Fichier dialogue de Nolan McNamara
Fichier dialogue
Fichier dialogue de Nolan McNamara
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Fichier |
FalloutNV.esm |
Tableau de dialogue[modifier | modifier le wikicode]
Fichier dialogue | ||||||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic038 | Il ne suffit pas de la mettre ? | Si seulement c'était aussi simple... L'armure assistée est plus proche d'une machine que l'on actionne que d'un vêtement. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638E4_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic038 | Il ne suffit pas de la mettre ? | Après une brève formation, son emploi devient instinctif, mais pour un novice, cela revient à porter une brahmine sur le dos. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638E4_2 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic038 | Il ne suffit pas de la mettre ? | Alors, mettons-nous au travail, voulez-vous ? | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638E4_3 | ||
Topic | McNamaraPowerArmorTraining | McNamaraPowerArmorTraining | ... Bien, je crois que vous avez le coup de main. Vous devriez maintenant pouvoir porter n'importe quelle armure assistée. | VDialogueH_McNamaraPowerAr_001638D8_1 | ||
Topic | McNamaraPowerArmorTraining | McNamaraPowerArmorTraining | J'ai aussi ordonné de vous laisser accéder à tous nos matériels, plus seulement aux équipements les plus courants. | VDialogueH_McNamaraPowerAr_001638D9_1 | ||
Topic | McNamaraPowerArmorTraining | McNamaraPowerArmorTraining | Vous faites maintenant partie de la Confrérie et il est temps que votre matériel reflète cette situation. | VDialogueH_McNamaraPowerAr_001638D9_2 | ||
Topic | McNamaraPowerArmorTraining | McNamaraPowerArmorTraining | Enfin, vous pourrez aller et venir comme vous l'entendrez. Après tout ce que vous avez fait pour nous, c'est la moindre des choses. | VDialogueH_McNamaraPowerAr_001638D9_3 | ||
Topic | McNamaraPowerArmorTraining | McNamaraPowerArmorTraining | Je vous demande seulement de toujours veiller aux intérêts de la Confrérie. Rappelez-vous que vous trouverez toujours un foyer ici. | VDialogueH_McNamaraPowerAr_001638D9_4 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic028 | C'est un accident, je le jure. | Accident ou pas, nous sommes maintenant tous deux dans une situation inconfortable. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163281_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic007 | Je les cherche toujours. | Faites au plus vite. Il est impératif que je connaisse les résultats de sa mission. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E565_1 | ||
Conversation | VMS49ElderDiscussion2V34 | VMS49ElderDiscussion2V34 | C'est peut-être la seule qui existe. | VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BDA4_1 | ||
Conversation | VMS49ElderDiscussion1 | VMS49ElderDiscussion1 | Bonjour, Veronica. Comment se passe cette mission ? | VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014B02A_1 | ||
Conversation | VMS49ElderDiscussion1 | VMS49ElderDiscussion1 | Veronica, ne me dis pas que c'est au sujet de... | VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014B02C_1 | ||
Conversation | VMS49ElderDiscussion1 | VMS49ElderDiscussion1 | Nous avons déjà discuté de tout ça. | VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014B02E_1 | ||
Conversation | VMS49ElderDiscussion1 | VMS49ElderDiscussion1 | Nous avons survécu à la fin du monde. Nous survivrons à ces arrivistes. | VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014B030_1 | ||
Conversation | VMS49ElderDiscussion1 | VMS49ElderDiscussion1 | S'il le faut. | VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014B032_1 | ||
Conversation | VMS49ElderDiscussion1 | VMS49ElderDiscussion1 | J'en attends la preuve. Comme j'attends de voir quelqu'un apporter une solution à nos problèmes. | VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014B036_1 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamStorePermission | J'ai l'autorisation de faire du troc avec votre arsenal ? | Oui. Nous avons tout intérêt à ce que vous disposiez d'un bon matériel. Je vais faire passer le mot. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamStorePer_000E340E_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic039 | Parlez-moi du bouclage. | Il s'agit d'une mesure de protection adoptée après la défaite à HELIOS. La RNC était sur nos talons et un autre affrontement nous aurait éliminés. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAB_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic039 | Parlez-moi du bouclage. | Nous avons décidé de nous cacher quelque temps, de soigner les blessés et de tenter d'échafauder une nouvelle stratégie. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAB_2 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic039 | Parlez-moi du bouclage. | Cependant, après avoir repris des forces, nos premières sorties ont montré que la présence de la RNC s'était accrue dans la région. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAB_3 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic039 | Parlez-moi du bouclage. | Il y a aujourd'hui cinq fois plus de soldats de la RNC dans la région et nous sommes deux fois moins nombreux qu'à HELIOS. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAB_4 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic039 | Parlez-moi du bouclage. | Le bouclage a par conséquent été prolongé. Si nous sortions, nous serions tous tués. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAB_5 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic040 | Comment faites-vous pour vous ravitailler ? | Certains de nos personnels sont autorisés à se déplacer en surface. Ils font du commerce et rapportent parfois des découvertes intéressantes. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAD_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic040 | Comment faites-vous pour vous ravitailler ? | Nous faisons en sorte qu'ils n'entrent et sortent du bunker que lorsque la tempête de sable est active, afin d'éviter toute détection. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAD_2 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic041 | Parlons d'autre chose. | Très bien. De quoi voulez-vous parler ? | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAC_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic043 | C'est quoi, cette tempête de sable de folie, à la surface ? | C'est le système de défense de la base. Il sert de camouflage et dissimule les entrées et sorties du bunker. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AA6_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic043 | C'est quoi, cette tempête de sable de folie, à la surface ? | Il permet de cacher nos patrouilles et corvées de ravitaillement, même si elles ne sont envoyées que de nuit, pour plus de sécurité encore. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AA6_2 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic044 | Racontez-moi ce qui s'est passé à HELIOS. | Nous avons été purement et simplement laminés. Mes frères se sont battus avec courage, mais les ennemis étaient trop nombreux. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AC9_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic044 | Racontez-moi ce qui s'est passé à HELIOS. | Au pire moment de la bataille, notre Aîné était introuvable, et tout a sombré dans le chaos. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AC9_2 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic044 | Racontez-moi ce qui s'est passé à HELIOS. | La moitié de nos forces était déjà tombée. J'ai rassemblé ceux que j'ai pu trouver et nous nous sommes repliés ici. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AC9_3 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic044 | Racontez-moi ce qui s'est passé à HELIOS. | Nous avions vaguement parlé de ce lieu comme point de repli, mais à l'époque, personne ne s'attendait à une telle éventualité. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AC9_4 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic044 | Racontez-moi ce qui s'est passé à HELIOS. | C'est tout. Cette bataille n'a rien eu de glorieux : ça n'a été qu'un cauchemar de hurlements, de sang et de mort. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AC9_5 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic045 | Vous savez que Hardin cherche à devenir l'Aîné ? | Oh, oui, cela fait quelque temps qu'il essaie. Hardin est opposé au bouclage depuis le début. C'est contraire à sa nature, vous voyez... | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AA8_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic045 | Vous savez que Hardin cherche à devenir l'Aîné ? | Hardin est du genre à se battre jusqu'au bout et à mourir plutôt que de se rendre. Chez un soldat, c'est une qualité, mais chez un chef... | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AA8_2 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic045 | Vous savez que Hardin cherche à devenir l'Aîné ? | Ne vous inquiétez pas de ce qu'il peut faire. Il ne fait que ce qu'il estime être le meilleur pour le chapitre. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AA8_3 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic046 | {Parler de la RNC cherchant à éliminer la Confrérie} | La RNC cherche actuellement à vous éliminer. | Oui, je l'ai toujours su. Par chance, la RNC ne sait pas exactement où nous sommes. Et si elle l'apprenait, nous sommes bien retranchés. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAE_1 | |
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic046 | {Parler de la RNC cherchant à éliminer la Confrérie} | La RNC cherche actuellement à vous éliminer. | Enfin, si ses troupes parvenaient à entrer dans le bunker, je serais obligé d'activer notre système de sécurité. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAE_2 | |
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic046 | {Parler de la RNC cherchant à éliminer la Confrérie} | La RNC cherche actuellement à vous éliminer. | Mieux vaut tous mourir que laisser les technologies qui se trouvent ici tomber en de mauvaises mains. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAE_3 | |
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic046 | {Parler de la RNC cherchant à éliminer la Confrérie} | La RNC cherche actuellement à vous éliminer. | Je suppose que ce n'était qu'une question de temps. Compte tenu de la situation actuelle de la RNC, je me demande si elle accepterait une trêve... | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAF_1 | |
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic046 | {Parler de la RNC cherchant à éliminer la Confrérie} | La RNC cherche actuellement à vous éliminer. | Nous ne revendiquons plus Helios et le barrage ne nous intéresse pas. Nos ambitions n'empiètent donc pas sur les siennes. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAF_2 | |
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic046 | {Parler de la RNC cherchant à éliminer la Confrérie} | La RNC cherche actuellement à vous éliminer. | L'heure est peut-être à une nouvelle stratégie. Allez dire au chef de la RNC que la Confrérie accepte d'oublier les inimitiés pour l'instant. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAF_3 | |
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic046 | {Parler de la RNC cherchant à éliminer la Confrérie} | La RNC cherche actuellement à vous éliminer. | Dites-lui aussi que nous sommes prêts à envoyer des troupes pour l'aider à défendre le barrage. Je pense qu'elle pourra difficilement refuser. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163AAF_4 | |
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic014 | {Demander à rejoindre la Confrérie.} | Je peux toujours rejoindre la Confrérie ? | Vous en avez assurément gagné le droit, mais il reste un petit point de protocole à régler auparavant. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DD_1 | |
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic014 | {Demander à rejoindre la Confrérie.} | Je peux toujours rejoindre la Confrérie ? | Des individus exceptionnels tels que vous sont parfois autorisés à rejoindre la Confrérie s'ils accomplissent un service de valeur. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DD_2 | |
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic014 | {Demander à rejoindre la Confrérie.} | Je peux toujours rejoindre la Confrérie ? | Si nous n'avons eu qu'à nous féliciter de vos actions jusqu'ici, elles ne sauraient constituer ce type de service. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DD_3 | |
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic014 | {Demander à rejoindre la Confrérie.} | Je peux toujours rejoindre la Confrérie ? | Mais j'ai une autre tâche qui relèverait de cette notion. Accepteriez-vous de la mener à bien ? | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DD_4 | |
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic014 | {Demander à rejoindre la Confrérie.} | Je peux toujours rejoindre la Confrérie ? | La tâche que j'avais en tête est toujours disponible, si vous vous sentez d'attaque. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DE_1 | |
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic015 | Oui, quelle est la mission ? | Comme l'une de nos patrouilles l'a découvert, les mutants du nord-est sont devenus étrangement violents pendant notre réclusion. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DB_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic015 | Oui, quelle est la mission ? | Mais cette situation pourrait constituer une opportunité. Par respect, nous n'avions pas touché au réseau de communications situé là-bas. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DB_2 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic015 | Oui, quelle est la mission ? | Puisque les "habitants" sont désormais hostiles, ce respect n'a plus de raison d'être. Ce matériel est devenu un objectif. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DB_3 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic015 | Oui, quelle est la mission ? | Je veux que vous alliez installer cet émetteur sur l'une des consoles situées au sommet de Black Mountain. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DB_4 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic015 | Oui, quelle est la mission ? | Il nous permettra de profiter des radars et autres systèmes de détection implantés là-bas, s'ils fonctionnent toujours. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DB_5 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic015 | Oui, quelle est la mission ? | Si nous devons revenir à la surface, autant le faire avec le plus d'informations possible. Bonne chance. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DB_6 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic033 | Ça dépend de la nature de la tâche. | N'ayez pas d'hésitation. Tirez la leçon de mon erreur et faites preuve d'audace, d'une manière ou d'une autre. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638D7_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic034 | Après réflexion, je ne vais pas rejoindre tout de suite la Confrérie. | C'est regrettable, mais compréhensible. Si vous changez d'avis, revenez ici. Je ne confierai pas tout de suite cette tâche à mes frères. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638E5_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic035 | J'ai installé l'appareil sur Black Mountain, comme prévu. | Oui, nous avons commencé à capter des signaux de télémétrie. Cela nous sera très utile lors de nos actions futures, et je vous remercie. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DF_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic035 | J'ai installé l'appareil sur Black Mountain, comme prévu. | Maintenant, j'ai le grand honneur de vous décerner le titre de Paladin de la Confrérie pour services rendus allant au-delà du devoir. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DF_2 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic035 | J'ai installé l'appareil sur Black Mountain, comme prévu. | Je crains qu'une cérémonie officielle soit hors de question dans la situation actuelle, mais j'espère que cela vous suffira. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DF_3 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic035 | J'ai installé l'appareil sur Black Mountain, comme prévu. | J'ai demandé aux Chevaliers de remettre en état une armure assistée pour vous. Il s'agit de l'un des premiers modèles, mais elle vous sera utile. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DF_4 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic035 | J'ai installé l'appareil sur Black Mountain, comme prévu. | Maintenant, je crois que je vais devoir vous apprendre à vous en servir, n'est-ce pas ? | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DF_5 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic036 | Je sais déjà utiliser une armure assistée. | Pourriez-vous me dire où vous avez appris une telle technique ? | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638E0_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic036 | Je sais déjà utiliser une armure assistée. | Non, c'est inutile. Une personne aussi avisée que vous a nécessairement acquis de nombreuses compétences. Heureusement, j'ai autre chose pour vous. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638E0_2 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic037 | Je vous en prie. | Avant tout, voyons comment la revêtir. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_001638DA_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic024 | I found one of your patrols out in the waste. Your men are dead. | That is sad news, indeed, and I thank you for making your way here to convey it to us, but now the issue remains that an outsider knows our location. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0016328F_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic025 | Actually, I'd rather just be going. If I could just have my belongings back... | I'm afraid that's not a possibility at the moment. Let's just say that your eventual safe departure from here relies on how forthcoming you are. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0016329D_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic025 | Actually, I'd rather just be going. If I could just have my belongings back... | That said, I'd like you to tell me why you're here. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0016329D_2 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic026 | No, what I told your man before was the truth. I don't like repeating myself. | I applaud your commitment to your own word, though it saddens me to hear of the fate of our comrades. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163299_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic029 | I convinced him that staying here was more dangerous than moving on. | Yes, you exploited his fear of Powder Gangers very effectively. The collar includes a microphone, you see. Part of the test. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0016329C_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic029 | I convinced him that staying here was more dangerous than moving on. | He'll keep his distance, setting ambushes, never suspecting that these bunkers house something far more dangerous to him than criminals. Well-played. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0016329C_8 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic030 | He was going to leave if he couldn't get his radio working. So I destroyed it. | I see. And he's not particularly likely to come back, since he's learned that the bunkers here aren't secure enough to serve as safehouses. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0016328D_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic030 | He was going to leave if he couldn't get his radio working. So I destroyed it. | It's not a foolproof solution, but indirect methods rarely are. What matters is that you drove him off without alerting him to our presence. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0016328D_8 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic031 | Just tell me what you want me to do. | I would like you to find the components we need to fix this bunker's air filtration system. I cannot overstate the importance of this task. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163286_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic031 | Just tell me what you want me to do. | See Senior Knight Lorenzo for the details. He's the one who brought the matter to my attention, and the only other person who is aware of it. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163286_2 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic032 | Go on. | The device that creates the sandstorms above, that masks our comings and goings, was only intended to be used in case of emergencies. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163292_4 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic032 | Go on. | It was never meant to be used with any regularity, and the other systems here were not designed to accommodate such usage. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163292_5 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic032 | Go on. | In particular, the air filtration system simply cannot handle the quantity of sand and grit that it's been forced to cope with these last few years. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163292_6 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic032 | Go on. | As a result, the system is failing, albeit slowly. I'm told we have scant few months before it shuts down completely. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163292_7 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic032 | Go on. | Should that happen, it will quickly become impossible to breathe here in the bunker. Already the air quality begins to slightly worsen. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00163292_8 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic020 | Surely you have people better suited to look for them than me. | The less who are aware of this situation, the better. My brothers and sisters were deeply traumatized by the losses we incurred several years ago. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0016005C_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic020 | Surely you have people better suited to look for them than me. | It would be imprudent to worry them unduly without first discovering the facts of the situation. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0016005C_2 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic021 | I was hoping to speak to you about other matters. | I can spare a little time. What did you want to talk about? | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160068_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic010 | I think I already found one of your patrols. Both Paladins were dead. | While that is disheartening news, there remains hope that the other two patrols may still be found alive. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015FCF6_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic011 | I already found a couple of your patrols. The paladins were all dead. | T-That is unfortunate. As long as there is a chance to find the remaining patrol, however, I must still ask you to try. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015FCE2_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic012 | I already found all three patrols. They were all dead. | {Solemn}I suppose I am not surprised. We have few friends in the world above, and many enemies. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160061_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic013 | Not all of them. | Keep looking for them. The information they have is vital. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015FD1A_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic016 | {McNamara linked lines} | Then allow me to explain our situation. This bunker is currently locked down, allowing no entry or exit, with you being one of the few exceptions. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015FCE5_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic016 | {McNamara linked lines} | In exceptional cases, teams are sent out to investigate sites or retrieve materials deemed too important to ignore. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015FCE5_2 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic016 | {McNamara linked lines} | Three such teams have gone missing recently, and the news of their disappearance has not yet been widely spread to avoid undue concern. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015FCE5_3 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic016 | {McNamara linked lines} | In order to maintain the peace, and adhere to the strictures of the lockdown, I need to send someone else to discover what happened to them. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015FCE5_4 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic018 | I have better things to do. | Then that is your choice. If you should change your mind, please return. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015FCF9_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic006 | I did. Lorenzo's on it. | {Relieved, sighs}Good news for a change. Your efforts have humbled me, outsider. You have done more than I could expect, even from my Brothers. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E55E_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic006 | I did. Lorenzo's on it. | Moreover, I've been going over the scouts' reports and keep coming up with the same conclusion. The NCR is not the threat I've believed it to be. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E55E_2 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic006 | I did. Lorenzo's on it. | We should not have had to rely on your help in this crisis. I believed my actions were guided by caution and prudence, but I now see the truth. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E55E_3 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic006 | I did. Lorenzo's on it. | People called me a hero after what happened at HELIOS, but I left that battle scarred by fear, and have allowed that weakness to govern my actions. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E55E_4 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic006 | I did. Lorenzo's on it. | That ends now. I will undo the wrong I have done my brethren, and lift the lockdown. With luck, we will once again flourish. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E55E_5 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic006 | I did. Lorenzo's on it. | Please, take this. It is a small token of my thanks, and scarcely begins to repay the debt owed you, but is all I am allowed to give an outsider. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E55E_6 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic006 | I did. Lorenzo's on it. | This key will allow you to use our safehouse to the northeast. I hope it will prove useful in your travels. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E55E_7 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic008 | Yes, I did. Here are their reports. | Good, let's take a look... Hmmm, if I'm reading this right, it appears that the NCR's grip on this region is nowhere near as firm as I thought. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E568_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic008 | Yes, I did. Here are their reports. | I'll have to review these in detail, but these reports have given me much to think about. Thank you, outsider. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E568_2 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic008 | Yes, I did. Here are their reports. | You've become someone I can count on, so I believe I can share something rather confidential with you. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E568_3 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic009 | No, not yet. | Well, return when you have. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015E55D_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic002 | Yes, here are their holotapes. | {Solemn}They were all dead, then. I suppose I'm not surprised. We have few friends in the world above, and many enemies. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015D9CA_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic002 | Yes, here are their holotapes. | But we must turn our minds to other matters. When I sent out those patrols, I also sent three Knights out on scouting missions. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160075_2 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic002 | Yes, here are their holotapes. | When the patrols failed to return, we assumed the worst and sent a single communication to the scouts to hold position and maintain radio silence. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160075_3 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic002 | Yes, here are their holotapes. | I want you to contact those scouts and gather their reports. Like the patrols, they have devices on them that will enable you to track them. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160075_5 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic002 | Yes, here are their holotapes. | When you find them, tell them you're my representative and ask them if the bears are still hunting. That should get them to talk to you. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160075_7 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic002 | Yes, here are their holotapes. | Return when you've gathered all of their reports. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160075_6 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic003 | No, I've only found one of them so far. Both paladins were dead. | While that is disheartening news, there remains hope that the other two patrols may still be found alive. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160062_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic003 | No, I've only found one of them so far. Both paladins were dead. | See me as soon as you've found them. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160062_2 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic004 | I've found two of the patrols. All of the paladins were dead. | T-That is unfortunate. As long as there is a chance to find the remaining patrol, however, I must still ask you to try. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160064_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic004 | I've found two of the patrols. All of the paladins were dead. | Return when you have found them. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_00160064_2 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic005 | No, I'm still working on it. | Remain diligent, outsider. If those patrols are in trouble, every second you delay lessens their chances of rescue. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015FCED_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic000 | I'll begin looking immediately. | I'm glad I can count on you. Oh, and one other thing. The patrols each had a holotape detailing their missions that you can use to track them. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015D79A_1 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic000 | I'll begin looking immediately. | The shielding of the bunker prevents us from actively tracking them, but their positions should show up on your map once you get to the surface. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015D79A_2 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic000 | I'll begin looking immediately. | Should our worst fears become realized, please bring back all three of the holotapes from the patrols. Otherwise, bring our brothers home. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015D79A_3 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic000 | I'll begin looking immediately. | I've given the order that you be given access to some of the equipment our scouts and patrols have scavenged over the years. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015D79A_4 | ||
Topic | VDialogueHiddenValleyNolanMcNamaraTopic000 | I'll begin looking immediately. | You won't be allowed to purchase any prohibited equipment, but hopefully some of what's available will prove useful to you. | VDialogueH_VDialogueHidden_0015D79A_5 | ||
Topic | VEndingBrotherhood | VEndingBrotherhood | {Narrating}Buried beneath tons of rubble, the Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel was no more. | VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161260_1 | ||
Topic | VEndingBrotherhood | VEndingBrotherhood | Those few who were outside the Hidden Valley bunker when it was destroyed settled into new lives, or headed west to find a new chapter to join. | VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161260_2 | ||
Topic | VEndingBrotherhood | VEndingBrotherhood | {Narrating}During the fight for Hoover Dam, the Brotherhood took HELIOS One, inflicting heavy damage on retreating NCR forces, but it was a pyrrhic victory. | VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161261_1 | ||
Topic | VEndingBrotherhood | VEndingBrotherhood | Once The Strip was secured, Caesar's forces overwhelmed and eventually routed the Brotherhood from HELIOS One and Hidden Valley. | VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161261_2 | ||
Topic | VEndingBrotherhood | VEndingBrotherhood | {Narrating}The Brotherhood used the battle of Hoover Dam as an opportunity to retake HELIOS One, and came to control the area between it and Hidden Valley. | VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161262_1 | ||
Topic | VEndingBrotherhood | VEndingBrotherhood | With no organized opposition, their patrols began monitoring trade along I-15 and 95, seizing any items of technology they deemed inappropriate. | VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161262_2 | ||
Topic | VEndingBrotherhood | VEndingBrotherhood | {Narrating}The Brotherhood and the NCR in the Mojave Wasteland declared an official truce, despite continued hostilities between the two in the west. | VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161263_1 | ||
Topic | VEndingBrotherhood | VEndingBrotherhood | As per their agreement, the NCR handed over all suits of salvaged power armor and in return the Brotherhood helped patrol I-15 and Highway 95. | VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161263_2 | ||
Topic | VEndingBrotherhood | VEndingBrotherhood | {Narrating}Due to their temporary truce, the Brotherhood allowed the NCR to retreat from the Mojave Wasteland without incident. | VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161264_1 | ||
Topic | VEndingBrotherhood | VEndingBrotherhood | In the relative peace that followed, Brotherhood patrols appeared along major roads, harassing travelers over any bits of technology they had. | VEnding_VEndingBrotherhood_00161264_2 | ||
Conversation | VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion | VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion | What does the Codex say? | VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD91_1 | ||
Conversation | VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion | VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion | We do not help them, or let them in. | VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD93_1 | ||
Conversation | VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion | VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion | We keep knowledge they must never have. | VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD95_1 | ||
Conversation | VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion | VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion | I'm sorry. | VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD97_1 | ||
Conversation | VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion | VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion | {Sadly}<Sighs> I know. | VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD99_1 | ||
Conversation | VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS | VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS | What? Wonderful news! | VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD84_1 | ||
Conversation | VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS | VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS | In the hands of the enemy- | VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD86_1 | ||
Conversation | VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS | VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS | We couldn't have known. We fought for what we believed in. | VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD88_1 | ||
Conversation | VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS | VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS | Are you trying to shame me? | VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD8A_1 | ||
Conversation | VMS49ElderDiscussion2Intro | VMS49ElderDiscussion2Intro | Veronica. I hope- | VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BDAC_1 | ||
Conversation | VMS49ElderDiscussion2V22 | VMS49ElderDiscussion2V22 | High Elder Maxson didn't found us to be botanists, Veronica. | VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD9C_1 | ||
Conversation | VMS49ElderDiscussion2V22 | VMS49ElderDiscussion2V22 | This won't get us Hoover Dam. | VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD9E_1 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamRangerDeadSpeech | {Speech >= 65} | It was a calculated risk. Asking questions would have tipped him off. | [SUCCEEDED] So you weighed the value of confirming if his location was known against your advantage of surprise. All right. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerDe_000E3ED7_1 | |
Topic | HVMcNamRangerDeadSpeech | {Speech >= 65} | I'm pretty sure I made things better. I mean, I killed him. | [FAILED] What's in doubt isn't your ability to kill. It's your ability to be thorough. Your circumspection, so to speak. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerDe_000E3ED8_1 | |
Topic | HVMcNamRangerDeadSpeech | {Speech >= 65} | I'm pretty sure I made things better. I mean, I killed him. | So again, I ask: How do you know that killing this ranger didn't make matters worse, exposing us to greater dangers? | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerDe_000E3ED8_2 | |
Topic | HVMcNamRangerAsk | Why haven't you killed the ranger already? | Yes, we could kill him easily enough. But sometimes you can learn a great deal by observing people, both enemies and friends. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerAs_000E284A_1 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamRangerAsk | Why haven't you killed the ranger already? | Which is why it will be very interesting to observe how you choose to deal with the situation, and decide which you are. Enemy, or friend? | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerAs_000E284A_2 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamRangerAsk | Why haven't you killed the ranger already? | Do we understand one another? | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerAs_000E284A_3 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamRangerNo | Not interested. I don't do murder-for-hire. | I never said the ranger had to be killed. And I wasn't giving you the option. I merely asked if you understood. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerNo_000E2850_1 | ||
Conversation | HVMcNamaraHardinOpening | HVMcNamaraHardinOpening | I understand your concern, Edgar, but the answer is no. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamaraHardi_000ACCAD_1 | ||
Conversation | HVMcNamaraHardinOpening | HVMcNamaraHardinOpening | And our chances of exposure might be one hundred percent if we act rashly. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamaraHardi_000ACCBF_1 | ||
Conversation | HVMcNamaraHardinOpening | HVMcNamaraHardinOpening | No, I will not endanger the entire chapter so recklessly. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamaraHardi_000ACD38_1 | ||
Conversation | HVMcNamaraHardinOpening | HVMcNamaraHardinOpening | Look, I've made my decision. Abide by it. I have other matters to attend to. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamaraHardi_000ACD3D_1 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamExplainPresence | I was just exploring the area and noticed your patrol coming out of here. | You took an extreme risk in coming here. My policy towards trespassers has not been... lenient. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamExplainP_000ACC65_1 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamExplainPresence | I was just exploring the area and noticed your patrol coming out of here. | The security of this bunker is my foremost concern, and I take pains to minimize our exposure topside. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamExplainP_000ACC65_2 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamExplainPresence | I was just exploring the area and noticed your patrol coming out of here. | For this reason, I might be interested in contracting with an outsider, who can accomplish certain tasks - some basic, some a bit more... involved. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamExplainP_000ACC65_3 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamExplainPresence | I was just exploring the area and noticed your patrol coming out of here. | An NCR Ranger has begun to set up post in one of the other bunkers up top, for example. I want him driven off. Understood? | VDialogueH_HVMcNamExplainP_000ACC65_4 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamRangerDead | The ranger won't be a problem. He's dead. | How do you know he won't be missed, that other rangers won't come looking for him? Or NCR patrols? Did you just make matters worse? | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerDe_000ACC22_1 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamRangerDeadSafe | He told me himself that no one knew where he was. | Indeed he did. The collar includes a microphone, you see. Part of the test. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerDe_000ACC64_1 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamRangerDeadSafe | He told me himself that no one knew where he was. | Had you told him the location of this bunker, for example... well, let's just say we wouldn't be having this conversation. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerDe_000ACC64_5 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamRangerDeadSafe | He told me himself that no one knew where he was. | Given the circumstances, termination was the best option - so your actions demonstrated loyalty, good judgment, and prowess in combat. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerDe_000ACC64_2 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamRangerFail | I'm not sure. | That's right. Because you did nothing to find out. Your collar was rigged with a microphone, you see. Part of the test. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerFa_000E284B_1 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamRangerFail | I'm not sure. | It would seem you are a brute, but even a brute can be of use. Particularly one capable of taking down an NCR Ranger one on one. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerFa_000E284B_2 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamRangerFail | I'm not sure. | Since you completed your assigned task, I will allow you to come and go from the bunker freely. So let's get that collar off you. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerFa_001632BA_1 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamRangerFail | I'm not sure. | There, that's better, I hope. Now that we have that bit of unpleasantness out of the way, there is a matter that I would like to discuss with you. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerFa_001632BB_2 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamRangerFail | I'm not sure. | Stop by the command room when you can. Oh, and bear in mind, if you end up betraying us, we will know it - and there will be no mercy. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerFa_001632BB_1 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamRangerGone | The ranger won't be a problem. He's gone. | Gone? Why did he leave? And what makes you think he won't be back? | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerGo_000ACD4E_1 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamRangerYes | I can take care of the Ranger. | Very well. I'll be interested to see how thoroughly and efficiently you carry out your mission. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerYe_000ACC0B_1 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamRangerYes | I can take care of the Ranger. | Paladin Ramos will escort you back to the bunker's entrance and set you loose. Notice that I said "loose," not "free." | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerYe_0016329B_2 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamRangerYes | I can take care of the Ranger. | You are not free to carry the secret of this bunker's location beyond Hidden Valley - until I'm convinced that you're capable and dependable. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerYe_0016329B_3 | ||
Topic | HVMcNamRangerYes | I can take care of the Ranger. | To underscore this point, you'll be fitted with an explosive collar. Wander off, and it will detonate. Focus on your mission, and you'll be fine. | VDialogueH_HVMcNamRangerYe_0016329B_4 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | Ah, outsider. I've heard that you were instrumental in providing Hardin with the evidence to bring against me. And here I had thought to use {lightly stressed}you. | VDialogueH_GREETING_0015E573_1 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | Have you come to gloat, or did you actually want something? | VDialogueH_GREETING_0015E573_2 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | Welcome, outsider, welcome! The lockdown has been officially lifted and everyone seems to be in good spirits. | VDialogueH_GREETING_001633CF_1 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | With the surface open to us once again, Hardin's already started talk of sending a force out to attack HELIOS, but I hope to dissuade him. | VDialogueH_GREETING_001633CF_2 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | What can I do for you? | VDialogueH_GREETING_001633CF_3 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | Hail, Brother. May I help you? | VDialogueH_GREETING_001638E9_1 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | Greetings, my friend. I hope I can be of some assistance to you. | VDialogueH_GREETING_001638EA_1 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | {Getting ready to lift the lockdown}I apologize, outsider, but I'm going to be busy for a little while making preparations for lifting the lockdown. | VDialogueH_GREETING_001638EB_1 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | {Annoyed to have to talk to the player again}What is it now, outsider? | VDialogueH_GREETING_001638EC_1 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | I'm afraid I don't have time to talk, outsider. I've had word that Hardin is charging me with violating protocol and must prepare a defense. | VDialogueH_GREETING_001633D0_1 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | Back again, I see. Have you found all the components we need? | VDialogueH_GREETING_001633D1_1 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | Have you had any luck finding the scouts? Or did you have something to discuss? | VDialogueH_GREETING_0015E574_1 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | Found the missing patrols, or was something else on your mind? | VDialogueH_GREETING_0015D9CB_1 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | How did you find us, stranger? And do tell the truth. | VDialogueH_GREETING_000E2F71_1 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | I've been informed that you bring us ill tidings, stranger. Care to elaborate? | VDialogueH_GREETING_0015E575_1 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | When Paladin Ramos informed me that Veronica was approaching with an outsider in tow, at first I didn't know what to think. | VDialogueH_GREETING_0015D79C_1 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | After giving the matter some thought, however, I've decided that an outsider could be of use to me right now. | VDialogueH_GREETING_0015D79C_2 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | However, I will not force you to help us. Should you refuse, you will be allowed to leave here, though you'd remain Veronica's responsibility. | VDialogueH_GREETING_0015D79C_3 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | What do you say, outsider? Are you willing to help us? | VDialogueH_GREETING_0015D79C_4 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | What I wished to discuss with you can wait for once I get settled in the command room, outsider. | VDialogueH_GREETING_001632B1_1 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | When you first showed up on our doorstep, I'll admit at first I didn't know what to think. | VDialogueH_GREETING_001632B2_1 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | After giving the matter some thought, however, I've decided that an outsider could be of great use to me right now. | VDialogueH_GREETING_001632B2_2 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | However, I will not force you to help us. Should you refuse, you will be allowed to leave here, though know we {stressed}will be keeping an eye on you. | VDialogueH_GREETING_001632B2_3 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | What do you say, outsider? Are you willing to help us? | VDialogueH_GREETING_001632B2_4 VDialogueH_GREETING_0015D79C_4 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | How did you resolve the situation with the ranger? | VDialogueH_GREETING_000ACD41_1 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | Have you reconsidered, outsider? I can still use your help. | VDialogueH_GREETING_0015FD40_1 | ||
Topic | GREETING | GREETING | {Generic question node}Yes, associate? | VDialogueH_GREETING_000ACD4A_1 |