Mise à jour de Fallout 76

Cette mise à jour est sorti le 30 octobre 2018 durant la B.E.T.A de Fallout 76, le patch note n'a pas été traduit en français officiellement.

Our latest B.E.T.A. patch brings performance and stability improvements, additional enemy balance changes, and many bug fixes to Fallout 76. Read on for details about everything that’s coming to the game with today’s patch.

Additionally, we’d love to hear about your experiences with Fallout 76 as you participate in B.E.T.A. testing. You can share your feedback with us directly using the official Fallout 76 B.E.T.A. forums.


  • Xbox:
  • PS4:
  • PC:

GENERAL modifier

  • Stability: The Fallout 76 game client and servers have received significant stability improvements.
  • Performance: Several issues have been addressed to resolve hitches during gameplay and other performance issues.


Many mid and high-level enemies have received additional balance adjustments. Some notable changes include:

  • Scorched: Health and Damage Resistance have been increased for mid- and high-level Scorched.
  • Super Mutants: Health and Damage Resistance have been slightly decreased for mid- and high-level Super Mutants.
  • Melee Damage: Melee damage has been increased across many mid- and high-level enemies, particularly Mirelurks and Mirelurk Hunters.


  • Crafting: Material requirements to craft Throwing Knives and Tomahawks have been increased. Additionally, Throwing Knives and Tomahawks can no longer be sold to vendors.

QUESTS modifier

  • Event Quests: The time required to restart a previously completed Event Quest has been increased from 45 minutes to 1 hour and 12 minutes.

BUG FIXES modifier


  • Enemies: Fixed an issue that could cause enemies to stop playing animations and instead enter a default “T-Pose”.
  • Graphics: Fixed an issue that could cause artifacting to display on the character’s hands and weapons while inside the Whitespring and playing in first-person.
  • Graphics [Xbox]: Fixed an issue causing the game world to appear darker than intended on Xbox.
  • Water: Water no longer flickers or flashes white in building interiors.
  • Workbenches [PS4]: Item previews no longer exhibit visual issues while attempting to modify weapons at Workbenches.
  • Workshops: Powered objects placed at Workshops will now correctly play animations and sound effects.

AUDIO modifier

  • Voice Chat: Changing Xbox Live Communication and Multiplayer settings to “Friends” now correctly limits in-game voice chat to Xbox Live friends.
  • Voice Chat: Selecting “Play with Team” from the Main Menu no longer causes voice chat to stop functioning for non-leader teammates.


  • Workshops: Successfully defending a Workshop no longer awards more Aid items than intended.

QUESTS modifier

  • I Am Become Death: Launching a Nuke will now complete the “I Am Become Death” Quest for all teammates.
  • Rewards: Completing the “First Contact” and “Thirst Thing’s First” quests no longer award more Aid items than intended.


  • Languages: Improvements have been made to better support text display across several languages, including: Japanese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.
  • Languages: Blueprints now accept names that utilize Japanese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese characters.
  • Languages: Running Fallout 76 with language options set to Traditional or Simplified Chinese no longer causes the game to launch in English.
  • Login [PC]: Fixed an issue that could prevent players from logging into Fallout 76 on PC.
  • Resolution [PC]: Adjusting Windows Display Scaling settings no longer causes the game to launch in lower or higher resolutions than expected.
  • Map: Map markers no longer disappear when attempting to respawn after dying while overencumbered and possessing no Caps.
  • Settings [PC]: The Lighting Quality setting can now correctly be changed to High.
  • Social: Players will no longer encounter a “Failed to reconnect to team.” error message at the Main Menu screen.
  • Social: Fixed an issue that could prevent players from seeing one another in the Social Menu after adding each other as friends.
  • Trading: Attempting to trade with a player who is entering Power Armor no longer causes the game client to become unresponsive.