

Documentation du modèle (pour le modèle ci-dessus, parfois caché ou invisible)

Template for displaying an image-based (star) rating system. Supports scales with up to 10 images (and half-steps).

Usage modifier


Parameters modifier

(default: "0")
<unnamed 1>

The actual rating. For example, for a rating of 3 on a scale of 6, this would be "3". Any number with decimal places will result in a "half" rating being displayed. Cannot exceed <unnamed 2.

(default: "5")
<unnamed 2>

The rating scale. For example, for a rating of 3 on a scale of 6, this would be "6". Cannot exceed 10.

(default: "Icon optional.png")
icon empty

Name of icon (without "File:" prefix) which represents the equivalent of a "half" star.

(default: "Icon required.png")
icon full

Name of icon (without "File:" prefix) which represents the equivalent of a full star.

icon half

Name of icon (without "File:" prefix) which represents the equivalent of an empty star.

(default: "14x14px")
icon size

Determines size of icons.

(default: "<unnamed 1>/<unnamed 2>")

Tooltip which should be displayed when hovering over the icons.

Examples modifier


results in: 3


results in: 2


results in: 6.5

Source modifier

  • Le modèle et sa page de documentation sont issus du Wikipédia The Vault. Vous pouvez les retrouver en suivant ce lien.
Documentation transclues de Modèle:Rating/doc.