Équinoxe de l'homme-phalène

Équinoxe de l'homme-phalène est un événement public saisonnier de Fallout 76 introduit dans la mise à jour majeure Nuit de la Phalène.

Équinoxe de l'homme-phalène
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Cette rubrique est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. Votre aide est la bienvenue.


Niveau 1

Récompenses de niveau 1
GoodyBag Large (1, 100 %)
Objets d'aide (50 %)
Grenades et mines (50 %)
Récompenses par défaut (1, 100 %)

Niveau 2

Récompenses de niveau 2
GoodyBag Large (1, 100 %)
Objets d'aide (50 %)
Grenades et mines (50 %)
Récompenses par défaut (1, 100 %)

Niveau 3

Récompenses de niveau 3
GoodyBag Large (1, 100 %)
Objets d'aide (50 %)
Grenades et mines (50 %)
Récompenses par défaut (1, 100 %)

Entrées du entrée

Encore non traduit sur le PTS.
ÉtapeStatutDescriptionEntrée du journal
1Speak to Interpreter Clarence (10m)I've been called to Point Pleasant to participate in the Mothman Equinox. I should speak with Interpreter Clarence to begin.
?Destroy the vines of containment around each Pyre (0/3)In order to begin the ritual of the Mothman Equinox, I must help destroy all of the vines surrounding the ritual pyres in Point Pleasant. I will then be given a task by one of the Observers attending to the pyre.
?* Kill Cultist Prophets (0/6)
  • Collect and deposit Albino Radstag Blood in blood troughs (0/15)
  • Destroy Totems of Warding (0/10)
The vines have all been destroyed, and the Observers have given their instructions. I am to gather albino Radstag blood, hunt down and kill Cultist Prophets, and destroy totems found along the rooftops.
?Light pyres (0/3)All of the pyres must be lit before the ritual of the Mothman Equinox can begin.
?Defend the Ritual PyresThe sky has changed and I feel very odd. However, I am compelled to fight and defend the ritual's pyres from twisted visions of cultists. I must protect the pyres if I hope to receive enlightenment.
?Perform merriment atop the Mothman Museum (0/30)The pyres are safe, but we must return to the roof ot the Mothman Museum to welcome the Wise Mothman. I must dance, sing, or perform any sort of emotion to call him to us.
? The ritual of the Mothman Equinox has been a success. The Wise Mothman has arrived. I must commune with him to get a glimpse of his wisdom.