Module:Infobox/Arme gamebryo

Documentation du module

Ce module contient le paramétrage de l'infobox {{Infobox arme gamebryo}}.

Documentation transclues de Module:Infobox/Arme gamebryo/doc.
local localdata = require( 'Module:Infobox/Localdata' )
local icon = require( 'Module:Icône' )

-----             Fonctions communes               -----

-- Récupère un paramètre en forçant à 0
-- si nil ou n'est pas nombre
function forceNumber(data)
	if not data or type(data) ~= 'number' then
		return 0
	return data

function formatData(data, round)
--	local formattedData
--	if data and data > 0 then
--		formattedData = string.format(round, data)
--	end
	return string.format(round or "%.1f", data)

-----              Calcul des dégâts               -----

-- Type d'arme
local weaponCompletType = localdata["type"] or ""
local weaponType = weaponCompletType:gsub(" unique", "")
local isUnique = weaponCompletType:find(' unique')

-- Dégâts
local attacksPerSec = forceNumber(localdata["attack shots/sec"])

-- Augmentation des dégâts via les aptitudes
-- Les aptitudes agissent comme un coefficient multiplicateur
local perksAttacksPerSec = 0

for i = 1, 9 do
    local perkAttsecMult = forceNumber(localdata["perk" .. i .. " attsec mult"])
    if perkAttsecMult > 0 then
        perksAttacksPerSec = perksAttacksPerSec + (attacksPerSec * perkAttsecMult)

local perksAttacksPerSecTotal = attacksPerSec + perksAttacksPerSec

-- Multiplicateur de critique
local critChance = forceNumber(localdata["crit % mult"])

local critChanceModified = 0
if weaponType == 'gunautomatic' and perksAttacksPerSecTotal > 0 then
    critChanceModified = critChance / perksAttacksPerSecTotal

-- Nombre de projectiles
local proj = 1
if weaponType == "gun" or weaponType == "gunautomatic" or weaponType == "gunhandload" then
    proj = forceNumber(localdata["projectiles"])
    if proj == 0 then proj = 1 end

local clipRounds = forceNumber(localdata["clip rounds"])
local ammoUse = forceNumber(localdata["ammo use"])

local shotsPerReload = 0
if ammoUse > 0 then
    shotsPerReload = math.floor(clipRounds / ammoUse)

-- Durée de rechargement
local reloadTime = 0
if weaponType == "gun" or weaponType == "gunautomatic" or weaponType == "gunhandload" then
    reloadTime = forceNumber(localdata["reload time"])

-- Durée de rechargement en prenant en compte les aptitudes
local perksReloadTime = 0

for i = 1, 9 do
    local perkReloadTime = localdata["perk" .. i .. " reload mult"]
    if perkReloadTime and type(perkReloadTime) == "number" then
        perksReloadTime = perksReloadTime + (reloadTime * perkReloadTime)

local perksReloadTimeTotal = reloadTime - perksReloadTime

-- Dégâts par type (simple, explosif, poison)

local damNormTotal = forceNumber(localdata["damage"])
local damNormProj = damNormTotal / proj

local damEffProj = forceNumber(localdata["effect damage"])
local damEffTotal = damEffProj * proj

local damExplProj = forceNumber(localdata["explosion damage"])
local damExplTotal = damExplProj * proj

local perksDamNorm = 0

for i = 1, 9 do
    local perkDamNormMult = localdata["perk" .. i .. " mult"] or 0
    local perkDamNormAdd  = localdata["perk" .. i .. " add"] or 0
    if type(perkDamNormMult) == "number" and type(perkDamNormAdd) == "number" then
        perksDamNorm = perksDamNorm + (damNormTotal * perkDamNormMult) + perkDamNormAdd

local perksDamNormProj = perksDamNorm / proj
local perksDamNormTotal = damNormTotal + perksDamNorm
local perksDamNormProjTotal = damNormProj + perksDamNormProj

local perksDamEff = 0

for i = 1, 9 do
    local perkDamEffMult = localdata["perk" .. i .. " eff mult"] or 0
    local perkDamEffAdd  = localdata["perk" .. i .. " eff add"] or 0
    if type(perkDamEffMult) == "number" and type(perkDamEffAdd) == "number" then
        perksDamEff = perksDamEff + (damEffProj * perkDamEffMult) + perkDamEffAdd

local perksDamEffProj = perksDamEff / proj
local perksDamEffTotal = damEffTotal + perksDamEff
local perksDamEffProjTotal = damEffProj + perksDamEffProj

local perksDamExpl = 0

for i = 1, 9 do
    local perkDamExplMult = localdata["perk" .. i .. " eff mult"] or 0
    local perkDamExplAdd  = localdata["perk" .. i .. " eff add"] or 0
    if type(perkDamExplMult) == "number" and type(perkDamExplAdd) == "number" then
        perksDamExpl = perksDamExpl + (damExplTotal * perkDamExplMult) + perkDamExplAdd

local perksDamExplProj = perksDamExpl / proj
local perksDamExplTotal = damExplTotal + perksDamExpl
local perksDamExplProjTotal = damExplTotal + perksDamExplProj

-- Calcul du DPS
local DPS = (damNormTotal + damExplTotal) * attacksPerSec
local DPSPerks = (perksDamNormTotal + perksDamExplTotal) * perksAttacksPerSecTotal

-- Calcul du DPS en prenant en compte la durée de rechargement
local DPSReload = 0
local DPSReloadPerks = 0

local coeff = 1
if weaponType == "gunhandload" then
    coeff = shotsPerReload

if shotsPerReload > 0 then
    if attacksPerSec > 0 then
        DPSReload = ((damNormTotal + damExplTotal) * shotsPerReload) /
            ((shotsPerReload / attacksPerSec) + reloadTime * coef)
    if perksAttacksPerSecTotal > 0 then
        DPSReloadPerks = ((perksDamNormTotal + perksDamExplTotal) * shotsPerReload) /
            ((shotsPerReload / perksAttacksPerSecTotal) + perksReloadTimeTotal * coef)

-----            Formatage des données             -----

local damagePerAttackCell = formatData(damNormTotal)
if perksDamNormTotal > 0 then damagePerAttackCell = damagePerAttackCell .. ' (' .. formatData(perksDamNormTotal) .. ')' end
if damExplTotal > 0 then
    damagePerAttackCell = damagePerAttackCell .. ' + ' .. formatData(damExplTotal)
    if perksDamExplTotal > 0 then damagePerAttackCell = damagePerAttackCell .. ' (' .. formatData(perksDamExplTotal) .. ')' end
    damagePerAttackCell = damagePerAttackCell .. ' ' ..{ 'explosion' })

if damEffTotal > 0 then
    local effectDuration = localdata["effect duration"] or "1"
    damagePerAttackCell = damagePerAttackCell .. ' + ' .. formatData(damEffTotal)
    if perksDamEffTotal > 0 then damagePerAttackCell = damagePerAttackCell .. ' (' .. formatData(perksDamEffTotal) .. ')' end
    damagePerAttackCell = damagePerAttackCell .. ' sur ' .. effectDuration .. ' s ' ..{ 'effet' })

local damagePerProjCell = formatData(damNormProj)
if perksDamNormProj > 0 then damagePerProjCell = damagePerProjCell .. ' (' .. formatData(perksDamNormProj) .. ')' end
if damExplProj > 0 then
    damagePerProjCell = damagePerProjCell .. ' + ' .. formatData(damExplProj)
    if perksDamExplProjTotal > 0 then damagePerProjCell = damagePerProjCell .. ' (' .. formatData(perksDamExplProjTotal) .. ')' end
    damagePerProjCell = damagePerProjCell .. ' ' ..{ 'explosion' })

if damEffProj > 0 then
    local effectDuration = localdata["effect duration"] or "1"
    damagePerProjCell = damagePerProjCell .. ' + ' .. formatData(damEffProj)
    if perksDamEffProjTotal > 0 then damagePerProjCell = damagePerProjCell .. ' (' .. formatData(perksDamEffProjTotal) .. ')' end
    damagePerProjCell = damagePerProjCell .. ' sur ' .. effectDuration .. ' s ' ..{ 'effet' })

local dpsCell = formatData(DPS)
if DPSPerks > 0 then dpsCell = dpsCell .. ' ('.. formatData(DPSPerks) .. ')' end
if damEffTotal > 0 then
    dpsCell = dpsCell .. ' + ' .. formatData(damEffTotal)
    if perksDamEffTotal > 0 then dpsCell = dpsCell .. ' (' .. perksDamEffTotal .. ')' end
    dpsCell = dpsCell .. ' ' ..{ 'effet' })

local dpsReloadCell = formatData(DPSReload)
if DPSReloadPerks > 0 then dpsReloadCell = dpsReloadCell .. ' ('.. formatData(DPSReloadPerks) .. ')' end
if damEffTotal > 0 then
    dpsReloadCell = dpsReloadCell .. ' + ' .. formatData(damEffTotal)
    if perksDamEffTotal > 0 then dpsReloadCell = dpsReloadCell .. ' (' .. formatData(perksDamEffTotal) .. ')' end
    dpsReloadCell = dpsReloadCell .. ' ' ..{ 'effet' })

local critMultCell = critChance
if critChanceModified > 0 then critMultCell = critChanceModified end
critMultCell = 'x ' .. formatData(critMultCell, "%.2f")

local attackPerSecondCell = formatData(attacksPerSec)
if perksAttacksPerSecTotal > 0 then attackPerSecondCell = attackPerSecondCell .. ' (' .. formatData(perksAttacksPerSecTotal) .. ')' end

local reloadTimeCell = formatData(reloadTime)
if perksReloadTimeTotal > 0 then reloadTimeCell = reloadTimeCell .. ' (' .. formatData(perksReloadTimeTotal) .. ')' end

-----          Construction de l'infobox           -----

return {
	parts = {
		{ type = 'title', value = 'nom', subtitle = 'sous-titre', icon = 'icône', subhead = { games = 'jeux', subject = 'Arme', link = 'Armes' }},
		{ type = 'images', imageparameters = { 'image', 'image2', 'image3', 'image4', 'image5' }, captionparameter = { 'légende', 'image desc' }},
		{ type = 'table', title = 'Statistiques de combat', collapseparameters = { collapsible = true, collapsed = true }, rows = {
	        { type = 'row', label = 'Dégâts par attaque', value = function() return damagePerAttackCell end },
	        { type = 'row', label = 'Dégâts par projectile', value = function() return damagePerProjCell end },
	        { type = 'row', label = 'Dégâts par seconde', value = function() return dpsCell end },
	        { type = 'row', label = 'Dégâts par seconde (avec rechargement)', value = function() return dpsReloadCell end },
	        { type = 'row', label = 'Dégâts critiques', value = 'crit dmg' },
	        { type = 'row', label = 'Multiplicateur de critique', value = function() return critMultCell end },
	        { type = 'row', label = 'Attaques par seconde', value = function() return attackPerSecondCell end },
	        { type = 'row', label = 'Points d\'action', value = 'ap' },
	        { type = 'row', label = 'Projectiles', value = 'projectiles' },
	        { type = 'row', label = 'Dispersion', value = 'min spread' },
	        { type = 'row', label = 'Effet', value = 'other effect' },
	        { type = 'row', label = 'Effet critique', value = 'crit effect' }
	    { type = 'table', title = 'Munitions et rechargement', collapseparameters = { collapsible = true, collapsed = true }, rows = {
	        { type = 'row', label = 'Type de munitions', value = 'ammo' },
	        { type = 'row', label = 'Projectiles par tir', value = 'ammo use' },
	        { type = 'row', label = 'Tirs par magasin', function() return formatData(shotsPerReload) end },
	        { type = 'row', label = 'Capacité', value = 'clip rounds' },
	        { type = 'row', label = 'Durée de rechargement', value = function() return reloadTimeCell end }
		{ type = 'table', title = 'Effets des aptitudes', rows = {
			-- TODO
		{ type = 'table', title = 'Autres propriétés', rows = {
			{ type = 'row', label = 'Poids', value = 'poids' },
			{ type = 'row', label = 'Valeur', value = 'valeur' },
			{ type = 'row', label = 'Points de vie', 'hp' },
			{ type = 'row', label = 'Réparation', value = 'repair' },
			{ type = 'row', label = 'Quêtes', value = 'quêtes' }
		{ type = 'table', title = 'Technique', collapseparameters = { collapsible = true, collapsed = true }, rows = {
			{ type = 'row', label = '[[Form ID|Base ID]]', value = 'baseid' },
			{ type = 'row', label = 'Editor ID', value = 'editorid' }
		{ type = 'text', value = 'pied' }