
De Les Archives de Vault-Tec

local p = {}

local LF = '\n'

Référentiel -----

local data = { ["fermentable"] = { }, ["fermenté"] = {}, ["mature"] = { } }

function buildRow(argValue, def) local note = argValue or if note ~= then note = LF .. note .. LF end

return mw.html.create( 'div' ) :addClass( 'artisanat-colonne-titre' ) :wikitext( note ) :done() end

function p._build(args) local res = mw.html.create( 'ul' ) :addClass( 'artisanat-colonne' ) local isEmpty = true

for key, value in pairs(args) do local def = data[key:lower()] if def and value ~= '-' and value ~= 'vide' then isEmpty = false res:node(buildRow(value, def)) end end


return res end

function p.build(frame) local args = {}

local argsParent = frame:getParent().args for cle, val in pairs(argsParent) do if val then val = mw.text.trim(val) if val ~= then args[cle] = val end end end

return p._build(args) end

return p