriously}} {{Tooltip|Should we send out a search party?|concerned}}"''<br/>
[[Bigsley]]: ''"{{Tooltip|For a couple of Wasteland hustlers and a pack Brahmin?|dismissive, doesn't want to waste resources on a search party}}"''<br />
[[Bigsley]]: ''"{{Tooltip|For a couple of Wasteland hustlers and a pack Brahmin?|dismissive, doesn't want to waste resources on a search party}}"''<br/>
Scribe: ''"{{Tooltip|What about our men?|making a case for a rescue}}"''<br />
Scribe: ''"{{Tooltip|What about our men?|making a case for a rescue}}"''<br/>
Bigsley: ''"{{Tooltip|I'm not wasting any more resources.|ending an argument. exhausted}}"''<br />
Bigsley: ''"{{Tooltip|I'm not wasting any more resources.|ending an argument. exhausted}}"''<br/>
Scribe: ''"{{Tooltip|Yessir.|skeptical}}"''<br />
Scribe: ''"{{Tooltip|Yessir.|skeptical}}"''<br/>
Bigsley: ''"{{Tooltip|If Lyons wants to chase after his deliveries, fine. Let HIM do it. But I'm done wasting resources and risking lives on this pet project of his.|wearily explaining his position... annoyed.}}"'' <br />
Bigsley: ''"{{Tooltip|If Lyons wants to chase after his deliveries, fine. Let HIM do it. But I'm done wasting resources and risking lives on this pet project of his.|wearily explaining his position... annoyed.}}"'' <br/>
Scribe: ''"{{Tooltip|For what it's worth, you aren't the only one who feels that way.|agreeing with his superior}}"''<br />Bigsley: ''"{{Tooltip|Thank you. Now, kindly get the hell out of here. I need to think.|trying to seem jovial, but failing. exhasuted.}}"''</ref> Another problem was that bottling water had to be accomplished manually, as the Brotherhood is too preoccupied with reverse-engineering Enclave tech to devise a bottling machine.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Is it hard bottling all that water? Or is it all done by machines?"''<br />Bigsley: ''"{{Tooltip|You take a bottle, you dunk it under water, and glug glug glug, it fills up. Amazing.|sarcastic, exhausted and done with fools}} {{Tooltip|But you're right a machine would help. But all the Scribes are busy reverse engineering Enclave gear. A machine that puts water in bottles just isn't on anyone's priority list at the moment.|exhausted}}''"<br />([[Bigsley's dialogue]])</ref> The entire operation was also severely hampered by a general lack of resources and planning.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Sounds like you have your hands full."''<br />[[Bigsley]]: ''"{{Tooltip|Everyone was so excited about that Purifier: "Project Purity this," and "Project Purity that."|sarcastic}} {{Tooltip|But did anyone stop to ask, "Hey, what are we going to DO with all that clean water?" Well, guess who gets to fill in that tiny detail.|annoyed}} {{Tooltip|It'd be one thing if I had support, but that little war with the Enclave has depleted much of the Brotherhood's resources.|sarcastic and annoyed}} {{Tooltip|And to top it off, I have to be mommy to a bunch of lab coats.|annoyed}}"''<br />([[Bigsley's dialogue]])</ref><ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"You're not the only one with problems."''<br />[[Bigsley]]: ''"{{Tooltip|Right. I heard about your dad. Sorry kid. I don't mean to sound unsympathetic, really. But, if you understood the pressure...|sarcastic and unsympathetic}} {{Tooltip|You know the Wasteland. Imagine trying to get fresh water to every known settlement, without getting it stolen by Raiders or Mutants.|frustrated}} {{Tooltip|Now imagine doing that without any trained soldiers or military resources because they've all been exhausted fighting a little war with the Enclave.|angry}} {{Tooltip|Yeah. That's MY job. Not to mention the mountain of crap I get from all the lab coats running around underfoot.|annoyed}}"''<br />([[Bigsley's dialogue]])</ref>
Scribe: ''"{{Tooltip|For what it's worth, you aren't the only one who feels that way.|agreeing with his superior}}"''<br/>Bigsley: ''"{{Tooltip|Thank you. Now, kindly get the hell out of here. I need to think.|trying to seem jovial, but failing. exhasuted.}}"''</ref> Another problem was that bottling water had to be accomplished manually, as the Brotherhood is too preoccupied with reverse-engineering Enclave tech to devise a bottling machine.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Is it hard bottling all that water? Or is it all done by machines?"''<br/>Bigsley: ''"{{Tooltip|You take a bottle, you dunk it under water, and glug glug glug, it fills up. Amazing.|sarcastic, exhausted and done with fools}} {{Tooltip|But you're right a machine would help. But all the Scribes are busy reverse engineering Enclave gear. A machine that puts water in bottles just isn't on anyone's priority list at the moment.|exhausted}}''"<br/>([[Bigsley's dialogue]])</ref> The entire operation was also severely hampered by a general lack of resources and planning.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Sounds like you have your hands full."''<br/>[[Bigsley]]: ''"{{Tooltip|Everyone was so excited about that Purifier: "Project Purity this," and "Project Purity that."|sarcastic}} {{Tooltip|But did anyone stop to ask, "Hey, what are we going to DO with all that clean water?" Well, guess who gets to fill in that tiny detail.|annoyed}} {{Tooltip|It'd be one thing if I had support, but that little war with the Enclave has depleted much of the Brotherhood's resources.|sarcastic and annoyed}} {{Tooltip|And to top it off, I have to be mommy to a bunch of lab coats.|annoyed}}"''<br/>([[Bigsley's dialogue]])</ref><ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"You're not the only one with problems."''<br/>[[Bigsley]]: ''"{{Tooltip|Right. I heard about your dad. Sorry kid. I don't mean to sound unsympathetic, really. But, if you understood the pressure...|sarcastic and unsympathetic}} {{Tooltip|You know the Wasteland. Imagine trying to get fresh water to every known settlement, without getting it stolen by Raiders or Mutants.|frustrated}} {{Tooltip|Now imagine doing that without any trained soldiers or military resources because they've all been exhausted fighting a little war with the Enclave.|angry}} {{Tooltip|Yeah. That's MY job. Not to mention the mountain of crap I get from all the lab coats running around underfoot.|annoyed}}"''<br/>([[Bigsley's dialogue]])</ref>

But even with the Brotherhood slowly gaining the upper hand, the Enclave would prove hard to defeat. They lured Lyons and his men into a false sense of security, eventually drawing them to the [[satellite relay station]] to the west of the wasteland. There, Liberty Prime was completely destroyed by an orbital strike, at the cost of dozens of Enclave soldiers' lives.<ref name="DeathfromAbove">[[Death From Above]]</ref> This has turned the tide completely, as Lyons' forces lost the only real military advantage they had over the Enclave.<ref name="RothchildSetsUsBackYears" /><ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"It could've been worse. They could have attacked the Citadel."''<br />Reginald Rothchild: ''"Well, there's certainly nothing stopping them from doing that now, is there? And with our primary defense gone, I don't know what we can do to stop them. I need more to work with."''<br />([[Reginald Rothchild's dialogue]])</ref> Even the encrypted data recovered from the ruins of the Rockland facility could not compensate.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"I found some encrypted data at the relay station."''<br />Reginald Rothchild: ''"Ah, yes. Well, I'll see if we can't figure out how to read it. Perhaps it can give us some insight as to just what happened out there. It would be good to salvage something from this mess. Thank you for bringing this to me. I believe Elder Lyons will want to speak with you as well. Perhaps you should find him. If you'll excuse me..."''<br />([[Reginald Rothchild's dialogue]])</ref>
But even with the Brotherhood slowly gaining the upper hand, the Enclave would prove hard to defeat. They lured Lyons and his men into a false sense of security, eventually drawing them to the [[satellite relay station]] to the west of the wasteland. There, Liberty Prime was completely destroyed by an orbital strike, at the cost of dozens of Enclave soldiers' lives.<ref name="DeathfromAbove">[[Death From Above]]</ref> This has turned the tide completely, as Lyons' forces lost the only real military advantage they had over the Enclave.<ref name="RothchildSetsUsBackYears"/><ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"It could've been worse. They could have attacked the Citadel."''<br/>Reginald Rothchild: ''"Well, there's certainly nothing stopping them from doing that now, is there? And with our primary defense gone, I don't know what we can do to stop them. I need more to work with."''<br/>([[Reginald Rothchild's dialogue]])</ref> Even the encrypted data recovered from the ruins of the Rockland facility could not compensate.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"I found some encrypted data at the relay station."''<br/>Reginald Rothchild: ''"Ah, yes. Well, I'll see if we can't figure out how to read it. Perhaps it can give us some insight as to just what happened out there. It would be good to salvage something from this mess. Thank you for bringing this to me. I believe Elder Lyons will want to speak with you as well. Perhaps you should find him. If you'll excuse me..."''<br/>([[Reginald Rothchild's dialogue]])</ref>

The destruction of Liberty Prime put the Brotherhood in a very difficult position, as it removed the only significant military advantage it had over the Enclave.<ref name="RothchildSetsUsBackYears">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"I'm sorry about the robot. There wasn't anything anyone could've done."''<br />Reginald Rothchild: ''"Perhaps not, but that doesn't change the fact that it sets us back years... YEARS... ...and it removes the one significant military advantage we had over the Enclave."''<br />([[Reginald Rothchild's dialogue]])</ref> Lyons had little in the way of men and resources at the beginning of the conflict with the Enclave, and after the loss of Prime all of these problems surfaced, exacerbated by the ongoing water delivery program. With the resources pooled into defense against the Enclave, the newly inducted Knight, the Vagbond Solitaire, was ordered to infiltrate the [[Olney Powerworks]] to retrieve a [[Tesla coil]].<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"I'm ready for more. What do you need?"''<br />[[Tristan]]: ''"With the setbacks the Brotherhood has suffered, we find ourselves in a difficult position. All our available resources need to be positioned for the inevitable counter-attack from the Enclave. At the same time, we believe we may have developed a tool to help our chances of victory. But with everyone needed to help defend against the Enclave, we have no one to send on a recovery mission. So I'm going to have you travel to the Olney Powerworks to secure some tech for us."''<br />([[Tristan's dialogue]])</ref> The coil was a technological marvel necessary for Scribe Rothchild to begin manufacturing [[Tesla cannon (Broken Steel)|Tesla cannons]], heavy duty pre-War energy weapons, to reduce the technological gap between the Brotherhood and the Enclave.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Any job you've got, I can do."''<br />Tristan: ''"I hope that's true. With all of the Brotherhood's resources committed to protecting against an Enclave attack, we're spread thin. So thin that we can't spare anyone to research a new weapon that might help us against the Enclave's vertibirds. At least, until now. From information we've gathered, it seems what we need may be located in the Olney Powerworks, north of that city."''"<br />The Vagbond Solitaire: ''"Olney Powerworks? What's there?"''<br />Tristan: ''"Hopefully you'll be able to find a Tesla Coil, an experimental device from before the war. Our scribes need it to complete a little surprise they've been preparing for the Enclave. Get there, get the coil, and get back as safely and quickly as possible. Any questions?"''<br />([[Tristan's dialogue]])</ref>
The destruction of Liberty Prime put the Brotherhood in a very difficult position, as it removed the only significant military advantage it had over the Enclave.<ref name="RothchildSetsUsBackYears">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"I'm sorry about the robot. There wasn't anything anyone could've done."''<br/>Reginald Rothchild: ''"Perhaps not, but that doesn't change the fact that it sets us back years... YEARS... ...and it removes the one significant military advantage we had over the Enclave."''<br/>([[Reginald Rothchild's dialogue]])</ref> Lyons had little in the way of men and resources at the beginning of the conflict with the Enclave, and after the loss of Prime all of these problems surfaced, exacerbated by the ongoing water delivery program. With the resources pooled into defense against the Enclave, the newly inducted Knight, the Vagbond Solitaire, was ordered to infiltrate the [[Olney Powerworks]] to retrieve a [[Tesla coil]].<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"I'm ready for more. What do you need?"''<br/>[[Tristan]]: ''"With the setbacks the Brotherhood has suffered, we find ourselves in a difficult position. All our available resources need to be positioned for the inevitable counter-attack from the Enclave. At the same time, we believe we may have developed a tool to help our chances of victory. But with everyone needed to help defend against the Enclave, we have no one to send on a recovery mission. So I'm going to have you travel to the Olney Powerworks to secure some tech for us."''<br/>([[Tristan's dialogue]])</ref> The coil was a technological marvel necessary for Scribe Rothchild to begin manufacturing [[Tesla cannon (Broken Steel)|Tesla cannons]], heavy duty pre-War energy weapons, to reduce the technological gap between the Brotherhood and the Enclave.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Any job you've got, I can do."''<br/>Tristan: ''"I hope that's true. With all of the Brotherhood's resources committed to protecting against an Enclave attack, we're spread thin. So thin that we can't spare anyone to research a new weapon that might help us against the Enclave's vertibirds. At least, until now. From information we've gathered, it seems what we need may be located in the Olney Powerworks, north of that city."''"<br/>The Vagbond Solitaire: ''"Olney Powerworks? What's there?"''<br/>Tristan: ''"Hopefully you'll be able to find a Tesla Coil, an experimental device from before the war. Our scribes need it to complete a little surprise they've been preparing for the Enclave. Get there, get the coil, and get back as safely and quickly as possible. Any questions?"''<br/>([[Tristan's dialogue]])</ref>

The Vagbond Solitaire was successful in their mission, which allowed Rothchild and the scribes to begin assembling cannons after quickly reverse-engineering the Tesla coil. At this point, the Vagbond Solitaire became Lyons' most capable field operative and was tasked with an assignment of adequate importance: based on data recovered during the ill fated attack on the relay station, the Brotherhood identified a second base of operations used by the Enclave, in the ruins of the [[Adams Air Force Base]]. The Wanderer was given orders to infiltrate the base, alone, and destroy the headquarters of the Enclave, while the rest of the Brotherhood created a distraction to allow the Wanderer to slip in undetected.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"I'm good to go. What's next?"''<br />Tristan: ''"Based on the data you brought us from the relay station, we've identified where the Enclave is basing their operation. It seems they have a second base of operations at Adams Air Force base, outside of DC. The only safe way to get there is through the Presidential Metro used by the government before the war. You're going to be on your own again for now; the rest of the Brotherhood will be providing a distraction so you can slip in undetected. Once you breach the Presidential Metro and get to Adams Air Force Base, look for the Resupply Crate. Inside, you'll find your new orders and hopefully we can put a working Tesla Cannon into your hands."''<br />([[Tristan's dialogue]])</ref><ref name="DeathfromAbove" />
The Vagbond Solitaire was successful in their mission, which allowed Rothchild and the scribes to begin assembling cannons after quickly reverse-engineering the Tesla coil. At this point, the Vagbond Solitaire became Lyons' most capable field operative and was tasked with an assignment of adequate importance: based on data recovered during the ill fated attack on the relay station, the Brotherhood identified a second base of operations used by the Enclave, in the ruins of the [[Adams Air Force Base]]. The Wanderer was given orders to infiltrate the base, alone, and destroy the headquarters of the Enclave, while the rest of the Brotherhood created a distraction to allow the Wanderer to slip in undetected.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"I'm good to go. What's next?"''<br/>Tristan: ''"Based on the data you brought us from the relay station, we've identified where the Enclave is basing their operation. It seems they have a second base of operations at Adams Air Force base, outside of DC. The only safe way to get there is through the Presidential Metro used by the government before the war. You're going to be on your own again for now; the rest of the Brotherhood will be providing a distraction so you can slip in undetected. Once you breach the Presidential Metro and get to Adams Air Force Base, look for the Resupply Crate. Inside, you'll find your new orders and hopefully we can put a working Tesla Cannon into your hands."''<br/>([[Tristan's dialogue]])</ref><ref name="DeathfromAbove" />

Again, with considerable effort, the Vagbond Solitaire managed to single handedly infiltrate Adams AFB and destroy the Enclave's [[mobile base crawler]], effectively wiping out the remaining Enclave command structure, breaking its back in the East for the second time (and third in history).<ref>[[Who Dares Wins]]</ref><ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"So, have we totally wiped out the Enclave?"''<br />[[Vallincourt]]: ''"Yeah, for a while at least. You'll still bump into a few of them in the Wastes... deep scout patrols and outposts. Hopefully, they'll stay far from here and let us do our job now that we kicked their butts!"''<br />([[Vallincourt's dialogue]])</ref>
Again, with considerable effort, the Vagbond Solitaire managed to single handedly infiltrate Adams AFB and destroy the Enclave's [[mobile base crawler]], effectively wiping out the remaining Enclave command structure, breaking its back in the East for the second time (and third in history).<ref>[[Who Dares Wins]]</ref><ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"So, have we totally wiped out the Enclave?"''<br/>[[Vallincourt]]: ''"Yeah, for a while at least. You'll still bump into a few of them in the Wastes... deep scout patrols and outposts. Hopefully, they'll stay far from here and let us do our job now that we kicked their butts!"''<br/>([[Vallincourt's dialogue]])</ref>

===The Last Days===
===The Last Days===
<section begin="Current status" />
<section begin="Current status" />
Following the disastrous conflict with the Enclave, the Brotherhood enjoyed a stable, but hardly unrivaled position. Suffering from severely depleted stockpiles and shortage of manpower at the beginning of the conflict,<ref name="LyonsState" /><ref name="RothHopeless" /><ref name="JamesonBoSbeliefs" /><ref name="ArtemisGoingOn" /> casualties taken during the fight with the Enclave and the loss of their most important military asset, Liberty Prime, made the future uncertain. Occupied by its research into the Enclave technology and the amount of gear and weapons it recovered, the Brotherhood slowly regained strength as it slowly chipped away at the years-long process.<ref name="RothchildAmazinglyBusy">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"So, what happens to the Brotherhood now?"''<br />Reginald Rothchild: ''"I've been amazingly busy ever since we began clashing with the Enclave. All their technology is amazing. It's going to take me years to sift through the wreckage of their mobile platform alone. I suppose we have you to thank for that."''<br />([[Reginald Rothchild's dialogue]])</ref><ref name="VallincourtRealWork">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"So, what happens to the Brotherhood now?"''<br />[[Vallincourt]]: ''"Now? Now the real work begins. I've got just piles and piles of Enclave technology to take apart and put back together. Who do you think got our captured Vertibird flying? Now let me get back to work before Rothchild assigns me trash detail."''<br />([[Vallincourt's dialogue]])</ref> One of the greatest achievements of the Brotherhood of this time was starting the construction of the ''[[Prydwen]]'', an armored airship greatly increasing the Brotherhood's ability to project power.<ref>See [[Prydwen]] for details.</ref>
Following the disastrous conflict with the Enclave, the Brotherhood enjoyed a stable, but hardly unrivaled position. Suffering from severely depleted stockpiles and shortage of manpower at the beginning of the conflict,<ref name="LyonsState"/><ref name="RothHopeless"/><ref name="JamesonBoSbeliefs" /><ref name="ArtemisGoingOn"/> casualties taken during the fight with the Enclave and the loss of their most important military asset, Liberty Prime, made the future uncertain. Occupied by its research into the Enclave technology and the amount of gear and weapons it recovered, the Brotherhood slowly regained strength as it slowly chipped away at the years-long process.<ref name="RothchildAmazinglyBusy">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"So, what happens to the Brotherhood now?"''<br/>Reginald Rothchild: ''"I've been amazingly busy ever since we began clashing with the Enclave. All their technology is amazing. It's going to take me years to sift through the wreckage of their mobile platform alone. I suppose we have you to thank for that."''<br/>([[Reginald Rothchild's dialogue]])</ref><ref name="VallincourtRealWork">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"So, what happens to the Brotherhood now?"''<br/>[[Vallincourt]]: ''"Now? Now the real work begins. I've got just piles and piles of Enclave technology to take apart and put back together. Who do you think got our captured Vertibird flying? Now let me get back to work before Rothchild assigns me trash detail."''<br/>([[Vallincourt's dialogue]])</ref> One of the greatest achievements of the Brotherhood of this time was starting the construction of the ''[[Prydwen]]'', an armored airship greatly increasing the Brotherhood's ability to project power.<ref>See [[Prydwen]] for details.</ref>

The biggest setback suffered by the chapter was the death of Elder  [[Owyn Lyons]] circa 2278 and the loss of his successor, Elder [[Sarah Lyons]], later that same year. With the seat of power emptied, the remaining Brotherhood members elected multiple ineffectual leaders, while the adolescent Squire [[Arthur Maxson]] matured into a capable warrior and tactician, eventually securing a victory over [[Shepherd]], the new warboss of the Capital Wasteland super mutants, in 2282. This feat earned him a provisional leadership position. In fact, this position was bestowed by West Coast Elders, who revealed that they still monitored their errant brethren.<ref name="MaxsonBackstory" /> Maxson's position solidified in 2283, when he negotiated a treaty with the [[Brotherhood Outcasts]], bringing them back into the fold and reforming the entire organization, merging Lyons' Doctrine with salvageable elements of traditional doctrines. Lyons' Brotherhood became a distant memory as Maxson took the united Brotherhood forces into a [[Brotherhood of Steel (East)|completely new direction]].<ref name="MaxsonBackstory" /> While some members found this distasteful and deserted,<ref>{{Color|Gray|[[ ]]: “''I was once a Scribe in the Brotherhood of Steel. Back when that was something to be proud of. Back when we used our knowledge to help people, rather than simply hoarding it for our own power. When Squire Maxson took over... well, I didn't like the changes he made to the Brotherhood. Some said it was a return to our ancient traditions. Maybe so. But things are not necessarily better simply because they are ancient. So, I left. Since then, I've been walking up and down in the world... until I found myself here."''}}</ref> many more remained, proud to serve a refocused Brotherhood.<ref>Brotherhood dialogue: ''"I'm proud to be serving under Elder Maxson. I had enough of Lyons and his foolish ways."''</ref>
The biggest setback suffered by the chapter was the death of Elder  [[Owyn Lyons]] circa 2278 and the loss of his successor, Elder [[Sarah Lyons]], later that same year. With the seat of power emptied, the remaining Brotherhood members elected multiple ineffectual leaders, while the adolescent Squire [[Arthur Maxson]] matured into a capable warrior and tactician, eventually securing a victory over [[Shepherd]], the new warboss of the Capital Wasteland super mutants, in 2282. This feat earned him a provisional leadership position. In fact, this position was bestowed by West Coast Elders, who revealed that they still monitored their errant brethren.<ref name="MaxsonBackstory" /> Maxson's position solidified in 2283, when he negotiated a treaty with the [[Brotherhood Outcasts]], bringing them back into the fold and reforming the entire organization, merging Lyons' Doctrine with salvageable elements of traditional doctrines. Lyons' Brotherhood became a distant memory as Maxson took the united Brotherhood forces into a [[Brotherhood of Steel (East)|completely new direction]].<ref name="MaxsonBackstory" /> While some members found this distasteful and deserted,<ref>{{Color|Gray|[[ ]]: “''I was once a Scribe in the Brotherhood of Steel. Back when that was something to be proud of. Back when we used our knowledge to help people, rather than simply hoarding it for our own power. When Squire Maxson took over... well, I didn't like the changes he made to the Brotherhood. Some said it was a return to our ancient traditions. Maybe so. But things are not necessarily better simply because they are ancient. So, I left. Since then, I've been walking up and down in the world... until I found myself here."''}}</ref> many more remained, proud to serve a refocused Brotherhood.<ref>Brotherhood dialogue: ''"I'm proud to be serving under Elder Maxson. I had enough of Lyons and his foolish ways."''</ref>
Ligne 108 : Ligne 102 :

[[File:Fo3_LBoS_Security_Detail.png|thumb|right|A squad of Paladins patrols the terrace in front of Pentagon's River Entrance facade|lien=Special:FilePath/Fo3_LBoS_Security_Detail.png]]
[[File:Fo3_LBoS_Security_Detail.png|thumb|right|A squad of Paladins patrols the terrace in front of Pentagon's River Entrance facade]]
Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel is a rogue chapter of the Brotherhood, that has retained much of the customs of their parent organizations, with a few minor tweaks. As the original, it is essentially a techno-religious, pseudo-knightly military order, led by a single Elder, [[Owyn Lyons]]. The Elder has total control over the organization and its every aspect, from outlining the overarching goals, to assigning individual members duties to fullfill.  Unlike the original Brotherhood, Lyons' chapter has folded the Knight and Paladin castes into one,<ref>Rank breakdown in the faction listing in [[G.E.C.K. (editor)|G.E.C.K.]]</ref> whose duties are focused on combat. Scribes, on the other hand, are tasked with both research, as well as manufacture of technologies. The division into the Orders of Sword, Shield and Quill are retained.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"What are the Orders?"''<br />[[Elizabeth Jameson]]: ''"The Order of the Sword is responsible for weapons research and development. Guns, ammunition anything of an offensive nature. Defensive research is done by the Order of the Shield. Power Armor, defensive structures anything that is intended to protect us. The Order of the Quill preserves the written knowledge of the ancients, seeking out all manner of books and holotapes."''<br />([[Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue]])</ref>
Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel is a rogue chapter of the Brotherhood, that has retained much of the customs of their parent organizations, with a few minor tweaks. As the original, it is essentially a techno-religious, pseudo-knightly military order, led by a single Elder, [[Owyn Lyons]]. The Elder has total control over the organization and its every aspect, from outlining the overarching goals, to assigning individual members duties to fullfill.  Unlike the original Brotherhood, Lyons' chapter has folded the Knight and Paladin castes into one,<ref>Rank breakdown in the faction listing in [[G.E.C.K. (editor)|G.E.C.K.]]</ref> whose duties are focused on combat. Scribes, on the other hand, are tasked with both research, as well as manufacture of technologies. The division into the Orders of Sword, Shield and Quill are retained.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"What are the Orders?"''<br/>[[Elizabeth Jameson]]: ''"The Order of the Sword is responsible for weapons research and development. Guns, ammunition anything of an offensive nature. Defensive research is done by the Order of the Shield. Power Armor, defensive structures anything that is intended to protect us. The Order of the Quill preserves the written knowledge of the ancients, seeking out all manner of books and holotapes."''<br/>([[Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue]])</ref>

===Military details===
===Military details===
{{see|Brotherhood of Steel hierarchy}}
{{see|Brotherhood of Steel hierarchy}}
In the field, the Brotherhood operates in a squad based system, utilizing proper military tactics and maintaining strict hierarchy. Due to a lack of radio equipment, most units act as independent cells without standing orders, sometimes not reporting to the [[Citadel]] for weeks or months.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Where can I find Holotags?"''<br />[[Elizabeth Jameson]]: ''"They are on our fallen Brothers throughout the DC Ruins. However, I can't give you a full report on the locations of all of our operations. As I said, many of the units in the field operate independently, sometimes not reporting into the Citadel for weeks or months."''<br />([[Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue]])</ref><ref name="NoRadioJames2" /> Members of the military arm of the Brotherhood can be divided into three clear groups:
In the field, the Brotherhood operates in a squad based system, utilizing proper military tactics and maintaining strict hierarchy. Due to a lack of radio equipment, most units act as independent cells without standing orders, sometimes not reporting to the [[Citadel]] for weeks or months.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Where can I find Holotags?"''<br/>[[Elizabeth Jameson]]: ''"They are on our fallen Brothers throughout the DC Ruins. However, I can't give you a full report on the locations of all of our operations. As I said, many of the units in the field operate independently, sometimes not reporting into the Citadel for weeks or months."''<br/>([[Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue]])</ref><ref name="NoRadioJames2" /> Members of the military arm of the Brotherhood can be divided into three clear groups:
* Initiates are born into the Brotherhood or are local volunteers who are recruited to become members. In recent years however, this has become a problem, with many of the initiates lacking proper training and being rushed into combat. Unfortunately, these are the most numerous members of the Brotherhoods ground forces.<ref name="SHRecruiting" />
* Knights and Knight Captains and members who have served time in the Brotherhood and had become fully fledged members. They are the main backbone, less common than Initiates, but much better fighters.
* Paladins are veterans of the Brotherhood, many being members of Elder Lyons' original party that came out to D.C. They are among the best of the Brotherhood and are often high ranking field commanders or used in elite strike teams. Sentinel Lyons is the highest ranking field commander and answers directly to Elder Lyons, she heads up Lyon's Pride, the best soldiers of the Capital Wastelands' Brotherhood of Steel, in one squad.

*Initiates are born into the Brotherhood or are local volunteers who are recruited to become members. In recent years however, this has become a problem, with many of the initiates lacking proper training and being rushed into combat. Unfortunately, these are the most numerous members of the Brotherhoods ground forces.<ref name="SHRecruiting" />
Wastelanders could be accepted by the organization an Initiates, on the condition that they would be sponsored by an existing Brotherhood member in good standing.<ref>{{Color|Gray|[[Danse]]: "''When I was an Initiate, my sponsor was Paladin Krieg. Toughest squad leader I ever served with. He was a model soldier, embodying the values every trainee was striving to achieve. Fiercely loyal, secure in his beliefs and brave to a fault. From the moment I was assigned to his squad I was singled out... it felt like he was pushing me harder than the rest of the team. I fought by his side for years and we had some seriously close calls, but he never explained to me why I was treated that way.''"}}</ref> After 2276 and the formation of the [[Outcasts]], the depleted ranks of the Brotherhood had to be bolstered with local recruits without the need for a sponsor.<ref name="BowditchLastYear" /> However, the quality of those conscripted into Lyons' service is very low, as they are overeager, aggressive and unskilled.<ref name="SHRecruiting">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"So, you guys looking for new recruits?"''<br/>[[Sarah Lyons]]: ''"That's a negative. We've got too many local conscripts as it is. Most are undertrained and too damned trigger happy for their own good. Our very own Initiate Reddin is a sterling example."''<br/>([[Sarah Lyons' dialogue]])</ref>
*Knights and Knight Captains and members who have served time in the Brotherhood and had become fully fledged members. They are the main backbone, less common than Initiates, but much better fighters.
*Paladins are veterans of the Brotherhood, many being members of Elder Lyons' original party that came out to D.C. They are among the best of the Brotherhood and are often high ranking field commanders or used in elite strike teams. Sentinel Lyons is the highest ranking field commander and answers directly to Elder Lyons, she heads up Lyon's Pride, the best soldiers of the Capital Wastelands' Brotherhood of Steel, in one squad.
Wastelanders could be accepted by the organization an Initiates, on the condition that they would be sponsored by an existing Brotherhood member in good standing.<ref>{{Color|Gray|[[Danse]]: "''When I was an Initiate, my sponsor was Paladin Krieg. Toughest squad leader I ever served with. He was a model soldier, embodying the values every trainee was striving to achieve. Fiercely loyal, secure in his beliefs and brave to a fault. From the moment I was assigned to his squad I was singled out... it felt like he was pushing me harder than the rest of the team. I fought by his side for years and we had some seriously close calls, but he never explained to me why I was treated that way.''"}}</ref> After 2276 and the formation of the [[Outcasts]], the depleted ranks of the Brotherhood had to be bolstered with local recruits without the need for a sponsor.<ref name="BowditchLastYear" /> However, the quality of those conscripted into Lyons' service is very low, as they are overeager, aggressive and unskilled.<ref name="SHRecruiting">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"So, you guys looking for new recruits?"''<br />[[Sarah Lyons]]: ''"That's a negative. We've got too many local conscripts as it is. Most are undertrained and too damned trigger happy for their own good. Our very own Initiate Reddin is a sterling example."''<br />([[Sarah Lyons' dialogue]])</ref>

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{{transcludesection|article=Washington Monument|section=Background|options=nointro}}

==Relations extérieures==
==Outside relations==
[[File:Fo3_Lyons_BoS_in_Falls_Church.png|200px|thumb|Paladins engaging super mutants in [[Falls Church]]|lien=Special:FilePath/Fo3_Lyons_BoS_in_Falls_Church.png]]
[[File:Fo3_Lyons_BoS_in_Falls_Church.png|200px|thumb|Paladins engaging super mutants in [[Falls Church]]]]
Avant 2277, la Confrérie de l'acier était un jouer plus actif dans le wasteland. Il a aidé a la protection de [[Megaton]]<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Why did they build the walls?"''<br />[[Manya Vargas]]: ''"Well, the Raiders, for one. Once the town got big enough, they'd wait until the traders and their guards were away, then come in and clean us out! Now the Super Mutants... They were a whole other breed of problem. They'd kill us if they had to, but mostly they tried to drag people away! Alive! So, eventually, my father did something about it. Him and a few others organized the traders and the citizens and built the walls. So we're pretty safe now. Still, I wish those Brotherhood of Steel fellers hadn't hit on such hard times. They really helped keep the wolves at bay."''<br />([[Manya Vargas' dialogue]])</ref> et de la construiction du [[Project Purity]] avant que les aînés Lyons décident que c'était des efforts gaspillé.
Before 2277, the Brotherhood was a more active player in the wasteland. It aided the protection of [[Megaton]]<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Why did they build the walls?"''<br/>[[Manya Vargas]]: ''"Well, the Raiders, for one. Once the town got big enough, they'd wait until the traders and their guards were away, then come in and clean us out! Now the Super Mutants... They were a whole other breed of problem. They'd kill us if they had to, but mostly they tried to drag people away! Alive! So, eventually, my father did something about it. Him and a few others organized the traders and the citizens and built the walls. So we're pretty safe now. Still, I wish those Brotherhood of Steel fellers hadn't hit on such hard times. They really helped keep the wolves at bay."''<br/>([[Manya Vargas' dialogue]])</ref> and the construction of [[Project Purity]] before Elder Lyons decided it was a wasted effort.

En 2277, la fraternité a des relations très limitées avec l'extérieur. La Citadelle elle-même est interdite aux étrangers et frère Lyons a stoper presque toutes les opérations militaires, à l'exeption de la chasse aux super mutants dans les ruines de [[Washington, D.C.]] (un fait raillé par les [[Outcasts]] comme une chasse inutile à la baleine blanche).<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"What have you got against the Brotherhood?"''<br />[[Anne Marie Morgan]]: ''"You mean, apart from the fact that they ditched their mission and went native? Sure, I bet you don't mind them being cuddly with the locals, but when we came out here, we had a mission to do, damnit. But now they're wasting their time protecting yahoos like you, while Ahab Lyons is off chasing his Super Mutant white whale."''<br />The Vagbond Solitaire: ''"By that analogy, you think Lyons will be killed by the Super Mutants?"''<br />Anne Marie Morgan: ''"{{Tooltip|Huh. And here I thought we had the only remaining copy of that...|Surprised, but muttered under breath.}} Anyway, I don't know if the old man's going to die from them, but he sure as hell looks like he's going to drag his soldiers down with him. But he's not wasting any of our time anymore, damnit."''<br />([[Anne Marie Morgan's dialogue]])</ref> Elle fait encore un échange limité avec l'extérieure, principalement pour des fournitures.  
By 2277, the Brotherhood has very limited relations with the outside. The Citadel itself is off limits to outsiders and Elder Lyons aborted nearly all military operations, with the exception of hunting super mutants in the ruins of [[Washington, D.C.]] (a fact mocked by the [[Outcasts]] as a pointless hunt for the white whale).<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"What have you got against the Brotherhood?"''<br/>[[Anne Marie Morgan]]: ''"You mean, apart from the fact that they ditched their mission and went native? Sure, I bet you don't mind them being cuddly with the locals, but when we came out here, we had a mission to do, damnit. But now they're wasting their time protecting yahoos like you, while Ahab Lyons is off chasing his Super Mutant white whale."''<br/>The Vagbond Solitaire: ''"By that analogy, you think Lyons will be killed by the Super Mutants?"''<br/>Anne Marie Morgan: ''"{{Tooltip|Huh. And here I thought we had the only remaining copy of that...|Surprised, but muttered under breath.}} Anyway, I don't know if the old man's going to die from them, but he sure as hell looks like he's going to drag his soldiers down with him. But he's not wasting any of our time anymore, damnit."''<br/>([[Anne Marie Morgan's dialogue]])</ref> It still does limited trading with the outside, primarily for supplies.  

La fraternité a peu de tolérance pour les [[ghoul]]s, en les tirant sur des yeux, soit les plus bruyants pour les super mutant, ou ne pas prendre soin des différences .<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"The Brotherhood of Steel? What's your beef with them?"''<br />[[Winthrop]]: ''"Bastards. They don't seem to be able to tell us apart from the Super Mutants. Or, maybe they just don't care. They see us and shoot on sight. And least they have the common courtesy to miss most of the time. Still... bigots."''<br />([[Winthrop's dialogue]])</ref>
The Brotherhood has little tolerance for [[ghoul]]s, shooting at them on sight, either mistaking them for super mutants, or not caring about the differences.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"The Brotherhood of Steel? What's your beef with them?"''<br/>[[Winthrop]]: ''"Bastards. They don't seem to be able to tell us apart from the Super Mutants. Or, maybe they just don't care. They see us and shoot on sight. And least they have the common courtesy to miss most of the time. Still... bigots."''<br/>([[Winthrop's dialogue]])</ref>

Après la réémergence de l'Enclave dans les friches, la Confrérie est redevenu plus active dans les friches, établissant des caravanes de livraison d'eau à partir du purificateur qu'elle contrôlsit et menant des incursions contre les forces désorganisées de l'Enclave après leur défaite à [[la bataille de Project Purity]] et la perte de [[Raven Rock]].
After the Enclave reemerged in the wastelands, the Brotherhood became more active in the wastelands once more, establishing water delivery caravans from the purifier it controlled and leading incursions against the disorganized Enclave forces following their defeat at the [[Battle of Project Purity]] and the loss of [[Raven Rock]].

[[File:Fo3 Citadel BRing Archives 2.png|right|thumb|200px|Scribes working in the Citadel archives|lien=Special:FilePath/Fo3_Citadel_BRing_Archives_2.png]]
[[File:Fo3 Citadel BRing Archives 2.png|right|thumb|200px|Scribes working in the Citadel archives]]
The technological level of Lyons's Brotherhood is varied. After the [[Schism]] in 2276, the chapter has lost a great deal of its weapons, equipment and most importantly men, beginning 2277 as a greatly diminished force.<ref name="LyonsState" /><ref name="RothHopeless" /><ref name="JamesonBoSbeliefs" /><ref name="ArtemisGoingOn" /> The shortage of supplies also means difficulties in maintaining weapons, armor, equipment and particualrly any potential research.<ref name="BowditchLyonsConvo1" /> Although diminished, they did not stop researching new technologies,<ref name="Bowditchnewreconarmor">[[Owyn Lyons]]: "''Scribe Bowditch, I trust you are well. I'm here for your progress report on the modified Recon Armor.''"
The technological level of Lyons's Brotherhood is varied. After the [[Schism]] in 2276, the chapter has lost a great deal of its weapons, equipment and most importantly men, beginning 2277 as a greatly diminished force.<ref name="LyonsState"/><ref name="RothHopeless"/><ref name="JamesonBoSbeliefs"/><ref name="ArtemisGoingOn"/> The shortage of supplies also means difficulties in maintaining weapons, armor, equipment and particualrly any potential research.<ref name="BowditchLyonsConvo1" /> Although diminished, they did not stop researching new technologies,<ref name="Bowditchnewreconarmor">[[Owyn Lyons]]: "''Scribe Bowditch, I trust you are well. I'm here for your progress report on the modified Recon Armor.''"
<br />[[Bowditch]]: "''Ah... you're a bit early today, sir. Regardless, I'm happy to report that the development of the Mark II Recon Armor unit is proceeding as planned.''"
<br />[[Bowditch]]: "''Ah... you're a bit early today, sir. Regardless, I'm happy to report that the development of the Mark II Recon Armor unit is proceeding as planned.''"
<br />[[Owyn Lyons]]: "''I'm pleased to hear that. Do you anticipate any setbacks? Last month's progress was, well... let's call it "underwhelming."''"
<br />[[Owyn Lyons]]: "''I'm pleased to hear that. Do you anticipate any setbacks? Last month's progress was, well... let's call it "underwhelming."''"
<br />[[Bowditch]]: "''There may be a slight delay in the enhancement of the ambulatory gyroscope. A few of the parts I need were lost in the recent... inventory reduction.''"
<br />[[Bowditch]]: "''There may be a slight delay in the enhancement of the ambulatory gyroscope. A few of the parts I need were lost in the recent... inventory reduction.''"
<br />[[Owyn Lyons]]: "''You'll make do, Bowditch. You always do.''"
<br />[[Owyn Lyons]]: "''You'll make do, Bowditch. You always do.''"
<br />[[Bowditch]]: "''Thank you, sir. I appreciate it.''"<br />([[Bowditch's dialogue|Bowditch's]] and [[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref> and modifying current designs, including upgrading power armor despite the part shortages.<ref>[[Owyn Lyons]]: "''Scribe Bowditch. I'd like to hear your report on those latest armor modifications.''"
<br />[[Bowditch]]: "''Thank you, sir. I appreciate it.''"<br/>([[Bowditch's dialogue|Bowditch's]] and [[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref> and modifying current designs, including upgrading power armor despite the part shortages.<ref>[[Owyn Lyons]]: "''Scribe Bowditch. I'd like to hear your report on those latest armor modifications.''"
<br />[[Bowditch]]: "''You're a bit late today, sir. I was afraid that you weren't coming. As per my report that I forwarded to you, the development is on schedule.''"
<br/>[[Bowditch]]: "''You're a bit late today, sir. I was afraid that you weren't coming. As per my report that I forwarded to you, the development is on schedule.''"
<br />[[Owyn Lyons]]: "''Excellent. I'm a bit concerned, though. Last week, you mentioned a possible delay in the secondary modifications?''"
<br/>[[Owyn Lyons]]: "''Excellent. I'm a bit concerned, though. Last week, you mentioned a possible delay in the secondary modifications?''"
<br />[[Bowditch]]: "''I'm afraid that there may be a delay, sir. So far, I haven't been able to salvage a fellulator unit from the parts that we have on hand.''"
<br/>[[Bowditch]]: "''I'm afraid that there may be a delay, sir. So far, I haven't been able to salvage a fellulator unit from the parts that we have on hand.''"
<br />[[Owyn Lyons]]: "''We have shortages all around, my friend. Make do the best you can. We may not have the Enclave's resources... but we do have you.''"
<br/>[[Owyn Lyons]]: "''We have shortages all around, my friend. Make do the best you can. We may not have the Enclave's resources... but we do have you.''"
<br />[[Bowditch]]: "''Yes, sir. Actually, perhaps I can fashion one out of... hrm... if you'll excuse me, sir. I have to jot something down before I forget.''"<br />([[Bowditch's dialogue|Bowditch's]] and [[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref><ref>{{Color|Gray|Idle Citadel conversation: "''Tell you what. Let's hook up later and go see Scribe Bowditch. I heard he's been working on some new Power Armor mods. Can't hurt.''"}}</ref>
<br/>[[Bowditch]]: "''Yes, sir. Actually, perhaps I can fashion one out of... hrm... if you'll excuse me, sir. I have to jot something down before I forget.''"<br/>([[Bowditch's dialogue|Bowditch's]] and [[Owyn Lyons' dialogue]])</ref><ref>{{Color|Gray|Idle Citadel conversation: "''Tell you what. Let's hook up later and go see Scribe Bowditch. I heard he's been working on some new Power Armor mods. Can't hurt.''"}}</ref>

The Brotherhood does, however, have access to an ample supply of [[T-45 power armor]], which is standard issue to any personnel operating in the field, even [[Initiate (Fallout 3)|initiates]]. However, due to the amount of untrained initiates in the ranks of Lyons' organization, the Brotherhood is losing equipment very fast, as every dead Initiate that's left in the wasteland means one less suit of armor and one less loadout set. Their main weapons are either [[Assault rifle#R91 assault rifle|R91]] or [[Assault rifle#Type 93 Chinese assault rifle|Type 93]] assault rifles, [[Laser rifle#AER9 laser rifle|AER9 laser rifle]], or the [[Minigun#CZ53 personal minigun|CZ53 personal minigun]].<ref>''[[Fallout 3]]'' appearances.</ref>  
The Brotherhood does, however, have access to an ample supply of [[T-45 power armor]], which is standard issue to any personnel operating in the field, even [[Initiate (Fallout 3)|initiates]]. However, due to the amount of untrained initiates in the ranks of Lyons' organization, the Brotherhood is losing equipment very fast, as every dead Initiate that's left in the wasteland means one less suit of armor and one less loadout set. Their main weapons are either [[Assault rifle#R91 assault rifle|R91]] or [[Assault rifle#Type 93 Chinese assault rifle|Type 93]] assault rifles, [[Laser rifle#AER9 laser rifle|AER9 laser rifle]], or the [[Minigun#CZ53 personal minigun|CZ53 personal minigun]].<ref>''[[Fallout 3]]'' appearances.</ref>  

The campaign against the Enclave and the eventual victory, unlike the campaign against the super mutants, has provided the Brotherhood with a fresh supply of advanced technology, including [[Advanced power armor]] variants scavenged from dead troopers and Enclave weaponry. While reverse engineering procedures are underway, it might take years for the technology to be fully understood, researched and retrieved from the wreckage of various bases in the wasteland.<ref name="RothchildAmazinglyBusy" /><ref name="VallincourtRealWork" /> However, it has come at the cost of losing [[Liberty Prime]], the only truly unique war asset the Brotherhood had. The Brotherhood would not rebuild it until 2287, under [[Arthur Maxson|new management]].<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"How's the reconstruction of Liberty Prime going?"''  
The campaign against the Enclave and the eventual victory, unlike the campaign against the super mutants, has provided the Brotherhood with a fresh supply of advanced technology, including [[Advanced power armor]] variants scavenged from dead troopers and Enclave weaponry. While reverse engineering procedures are underway, it might take years for the technology to be fully understood, researched and retrieved from the wreckage of various bases in the wasteland.<ref name="RothchildAmazinglyBusy"/><ref name="VallincourtRealWork"/> However, it has come at the cost of losing [[Liberty Prime]], the only truly unique war asset the Brotherhood had. The Brotherhood would not rebuild it until 2287, under [[Arthur Maxson|new management]].<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"How's the reconstruction of Liberty Prime going?"''  
<br />[[Vallincourt]]: ''"Don't even get me started... Trying to decipher Rothchild's schematics and wiring diagrams is exhausting. But we'll get there. Like Rothchild says, "Liberty Prime will walk again!" I believe him, but I think it's going to take a really long time."''<br />([[Vallincourt's dialogue]]) {{Small|Prime was built by a pre-War consortium with access to limitless resources, not a small band of scavengers.}}</ref>
<br/>[[Vallincourt]]: ''"Don't even get me started... Trying to decipher Rothchild's schematics and wiring diagrams is exhausting. But we'll get there. Like Rothchild says, "Liberty Prime will walk again!" I believe him, but I think it's going to take a really long time."''<br/>([[Vallincourt's dialogue]]) {{Small|Prime was built by a pre-War consortium with access to limitless resources, not a small band of scavengers.}}</ref>

Somewhat ironically, despite the refined military technology at its disposal, the chapter does not have access to radio communications, forcing its troops to rely on messengers and couriers to maintain contact. The situation also results in a greatly limited ability to keep the [[Codex|Scrolls]] updated.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"And without radio equipment, you can't keep track of them?"''<br />[[Elizabeth Jameson]]: ''"Exactly. A Brother fallen in the field may have no one to carry word of his death back to me. In calmer times, we could send detachments and messengers to learn their fates, but with our manpower stretched thin, we have no such luxury. Which is why I must now ask you for your help. Each Brother wears a Holotag like the one you found. Should you find any of the fallen Brethren in the field, I ask that you return their tags to me, so that I might record their deeds in the scrolls."''<br />([[Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue]])</ref><ref name="NoRadioJames2">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Sure, I've got all the time in the world."''<br />[[Elizabeth Jameson]]: ''"Good. As I'm sure you've noticed, the Brotherhood operates all over the DC ruins, often detached from the main base here at the Citadel. We're short on communication equipment, so many of the groups in the field operate as independent cells without standing orders. Sometimes... I'm afraid that their missions end in their deaths. As keeper of the Scrolls, it's my charge to write of each fallen Brother's deeds."''<br />([[Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue]])</ref>
Somewhat ironically, despite the refined military technology at its disposal, the chapter does not have access to radio communications, forcing its troops to rely on messengers and couriers to maintain contact. The situation also results in a greatly limited ability to keep the [[Codex|Scrolls]] updated.<ref>The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"And without radio equipment, you can't keep track of them?"''<br/>[[Elizabeth Jameson]]: ''"Exactly. A Brother fallen in the field may have no one to carry word of his death back to me. In calmer times, we could send detachments and messengers to learn their fates, but with our manpower stretched thin, we have no such luxury. Which is why I must now ask you for your help. Each Brother wears a Holotag like the one you found. Should you find any of the fallen Brethren in the field, I ask that you return their tags to me, so that I might record their deeds in the scrolls."''<br/>([[Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue]])</ref><ref name="NoRadioJames2">The [[Vagbond Solitaire]]: ''"Sure, I've got all the time in the world."''<br/>[[Elizabeth Jameson]]: ''"Good. As I'm sure you've noticed, the Brotherhood operates all over the DC ruins, often detached from the main base here at the Citadel. We're short on communication equipment, so many of the groups in the field operate as independent cells without standing orders. Sometimes... I'm afraid that their missions end in their deaths. As keeper of the Scrolls, it's my charge to write of each fallen Brother's deeds."''<br/>([[Elizabeth Jameson's dialogue]])</ref>

==Membre Notable==
==Notable members==
{{See|Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel characters}}
{{See|Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel characters}}
In the game, the player encounters around 110 members total (unnamed and named), 85 combatants and 24 non-combatants. The actual size of the chapter as far as the storyline is concerned is likely larger than that, depending on the extent of outside equipment.  
In the game, the player encounters around 110 members total (unnamed and named), 85 combatants and 24 non-combatants. The actual size of the chapter as far as the storyline is concerned is likely larger than that, depending on the extent of outside equipment.  

* [[Ishmael Ashur|Paladin Ashur]] (2254/55)
*[[Ishmael Ashur|Paladin Ashur]] (2254/55)
* [[Henry Casdin]] (2276)
*[[Henry Casdin]] (2276)
** All [[Brotherhood outcast]]s (2276)
**All [[Brotherhood outcast]]s (2276)

===As of 2277===
===As of 2277===
Ligne 202 : Ligne 193 :

* While external recruitment is present in ''[[Fallout Tactics]]'', and the "Texas Expedition" in ''[[Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel]]'', the original Brotherhood in [[Lost Hills]] refrained from recruiting outsiders, sending them on missions to [[West Tek Research Facility|the Glow]]. The [[Vault Dweller]]'s unexpected success was unprecedented.
*While external recruitment is present in ''[[Fallout Tactics]]'', and the "Texas Expedition" in ''[[Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel]]'', the original Brotherhood in [[Lost Hills]] refrained from recruiting outsiders, sending them on missions to [[West Tek Research Facility|the Glow]]. The [[Vault Dweller]]'s unexpected success was unprecedented.
* The [[Brotherhood Outcasts]], a split faction of Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel, is conceptually similar to the [[Circle of Steel (Van Buren)|Circle of Steel]] in ''[[Van Buren]]''. However, although they are hardliner loyalists, they do not have contact with the core Brotherhood.  
*The [[Brotherhood Outcasts]], a split faction of Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel, is conceptually similar to the [[Circle of Steel (Van Buren)|Circle of Steel]] in ''[[Van Buren]]''. However, although they are hardliner loyalists, they do not have contact with the core Brotherhood.

Fichier:Fallout 3 PA.jpg|Brotherhood of Steel member in the intro of Fallout 3.
Fallout 3 PA.jpg|Brotherhood of Steel member in the intro of Fallout 3.
Fichier:Concept08B.jpg|T-45d power armor render.
Concept08B.jpg|T-45d power armor render.
Fichier:Concept12B.jpg|AER9 laser rifle/Enclave plasma pistol/CZ53 personal minigun/Capital wasteland conceptual design
Concept12B.jpg|AER9 laser rifle/Enclave plasma pistol/CZ53 personal minigun/Capital wasteland conceptual design
Fichier:Concept09B.jpg|Early conceptual design of the [[Citadel]]/Recon helmet conceptual design
Concept09B.jpg|Early conceptual design of the [[Citadel]]/Recon helmet conceptual design
Fichier:Concept11B.jpg|BoS Scribe/Elder/early wasteland conceptual design
Concept11B.jpg|BoS Scribe/Elder/early wasteland conceptual design
Fichier:Concept10B.jpg|Super sledge/Recon armor/early wasteland conceptual design
Concept10B.jpg|Super sledge/Recon armor/early wasteland conceptual design

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[[Catégorie:Factions de Fallout 3]]
[[Catégorie:Factions de Fallout 3]]
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