Entrées de terminal de l'Université Vault-Tec

Les entrées de terminal de l'Université Vault-Tec sont une série d'entrée de terminal de l'Université Vault-Tec dans Fallout 76.

Registre des abris des Appalaches




****** _ _ _ PASSE ACCEPTÉ

==Abri 51



AB*I *1 : *e s*ui* d* po*ul*tio* a é** a**ei*t, e* *e n* sa*s pa* ce *ue l'*ve**r nous [SUPPRIMÉ]. *n **rra bi** si le *up*r*is**r no*s pe**et d* [SUPPRIMÉ] ou n*n. M**s s'i* ***use, *a f*n**a en [SUPPRIMÉ].



****** _ _ _ PASSE ACCEPTÉ



Autorisation de sécurité REFUSÉE.

Veuillez appeler un administrateur système.

            • _ _ _ PASSE REFUSÉ



ABRI 76 : Commémorant le tricentenaire de notre pays, cet abri a été bâti et conçu pour s'ouvrir à une date ultérieure. Ses occupants auront pour tâche de reconstruire notre civilisation en cas d'annihilation totale.


****** _ _ _ PASSE ACCEPTÉ



Autorisation de sécurité REFUSÉE.

Veuillez appeler un administrateur système.

            • _ _ _ PASSE REFUSÉ


Autorisation de sécurité REFUSÉE.

Veuillez appeler un administrateur système. }}

            • _ _ _ PASSE REFUSÉ



Autorisation de sécurité REFUSÉE.

Veuillez appeler un administrateur système.

            • _ _ _ PASSE REFUSÉ

Terminal de recherche automatisé


VTU Automated Research Terminal
Étudiants et personnel de l'UVT


Ouverture aux étudiants : de 6 h à 20 h

Tous les programmes sur holobande doivent être approuvées par la direction de la faculté.

AUCUN jeu sur ce terminal ne sera toléré.

Saisissez le mot de passe du projet pour continuer.

Mot de passe : !hOpe4FUTURE*


Expérience précédente sur ARP001 SULFURIE toujours en cours.

Une fois terminée, l'itération suivante de ARP001 pourra commencer.

Estimation du temps restant : $ERREUR


Séquence de test ARP001 : SULFURIE localisée.


Les conditions d'alimentation de l'équipement automatisé nécessaire à la séquence de test ARP001 dépassent les ressources attribuées.


Séquence de test ARP001 : SULFURIE localisée.

Quels sont les ordres ?

Exécuter test automatisé


Réalisation de l'expérience $NÉANT...

Séquençage de l'ADN...

Recherche de séquences génomiques...


Traitement des données ARP001. Nouveaux échantillons de $ADN_SULFURIE inutiles avant fin de l'analyse.

{{Transcription|texte= ! ATTENTION ! ! ATTENTION ! ! ATTENTION !

Alimentation de la centrifuge de recherches automatisée insuffisante.

Solution : * Remplissez un Formulaire d'Allocation d'Urgence de Puissance (139-10-B) auprès du Doyen des Ressources de l'Abri. * Faites-vous sponsoriser pour assister au Conseil trimestriel d'Allocation de Ressources. * En cas d'urgence, nous invitons les étudiants à contacter les fournisseurs d'électricité.


Séquence test... ANNULÉE.

Échantillon viable de $ADN_SULFURIE requis.

Veuillez déposer un échantillon d'ADN dans la centrifuge afin de procéder au test automatisé.

Journal de l'aide de camp Montgomery



Danny est mort

Une de ces brutes luisantes s'est pointée à 2h du matin. Merde. Danny est mort.

Il faut que je fasse fonctionner ce putain de terminal, même si je dois y rester.

Profil bas

J'ai entendu des coups de feu dans la cour. J'ai dû éteindre toutes les lumières. Si les Samaritains nous chopent sur leur territoire, qui sait comment ils réagiront.

Danny dit qu'il est sur le point de faire démarrer le programme. La fête va bientôt commencer.

Bienvenue à l'UVT

Le crâne d'œuf avait dit que ce serait facile. Que l'holobande ARP ferait son taf et que tout serait en ligne.

Mon cul, ouais. Danny s'y connaît en terminaux et il galère à essayer de rendre le logiciel de l'UVT compatible avec le truc qu'ils utilisent sur la côte Ouest.

Et bien sûr, il y a des goules partout et on est tout seuls.

Merci, Grant. Merci. C'est vraiment du grand art.

Journaux archivés


$ADMIN_ACTUEL a EFFACÉ tous les Journaux archivés.

Résultats précédents du programme


$ADMIN_ACTUEL a EFFACÉ tous les Programmes expérimentaux archivés.

Station de travail du doyen Harland Elliot


Harland Elliot, doyen en charge de la formation des superviseurs

Hornwright, Liam


D'après mes observations, M. Hornwright a rejoint cette université dans le but de "faire la fête" et passer l'essentiel de son temps dans un état végétatif dû à une consommation excessive de marijuana, ce qui explique le caractère absurde et bâclé de la présentation de son projet de thèse. Cependant, l'influence de sa famille fait de lui un poids potentiel. Nous devrons réfléchir à la meilleure façon de gérer la suite de sa formation.

- H. Elliot

Collingsworth, Drew


L'expérience proposée par Collingsworth a dépassé mes attentes les plus folles. Sa proposition initiale ressemblait par de nombreux aspects à d'autres projets de nourritures de substitution, et faisait même montre d'une once d'imagination bienvenue. Je l'ai encouragé à imaginer une expérience plus intéressante qui devrait nous permettre de tester la force de volonté générale des êtres humains, et comment ils réagissent lorsqu'ils sont confrontés à des décès causés par leur source de nourriture. J'ai goûté ses pâtes, qui sont répugnantes à souhait. Nous allons les produire en grandes quantités et y ajouter un agent de détérioration artérielle qui devrait provoquer un déclin rapide du système circulatoire. Je m'attends à ce qu'une révolte éclate dans les deux semaines suivant le début de l'expérience, ce qui devrait nous permettre d'y mettre fin vers le milieu de la troisième.

- H. Elliot

O'Rourke, Shelby


O'Rourke s'est avérée suffisamment tenace et m'a convaincu de lui accorder quelques crédits pour de poursuivre son projet de thèse afin de démontrer l'existence de ces soi-disant cryptides. Si elle y parvient et qu'elle est en mesure de fournir des données probantes, il s'agirait d'une avancée majeure dont Vault-Tec trouverait certainement à bénéficier. Sinon, j'aurais au moins réussi à me débarrasser d'elle pour quelques mois.

Si elle n'est toujours pas revenue au bout de la période de temps convenue, nous devrons désigner une équipe pour retrouver l'endroit où elle est allée s'enterrer et mettre la main sur ses journaux de recherche pour enquêter.

-H. Elliot

Poste de travail de Drew Collingsworth


Thèse : Drew Collingsworth



Expérience visant à déterminer la densité optimale des calories contenues dans des denrées alimentaires comparé à un espace de stockage. Cette expérience permettra de tester plusieurs individus quant à leur tolérance à consommer des aliments à la texture inchangée, tout en leur permettant de créer leurs propres saveurs, ou d'utiliser des saveurs déjà existantes. Cette expérience comportera un groupe contrôle muni des provisions d'abri standard, et un groupe expérimental se nourrissant uniquement de ma pâte nutritive propriétaire (voir documents ci-joints).

Formule de pâte nutritive propriétaire


Les ingrédients sont les suivants :

Pois jaunes en poudre - 20,1 %
Pois chiches - 15,8 %
Protéines de pois - 12,3 %
Produits à base d'œufs en poudre - 8,8 %
Huile de colza - 8,3 %
Graines de lin entières - 7,6 %
Miscanthus moulue - 7,3 %
Amidon de pois - 6,4 %
Huile d'olive - 6 %
Chlorure de choline - 1,2 %
Huile de noix de coco - 1,1 %
Fibres - 1 %
Huile de poisson - 0,6 %
Inuline - 0,6 %
Sel - 0,6 %
Sulfate de zinc - 0,5 %
Complément de vitamine E ->0,1 %
Chélate d'acide aminé de fer - >0,1 %
Sulfate de fer - >0,1 %
Supplément de niacine - >0,1 %
Chélate d'acide aminé de manganèse - >0,1 %
Complément de vitamine A - >0,1 %
Complément de vitamine D3 - >0,1 %
Iodate de calcium - >0,1 %
Produit de fermentation de lactobacillus acidophilus en poudre - >0,1 %

Profils de saveurs proposés


Ci-dessous se trouve une liste des profils de saveurs potentiels, ainsi que les composants que les résidents peuvent utiliser pour créer de nouveaux "repas"

Saveurs de base :

Édulcorants - Sucralose, dulcine, sorbitol, xylitol, alitame
Agents amérisants - Lierre terrestre, myrica, souci, gruit
Agents d'acidification - Vinaigre, kachri, anar dana, kokum
Sels - Le sel entrant dans la composition de la pâte de base, aucune quantité supplémentaire ne sera apportée.
Consistance - toutes les préparations auront la même consistance
Épices - Capsicine, piments désaromatisés, acétate d'éthyle CAS 10-05.7
Umami - Glutamate monosodique

Saveurs pré-mélangées :

Levure de bière
Poisson (général)
Citron vert
Flocons d'avoine
Menthe poivrée
Viande rouge (général)
Crème fraîche

Réponse du tuteur


M. Collingsworth :

Votre proposition a connu un développement favorable, et le conseil a accepté de vous accorder un mois d'expérimentation à l'intérieur de l'abri, à compter du 15 octobre de cette année. Nous allons renforcer vos cours de leadership et supprimer vos autres classes sans rapport, ou moins importantes.

Doyen Harland Elliot
Président, Membre du conseil d'administration de la formation des superviseurs

Poste de travail de Liam Hornwright


Université Vault-Tec
Thèse : Liam Hornwright



Expérience visant à déterminer la capacité des canidés à former une société autonome. Grossièrement résumée, l'expérience consiste à observer des chiens entraînés à dresser d'autres chiens dans le but de réaliser des tâches généralement exécutées par des êtres humains. J'ai commencé à entraîner Riley, mon schnauzer nain, à ouvrir des portes d'abris, ce qui constitue d'après moi un bon début à cette expérience. Je serais ravi de vous la présenter afin qu'elle effectue une démonstration.

Réponse du tuteur


M. Matthews :

Cette proposition manque de valeur quelle qu'elle soit, et me fait sérieusement remettre en question votre dévouement envers ce projet visant à préserver l'espèce humaine. Veuillez me voir afin que nous puissions discuter d'une proposition sérieuse (si vous parvenez à trouver mon bureau.)

Doyen Harland Elliot
Président, Membre du conseil d'administration de la formation des superviseurs

Terminal de formation à la médecine d'abri

Fichier:FO76 Medical Training Development Terminal.jpg

Note: This desk terminal is located on a metal table in room 102, for medical emergency care.


Vault-Tec UniversityClass Syllabus: Vault Medical Training



A Vault Overseer is responsible for taking on many roles: administrator, adjudicator, spiritual leader, and sometimes, doctor. This course is specifically focused on the latter, teaching students how to diagnose and treat most medical emergencies.

This is a highly-intensive course - completion of the Vault Health & Well-Being course syllabus is required.


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VTU-VMT101 - Introduction to Medical Diagnoses

The first step in tackling a medical issue is through proper diagnosis. This course will instruct students on how to use a Vault's medical equipment and facilities to identify and categorize medical issues.

This intensive, three-month course culminates in a weekend-long residency at the AVR Medical Center in Appalachia where you will assist actual doctors in their diagnoses of emergency room patients.


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VTU-VMT201 - Skin Disorders and You

Is it acne or is it flesh-eating bacterium? There are literally thousands of potential issues that can affect the skin of the typical Vault dweller. This course will teach proper identification techniques and suggested treatments of skin disorders.

The course's final exam will involve a blindfolded "Touch and Taste" test since it's highly possible an Overseer may have to diagnose and administer these treatments in the dark.


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VTU-VMT290 - Limb Replacements: A Primer

Did you know that the second most likely medical hazard in a Vault involves the total loss of a dweller's limb? This course will instruct students on how to properly re-attach severed limbs as well as how to create substitute limbs from household items.

We'll also teach students advanced techniques such as: substituting arms in place of legs, limb donation screening and experimental lab-grown limb technology.


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VTU-VMT402 - Advanced Surgical Techniques

This course will fully certify students to perform complex surgical procedures such as: organ transplants, tumor removal and mutation extractions.

Normally, studying to be a surgical doctor can take as long as eight to ten years. Using Vault-Tec's patented SpeedTeach(tm) system, we'll reduce that study time to only three months.

Important: registering for this course requires all students to purchase a Vault-Tec Malpractice Protection Certificate (Form VT-MPC45071245C/8) which is available in the bursar's office.


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Overseer's log

Fichier:FO76 VTU Overseers Log Terminal Desk.jpg

Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in the overseer's office of the demonstration vault.


Project Lembas
Overseer's Log

10 15 2077


[Overseer's Log: 10-15-2077]

T minus one day until my test run starts! I did the final walkthrough with my advisors before getting locked in. The students will be here tommorow  to test my hypothesis that using a calorically dense food paste of my own formulation is superior to standard supplies, and that my flavoring system will create enough variety so that dwellers won't get bored.

10 16 2077


[Overseer's Log: 10-16-2077]

My dwellers have arrived! After a brief orientation, i've  given them time to adjust to one another, the parameters of the experiment and their respective roles. I plan on giving an address later today.

10 17 2077


[Overseer's Log: 10-17-2077]

We are on full lockdown and everything is running smoothly. Unless I signal to my advisors, we're in this until the time locks release 4 weeks from now. So far, the test is going well and feedback has been positive on the food paste forumlation. 

10 19 2077


[Overseer's Log: 10-19-2077]

The dwellers are eating even less of the experimental formulation than I expected. They report full bellies and satisfactory metabolisms.

10 23 2077


[Overseer's Log: 10-23-2077]

It felt like something happened on the outside today. Almost like an Earthquake,  and we lost power in the vault temporarily. The dwellers were able to quickly restore power via the backup generators. I assume that this is part of a drill, and my people performed admirably.

10 26 2077


[Overseer's Log: 10-26-2077]

A heart attack. Sudden and out of nowhere, one of the maintenence  staff died in the middle of his work day. I'm waiting on the Coroner's report before I make any decisions.

10 27 2077


[Overseer's Log: 10-27-2077]

The Coroner did a full autopsy. It looks like it wasn't a heart attack, but the arterial walls of the heart hardened and cracked. I've ordered a medical review of the control group and members of the test group.

10 28 2077


[Overseer's Log: 10-28-2077]

It's conclusive - my food paste formulation causes arterial plaque buildup. There were no signs of buildup in the control group, so i've  ordered the dewllers  to take stock of the remaining standard issue food to see if we have another week left in us

10 29 2077


[Overseer's Log: 10-29-2077]

More bad news. My food paste was not as popular as I thought; apparently a black market for standard rations cropped up and we have only 2 days for everyone in the vault. I want to try and figure a solution to this problem before I signal my advisors to end the test prematurely. This is my Senior Thesis Experiment and if I fail, I won't be able to operate as a full overseer.

10 31 2077


[Overseer's Log: 10-31-2077]

The dwellers are threatening to revolt if I don't call the experiment. They burned through the rations quicker than we thought and now are getting scared. I'm going to signal my advisor and cancel the test. I can't take the chance that we're going to lose anyone else.

11 01 2077


[Overseer's Log: 11-01-2077]

No response from the outside. The dwellers think that I'm lying to the them  and are threatening to storm my office. I'm not sure if I can hold off a full offensive for 2 full weeks.

11 02 2077


[Overseer's Log: 11-02-2077]

They've breached the outer seal and are at the door to my office. I can hear the drill operating. It'll take them days to get through but I can't take the chance. I don't know why my advisors aren't responding; people are dying here and more are going to die and there's nothing I can do about it. This will be my final entry before I barricade myself in my bedroom in the hopes that I can outlast the timed locks. God willing this is just part of the test. Something tells me it's not.

Vault security

Fichier:FO76 VTU Vault Security Terminal.jpg

Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk inside the overseer's bedroom in the demonstration vault.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

Copy Security Recordings

Note: The following header is conditional.Modèle:Clarify


Copying contents "Vault Reactor Incident" to holotape.

Note: The following header is conditional.Modèle:Clarify


Contents already present on "Vault Reactor Incident" holotape.



The faction divide in the Vault continues to be the number one concern. Head Engineer Brass and Doctor Loris each control a significant portion of the Vault's staff. Their feud threatens to create revolt and panic.

Cracking down seems unwise. Better to let the Overseer resolve matters. A show of leadership would not only calm the conflict, but might unite the Vault under a single authority.

Physical health development terminal

Note: This desk terminal is located on a metal table in room A3, the physical activity lab.


Vault-Tec University
Class Syllabus: Vault Health & Well-Being



One of the primary concerns for a Vault Overseer is the health & well-being of the Vault's population. Through this course, Vault-Tec will instruct you on how to monitor, diagnose and treat various health-related issues that can arise in one of our Vaults. If you have any questions about the entries in this syllabus, please speak to a Vault-Tec University representative.


> Loading...



VTU-HWB101 - Introduction to Dweller Health

This course is designed to introduce the physical aspects of Vault dweller health and survival. The Vault Overseer will learn what makes their dwellers tick, what can potentially go wrong and how to implement health and well-being solutions.

As a bonus, you'll spend a weekend in one of our Test Vaults and experience the effects that recirculated air, recirculated water and mild doses of radiation can have on the human body.


> Loading...



VTU-HWB201 - Introduction to Contaminants

The average Vault contains approximately 673 possible contaminants. This course will introduce the Vault Overseer to what we refer to as the "TTC List," or Top Ten Contaminants List. We'll cover the sources of these contaminants, their effect on the human body and how to treat health issues that will arise from exposure.

Finally, if your Vault has been certified as an Observation Vault, the course will also cover how to introduce these contaminants at low enough levels to gather proper data points without long-term harmful effects.


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VTU-HWB304 - Organic Recycling

All Vaults are designed to be completely self-reliant and are equipped with the proper amount of food and water before they are sealed. In the unlikely event that one of these systems fails, or if said supplies are improperly distributed or lost, the Vault Overseer will have to implement Organic Recycling Procedures.

This course will cover use and maintenance of a Vault's Waste Recycling Systems and how to properly administer food and drink. The highlight of the course is our Week-Long Waste Sprint where students are forced to survive using our sample recycling systems and their own waste.


> Loading...



VTU-HWB410 - Survival Through Cannibalism

This is an advanced study course that deals with the possibility that a Vault can reach "LAFFS Status" (Lack of All Food and Food-Like Sources). When food supplies are completely exhausted, and the Vault's recycling systems are offline, Vault-Tec has given all Overseers permission to use any means necessary to ensure dweller survival. To achieve this goal, cannibalism may become necessary.

This course will cover all aspects of cannibalism, including: moral ramifications, corpse consumption safety and how to make delicious side-dishes using only hair and toenails.


> Loading...

Power terminal

Note: This wall terminal is located on the south wall of the reactor room in the demonstration vault. It is locked and requires Hacker level 1.


VTU Power Resource Terminal

Allocated power to Automated Research Lab

Note: This command is available during the daily quest Heart of the Enemy. Accessing it powers the automated research terminal.


Power.... Diverted.

CUSTOM WARNING: Bryant, the Dean will skin you alive if you're doing this without a slash 10-B. I shit you not.

Maintenance Logs



Simulation vault entrance

Fichier:FO76 VTU VaultEntrance TerminalWall.jpg

Note: There are two of these wall terminals. One is next to the door in the reactor room of the demonstration vault, which leads further into it. The other is in the overseer's office, next to a similar door, which does not have the "security door control" command.


Vault-Tec Corporation
Training and Development Division

Previous Simulation Status


Result: Failure - Total loss of life

Simulation Vault Current Status


Vault has been cleaned by automated systems and is ready for the next simulation.

Upcoming Simulation Status


No plans available. System awaiting setup instructions.

Security Door Control

Note:Accessing this command opens the door to the demonstration vault.

Cette rubrique est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. Votre aide est la bienvenue.

Terminal: Blake, Michael

Fichier:FO76 VTU Blake Michael Terminal.jpg

Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in room 208, the office of Prof. Michael Blake.


Property of Vault Tec University


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WARNING>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WARNING>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Course Syllabus Template



Syllabus for: [Course Number] - [Course Name]
Semester: [Semester] [Year]
Professor: [Name]

               Contact Information
Office: [Location] Office Hours: [Days] [Hours]
Phone: [Phone Number]

Course Description:
     [Short description of the course]

Course Objectives:
     [Descrption  of expected lesson goals]

Materials and Texts:


     [Description of Grading]

Notes to Self


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ERROR>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ERROR>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Horse Creek Petroglyphs


Had a chance to go study the Horse Creek Petroglyphs in person. I've been meaning to do so ever since moving to West Virginia. They have always fascinated me. The idea that Europeans landed in North America and travelled  that far inland during the sixth or seventh century is fascinating. Now, whether it was written in Old Irish Ogham, Basque, or some other ancient language is up for debate.

Personally, I prefer the Basque translation, as it paints a vivid picture of a great bison hunt. But regardless, it's exciting to study and theorize about any petroglyphs in our own back yard.



Jacquelyn brought more of her notes around the other day. Still not sure what to make of those runes. They don't match any of the native petroglyphs in the area, nor do they match any of the old European runes I would have expected. Still, I'm confident I will find a match somewhere, and if not there may be enough to go on to piece together a rough idea of what they say, if anything. I'm beginning to think it may be nonsense, but I am intrigued.



Ever since Vault-Tec bought out the University, they've been shifting focus away from classic education and moving towards more specialized classes. I've seen several other professors get the boot, but thankfully, I seem to have been spared thus far. I should feel lucky that they believe language is a skill worth preserving in the event society collapses and we all need to move underground.

Guidestone Translation


Jacquelyn has instructed me that she would feel safer if I moved the translation key offline. The woman is paranoid, but I don't disagree that it's for good reason. It is because of this that she insists on keeping the original notes with her. She says it's for the best, just in case someone gets to one of us, so none of us have all the pieces. Even Agent Wilson's taking precautions. We could be onto something big here.

Then again... I still maintain the runes are simply ancient petroglyphs left by the indigenous peoples of the region. Jacquelyn believes they may be extraterrestrial in nature, but I'll stick with Occam on this one. The hypothesis with the fewest assumptions is often the correct one.

Vault-Tec mission statement terminal

Fichier:FO76 VTU IntroductionToConcepts Terminal.jpg

Vault-Tec University
Vault-Tec Mission Statement



Vault-Tec University was established in response to the growing threat of nuclear annihilation that's facing our species. We've created a unique environment in which our diverse student population can immerse themselves in all facets of education related to survival in the face of imminent death.

Thanks to our innovative Vault(tm) system, we've developed a way for man to persevere in this cruel and unforgiving atomic world. Vault-Tec University is confident that all graduates from this institution will be one hundred percent ready to Prepare For The Future(tm)!

Our Staff


Vault-Tec University prides itself in our highly-educated and experienced staff. Every one of our professors undergoes a rigorous screening process that not only involves the normal background checks, but they are all required to live within one of our Test Vaults for the duration of their employment.

There's absolutely no substitute for experience, and we believe that this makes our staff uniquely qualified to teach our courses.

Our Facility


Vault-Tec University is a cutting-edge facility that features the latest and greatest innovations from our partners in both the government and private sectors.

Our strategic partnerships provide us access to such normally-restricted technologies as: advanced mainframes, military-grade robotics and compact fusion power systems.

We provide nothing but the best for our students because we believe they will eventually be the future leaders of our world.

Our Promise


When a student graduates from Vault-Tec University, they aren't simply receiving a piece of paper and a handshake. In actuality, they are being handed the keys to the future.

When this planet is inevitably reduced to cinders, and society is on the brink, we guarantee that our graduates will be the only people capable of guiding the survivors through the chaos.

Consider yourself proud when you walk these hallowed halls. As a student of Vault-Tec University you'll become one of the future shepherds of humanity. What you chose  to do with that future is up to you.

Young dweller development terminal

Fichier:FO76 VTU Young Dweller Development Terminal (preWL).jpg
Fichier:FO76 VTU Young Dweller Development Terminal.jpg

Note: This desk terminal is located on a metal table in room 104, for young dweller development.


Vault-Tec University
Class Syllabus: Preteen Vault Dwellers



One of the duties of a Vault Overseer may involve becoming a surrogate parent or dispensing advice to actual parents of young dwellers.

Through this series of courses, Vault-Tec will instruct you on how to deal with one of the most difficult classifications of children, the preteen (10 to 12 years of age). If you have any questions about the entries in this syllabus, please speak to a Vault-Tec University representative.


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VTU-PDM101 - Introduction to Preteen Dweller Maintenance

This course is designed to introduce the mechanics of preteen physiology. The focus will be primarily regarding maintenance and upkeep, including things that can go wrong in the preteen's body.

Students will be instructed how to repair common issues and deal with physiological emergencies. Please note that this course includes laboratory dissection work, so the proper biohazard equipment will be issued after registration is completed.


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VTU-PDM201 - Introduction to Preteen Psychology

Preteens feature the most complex psychology of any age group. This course will equip the Vault Overseer with the proper armament to handle an array of preteen psychological issues that may arise within their Vaults.

Learn how to cope with such issues as: preteen angst, tantrums, outright defiance, whining, laziness and self-motivation. The course will also instruct the Vault Overseer on how to draw up Behavioral Contracts (Form VT-BC0987891A/7) and define consequences for preteens who breach outlined obligations.


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VTU-PDM222 - Puberty in Confined Environments

Many young Vault dwellers will reach the puberty stage during their preteen years. This course will enable the Vault Overseer to understand the changes that are occurring in these budding youths and become their mentor if necessary.

Explanation of physical and psycho-social behavioral changes is covered in the course as well as how to explain these changes to preteen dwellers in a way they'll understand. Also included will be how to properly administer and explain the Vault-Tec Puberty Welcome Kit (or V.T.P.W.K.) which should be presented to all preteen dwellers once they've achieved this growth milestone.


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VTU-PDM401 - Preteens in the Workforce

Although a preteen can range from only 10-13 years of age, they certainly qualify for a variety of jobs in the average Vault. This course is specifically designed to explain the difficulties of various tasks, and which ones are optimal for the preteen dweller.

The course also deals with occupational safety considerations when assigning preteens to tasks involving nuclear, biological or chemical environments.


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Note: This console terminal is located in a hallway in the secret wing of the demonstration vault.


Vault Tec University Proctor System
Aberrant Substance Storage

Current Process


Note to current assistant proctors: DO NOT release substances into the vault unless so directed by the lead proctor. It is imperative that we time our actions with the actions of the current Overseer in Training for maximum emotional impact

Conflicts of Interest



Please let the lead proctor know if you have any pre-existing relationships with any of the test participants. It is our job to apply the procedures impartially and decisively. Hearing our friends in discomfort or pain can be unsettling and may lead to a under-prescribed application of test materials. Similarly it is only human to take pleasure in the pain of an enemy or an ex-lover; as always we endeavor to apply our procedures in an unemotional and scientific fashion.

Current Levels


Container 01: Steam - 75%
Container 02: Flatus - 100%
Container 03: Carbon Monoxide - 100%
Container 04: Raw Sewage - 90%
Container 05: Mentat Infused Water - 73%
Container 06: Stable Strangelets - 18%
Container 07: Blood - 0%


Note: This console terminal is located in the highest section of the entrance area of the secret wing of the University's vault.


Vault Tec University Proctor System
Projected Energy Control

Systemic Limitations



It is important to note that the limiters are in place for a reason - disabling them can lead to a feedback loop that can affect the proctors which could lead to corrupted data.




Please make sure that you hand your Test Ticket Protocol forms to a Processor in a timely fashion so that it gets tracked and scheduled. Remember, our external developers need significant lead time to deliver assets.

Available Fields


Beam 01: Electromagnetic (limit: 23k T)
Beam 02: Doubt Field (limit 18 Anx)
Beam 03: Space-Time Delimiter (limit: 12 hrs)
Beam 04: Interociter (limit: none)
Beam 05: Nitron Beam (limit: Ric 10)
Beam 06: Intelligence De-augmentation (limit: IQ 75)